Programme National Environnement CôtierNew Caledonia Pilot Site ProgrammeAbstract presentation1999-2002 activitiesObjectivesThe aim of the New Caledonia pilot site programme is to assess how human activities affectthe transport and transformation of terrigeneous and anthropogenic inputs and the structureand functioning of marine organisms and populations. The high island coral reef lagoonstudied is an original ecosystem with some significant specificity in its geomorphology,environmental conditions, trophic status or ecosystem composition (Labrosse et al., 2000).The programme is organised according to 5 combined research actions.• Action 1 « Circulation and transport of terrigeneous and anthropogenic inputs » focus onthe study of the physico-chemical environment by characterising and modelling watercurrents, the subsequent distribution of water chemistry and particle transport anddeposition.• Action 2 « Biogeochemical functioning of the lagoon system » focus on interactionsbetween the non living environment and planktonic and benthic populations on the basisof biogeochemical and geochemical approaches.• Action 3 « Transfer of metals through the trophic food chain » prolongs the metalgeochemistry work from the 2 previous actions by assessing how metals are incorporatedin the benthic biota.• Action 4 « Variations in growth of lagoon organisms » assess how human activities andassociated environmental alteration affect the growth of fishes and ...