Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 63/Friday, April 2, 2010/Notices 16747 hours at NMFS’ Southwest Region marine mammal permit application Commerce, and adhered to the terms of Office. procedures and permit requirements to financial assistance awards funded form the basis of one or more under the CZMA. Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq. alternatives to be evaluated in an EA for The National Estuarine Research Dated: March 30, 2010. a Proposed Rule. The internal scoping Reserve evaluation will be conducted Eric C. Schwaab, summary document for public review is pursuant to sections 312 and 315 of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, available at: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ CZMA and regulations at 15 CFR part National Marine Fisheries Service. pr/permits/mmpalregulations.htm. 921, subpart F and part 923, subpart L. [FR Doc. 2010–7493 Filed 4–1–10; 8:45 am] NMFS will consider all comments Evaluation of a National Estuarine BILLING CODE 3510–22–S received during the comment period. Research Reserve requires findings All hardcopy submissions must be concerning the extent to which a state 1unbound, on paper no larger than 8 ⁄2 by has met the national objectives, adhered DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 11 inches (216 by 279 mm), and suitable to its Reserve final management plan for copying and electronic scanning. approved by the Secretary of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric NMFS requests that you include in your and adhered to the terms of financial ...
Federal Register 75, No. 63/ Vol. April 2, 2010 / Friday, / Notices
hours at NMFS’ Southwest Region marine mammal permit application Commerce,and adhered to the terms of Office. procedures and permit requirements to financial assistance awards funded Authority:16 U.S.C. 1531et seq. the CZMA. underform the basis of one or more Dated: March 30, 2010.NheTlnaioattbllrlecaoneitieovatswoitnbcudndetaeAERensreoafrEPstauaorpionreevveeauavuallhdctResaeirnelasetnrgnocipRulesedein.Th Eric C. Schwaab, summary document for public review is pursuant to sections 312 and 315 of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,t:htt //www.nm National Marine Fisheries Service.apvr/aiplearbmleitapamms/p:legrgh.mtnoi.ssfn.lauatoa.ov/sbuaptrL.aFpndtar3,92tra,129bustrapatulegrndaMACZpRFC51tasnoi [FR Doc. 2010–7493 Filed 4–1–10; 8:45 am]NMFS will consider all comments Evaluation of a National Estuarine BILLING CODE 3510–22–S Researchreceived during the comment period. Reserve requires findings All hardcopy submissions must be concerningthe extent to which a state unbound, on paper no larger than 81∕2 met the national objectives, adheredby has DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 11 inches (216 by 279 mm), and suitable to its Reserve final management plan National Oceanic and Atmospheric by the Secretary of Commerce, approvedfor copying and electronic scanning. AdministrationnaheredadthedtooMNsSmFrretqecnaniffastiayslouiaiuaesctesantshtacwdrruosyufndindeeduuldcnneorutYh1e)(s:ntmeomdderdnaemaranss;RIN 0648–XU93 CZMA.and (2) Any background documents to ou fe Notice of Intent to Prepare anyssecenleomcuryoas,ntmerotusppEacvwelhiaulleabnmoidtaliewisnalrudclaetesi Environmental Assessment for aiderconsit,visilcpbunfotaoi,tsenmmcoertnrcieiveocwrucnlaaieblrfobly.AdraftEA Proposed Rule to Revise MarinedesoporpfoeoticannofatiolbcihupwticodanhtiwsnoitatlusntedFedeintereset,nadar,lSpautcienaescaloagvladn Mammal Special Exception Permit of the public. A publicrulemaking. members RequirementsDated: March 29, 2010.meeting will be held as part of the site AGENCY:National Marine FisheriesP. Michael Payne,hetvisitiuaioncosmW.tnehehtlavelaceanoticeinORCMiwllpFpeledteerda,lService (NMFS), National Oceanic andChief, Permits, Conservation and EducationRegisterannouncing the availability of Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),Division, Office of Protected Resources, Commerce.National Marine Fisheries Service.laEFnitehiechs.sgitoNFininndluvaioatsfhteisetevadseittoienofthrebygiv ACTION:Notice of Intent to prepare[FR Doc. 2010–7492 Filed 4–1–10; 8:45 am]e Environmental Assessment; extension ofBILLING CODE 3510–22–Sofitnoolacnadicpublthehtdadesnoina,til,me,tecaloofrhtevaluatelisted comment period. meetings during the site visits. SUMMARY:On March 10, 2010, NMFSDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEDates and Times:The Louisiana announced its intent to prepare an Coastal Management Program Environmental Assessment (EA) toNational Oceanic and Atmospheric1020,14pueOn.eemcilbliwgnitevisitwillsitehdlbe1–0Myaveaulanoitblanalyze the potential environmentalntrisioatAindm ublick. T e impacts of a proposed rule to revise federal regulations implementing theiittnnooloafsvnEaldaaaNuaPsrtoaglrMaamnSatgaetmeenCtolleaLaShteatm.p.0:36at,1002,01yaM,yadnldonMollbehetenigiwempheheteewuddgnirleh Section 104 permit provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection ActEstuarine Research ReservesBuilding (Capitol Complex), Griffon (MMPA) with written comments due byAGENCY:National Oceanic and 1st Floor, 617 North 3rd Street, Room, May 10, 2010. NMFS has decided to allowadditionaltimeforsubmissionofAOtffmicoesopfheOrciecaAndamnidniCsotraasttiaolnR(eNsoOuArcAe),NBaaTttiohnenRaGloreEuasgtteu,BaLaryoiun(ieNsieRaewnsaeH.aarcmhpsRheisreer)vepublic comments on this action. Management, National Ocean Service, o DATES:Oenpbu,1210.0ionCgmmwilll.icrmeeeetcebionluatevalliwtisivetis–217yMadelhbeThepilbuoccnemmeptodriorfthis action has been extended by 30ACTION:Notice of intent to evaluate and days.Writtencommentsmustbenoticeofavailabilityoffinalfindings.hmeeledtidnugriwnigllthbeehweeledk.onThWeepdunbeliscday,received or postmarked by June 10,SUMMARY MayThe NOAA Office of Oce19, 2010, at 7 p.m. at the Great Bay 2010.:anNtaoianlsEutraeinseRecharesRevre, ADDRESSES: Coastal Resource Management andWritten comments should bemailedto:P.MichaelPayne,Chief,t(hOeCpReMrf)oranmnaonucencoefstihtesiLnotueinstiatonaevaluateCHHeaungmtheprs,Ghr8ie9geg.DeCpooatstRaloaCdo,nGsreerveantliaonnd,NewPermits, Conservation and Education Division,OfficeofProtectedResources,GCroeaasttaBlaMya(nNaegwemHeanmtpPsrhoigrrea)mNaatnidonthaleADDRESSErS:Copies of states’ most recent National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-WestHighway,Room13705,SilverEZsotnueariMnaenRageesemaerncthPRreosgerravme.eTvhaleuCatoiaosntalpeveraflouramtiaonncneorteifpiocrattsi,oansawnedllasOCRM’sSpring, MD 20910–3226. Comments will be conducted pursuant to section supplemental information request may also be submitted by facsimile to (301) 713–0376 and confirmed by hard 312 of the Coastal Zone Management letters to the state, are available upon copy,orbyemailtorAecgtuloafti1o9n7s2,atas15amCeFnRdpeadr(tC9Z23M,As)ubapnadrtfrreoqmueisnttferroesmteOdCpRarMti.esWrrietgtaerndicongmtmhiesntsmmpermitregs.comments@noaa.gov. L. The CZMA requires continuing Program are encouraged and will be Please include‘‘Permit Regulations NOI’’ until 15 days after the public acceptedreview of the performance of states with in the subject line of the email. respect to coastal program meeting. Please direct written comments FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Evaluation of a Coastali lementation. AmySloanorJenniferSkidmore,(301)MmapnagementProgramrequiresfindingstaondKaEtvealBuaartbiao,nCDhiivefi,siNoant,ioOnffailcePoolficy713–2289. concerningthe extent to which a state Ocean and Coastal Resource SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NOS/NOAA, 1305 East-NMFS has has met the national objectives, adhered Management, developed proposed revisions, to its Coastal Management Program West Highway, 10th Floor, N/ORM7, additions, and restructuring of NMFS document approved by the Secretary of Silver Spring, Maryland 20910.