EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENTOn March 5, 2003, at a regularly scheduled public meeting, the Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ or Commission) approved Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) GeneralPermit Number TXR150000. The general permit authorizes the discharges of storm water associated withconstruction activities and certain nonstorm water discharges from construction sites. After consideringall public comment and the responses to such comment, the commission, by resolution, issued the revisedgeneral permit as recommended by the executive director and adopted the executive director's Responseto Public Comment (Response). This notice is issued in accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code(TAC) §205.3(e)(4).The executive director (ED) of the commission files this Response on proposed TPDES general permitNo. TXR150000. As required by Texas Water Code (TWC), §26.040(d) and 30 TAC §205.3(c), before ageneral permit may be issued, the ED shall prepare a response to all timely, relevant, and material, orsignificant comments. The response shall be made available to the public and filed with the Office of theChief Clerk at least ten days before the commission considers the approval of the general permit. Thisresponse addresses all received public comments in a timely manner, whether or not withdrawn. TheOffice of the Chief Clerk received comment letters from the following persons: Association of ...