SUMMARY OF KAP SURVEY (Knowledge Attitudes – Practice) run by Triangle from January to March 2007 ● This KAP report draws up the “ asis” situation of domestic and personal hygiene in Saharawi Camps at the beginning of 2007 and presents a series of priority and secondary recommendations to improve the daily environment of the population and help prevent hygienerelated infectious and parasitic diseases (ophthalmic, cutaneous, diarrhoeal et gynaecological illnesses). ● The following areas were covered: diseases, vectors, water in homes, food hygiene, excreta, sanitary environment (household garbage, upkeep of habitat, livestock and domestic animals, sewage), personal hygiene (body, feminine hygiene, Triangle’s hygiene kits, clothing) and awareness programmes. ● The survey was performed on request of the European Commission’s Humanitarian Department (ECHO) aiming to improve its strategy for the Camps and increase the impact of hygiene and preventionrelated actions. ● Objectives: Identify priority actions that meet the environmental, social, sanitary, economic and political context, respect Saharawi culture and traditions, and respond to the needs expressed by the population and Saharawi authorities; Provide a reference document for actors working in the area to help them justify, define, implement and/or consolidate programmes in the area of hygiene. ● The approved ...