Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale; Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period on Marine Mammal Protection








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Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 223/Friday, November 19, 2010/Notices 70903 this notice in accordance with 19 CFR ADDRESSES: A copy of the petition may Background 351.224(b). be requested from Chief, Marine The MMPA provides for interested This notice also serves as a reminder Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation parties to submit a petition to designate to parties subject to administrative Division, Office of Protected Resources, a population stock of marine mammals protective orders (APO) of their National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 as depleted. Section 115(a)(3) of the responsibility concerning the East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1383b(a)(3)) requires disposition of proprietary information 20910. disclosed under APO in accordance NMFS to publish a notice in the Federal You may submit comments, identified with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely Register that such a petition has been by 0648–XA018, by any one of the written notification of the return/ received and is available for public following methods: disposition of APO materials or review. Within 60 days of receiving a • Electronic Submissions: Submit all conversion to judicial protective order is petition, NMFS must publish a finding electronic public comments via the hereby requested. Failure to comply in the Federal Register as to whether Federal eRulemaking Portal with the regulations and the terms of an the petition presents substantial http://www.regulations.gov. APO is a ...
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Federal Register 75, No. 223/ Vol. November 19, 2010 / Friday, / Notices
this notice in accordance with 19 CFRADDRESSES:A copy of the petition mayBackground 351.224(b). be requested from Chief, Marine The MMPA provides for interested This notice also serves as a reminder Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation to parties subject to administrative Division, Office of Protected Resources, partipeus ltaot isounb smtitc ka  opfe timtiaorinn teo  mdaesmigmnaaltse  protective orders (APO) of their National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 a po o responsibility concerning the East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD aMs MdePpAl e(t1e6d .U S.Se.cCti. o1n3 18135b((aa))((33)) ) orfe tqhuei res disposition of proprietary information 20910. disclosed under APO in accordance You may submit comments, identified NMFS to publish a notice in theFederal with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely b 0648 written notification of the return/ foyl lowingX mAe0t1h8o, dbsy:  any one of the rReecgeiisvteedr pur icblbllafoe  andavai is sab noh ee nh uc sattitipea ht disposition of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order is electErloencitcr opnuibcliScucbommismsieonntss:  tetioi,nivgna p of recei60 days tiW  nSiuhvbemrit .awleli a vi eht gnidnif a hsliub pstmuS MF N hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the terms of an Fhtetdpe:r//alwewRwu.lreegmualkaitinognPs.ogrotav ehnip tl tethe Fiteidoenrpalr eRseegnitsst esru ehht rloeatwi  ta sstanb APO is a sanctionable violation.. We are issuing and publishing this MariFnaex :M 370 A6,013137ffeni ,tnto:intCa mirhola taincdn dS eiatthagm miant ehp t eetlitoriueTn  adaction may be wanarr.det determination in accordance with section 751(a)(1) and 777(i) of the Act. Conservation Division. On November 9, 2010, NMFS Dated: November 12, 2010.Mail: a nshedublipiccegfnioOnfnu enatoci pteiec r ,aMihfeCand mal  Mamrine Ronald K. Lorentzen,eR detce,secruos, otPrf  oopie an vfr taoisnoiDivnTguirsteSde ao to nnseoliet iCtEastern ate the icif copoNtr haPf   oaygrlapuonti Nationaalh wM a rsienle Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West (Eschrichtius robustus) as a depleted Administration. Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. stock under the Marine Mammal Appendix—Comments in DecisionInstructions:No comments will be Protection Act (MMPA) and solicited Memo comments on the petition (75 FRposted for public viewing until after the Comment 1: Clerical Errorhe  atTh. 6)7568tsenmmcoveeie c rM FaS earna  Nd bfeog trap. edl Als haosclrep  doimoctnemF1e5d-edraayl  pRuebgilisct ecronm eom ticnet Comment 2: Kolon’s Profit Ratiost Comment 3: G&A Expense Ratio (Gain on periodpublic record and will generally be ending on November 24, 2010. Sale of Land)posted toulations.gov th/:ptwww/ger.NMFS received the petition on October Comment 4: G&A Expense Ratio (Calculation muswithout change. All Personal Identifying u of the Denominator)el ,axpmroe  nf(, namealetn  oidioatrmfoInp tereherofs isblith 0, and t21, 201 Comment 5: U.S. Indirect Selling Expensess Comment 6: Domestic Inland Freights SFMN .0102 ,02ce,r eeyd rtelsenqaudseubgnf niber eceman Dr thet ram y eocmmnec6l0y ay-dbe publiatnuylir).ctlov  bedthy ub sttmiived a Comment 7: Offsetting of Negative Marginsaccessible. Do not submit Confidential [FR Doc. 2010–29271 Filed 11–18–10; 8:45 am] Business Information or otherwise rGerqauy esWt hbayl et hCeo paleittiitionteor se, xttheen Cd atlhifeo rnia BILLING CODE 3510–DS–Penri opfentt mde t1obcyed  riroptv es yoasdi t5isen oon, up nc. imooaltbrcmi NMFS will accept anonymous DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEiaer erap pnd as,alritema lanoitidda elipitoenr,  Nc/oAm hien  ptehtei trerivwoectm mnietsetm(t  n eoi oyiitfl  wnoauehs tiisd dr taodieutqser adpe rlneii fee r,sedtdivorp em n National Oceanic and Atmosphericanonymous). You may submit Administration  for submission to the agency. commentsattachments to electronic comments in Microsoft Word, Excel, WordPerfect, or rSeiqnucee stths etno , eNxtMenFdS  thhaes  preucbeliicv ecdo omthmeern t RIN 0648–XA018 eriod. In this notice NMFS isAdobe PDF file formats only. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:ocmemil cipd gbnuttx neehod perient  Dr.p Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale;Shannon Bettridge or Dr. Gregory Silber, Notice of Extension of Public until December 8, 2010, to allowOffice of Protected Resources, Silver Spring, MD, (301) 7132322. aandde qcuoatme mtiemnte  foonr  tthhee  ppeutibtliioc nt ow rheivliee w Comment Period on Marine Mammal Protection Act PetitionSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:allowing the agency sufficient time to AGENCY:National Marine FisheriesElectronic Accessthoughtfully consider public comments. Service, National Oceanic and To provide a more extended public Atmospheric Administration, Interested persons may obtain the reclude NMFS Commerce. petition for review on the Internet at the fcroomm mmeenet tipnegri iotds  swtaotuultdo rpy requirements ACTION: fNotification of availability;noolaloa.wgionvg/ pard/derybc o r: sshottnpt:a/c/twinww.Dnrmfs.a e tedepro idovMM et APednuht r.  60 da extension of public comment period. g . Shannon Bettridge or Dr. Gregory SilberDatremd:i nNaotivoenm bweirt1h6i,n2010.ys SUMMARY:On November 9, 2010, NMFS (seeFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). announced receipt of a petition to The 2008 stock assessment report forDCahiveifd,CMoatrtiinneg hMaamm, ur lemal and S designate the Eastern North Pacific Eastern North Pacific gray whales isea T t population of gray whales (Eschrichtiusernet at the followi robustus eht )saa d peelteerdd ds t:oscsk undaer avai eallbhottnpt:/h/ewIwntw.nmfs.ngitavD nosivi,noi .eCoernstFcidseheR riseesu oScerrsvei c,a NOifftincoel aoMf  rParnoit ee Marine Mammal Protection Actp//rdpsfonaag.voka/sras/rghw8002- [FR Doc. 2010–29259 Filed 11–18–10; 8:45 am] (MMPA) and solicited comments on thedaft 2010 stock assessment petition. NMFS is extending the publicen.p f .f rosaE nretroN  Pthifac Dre ThBILLING CODE 3510–22–P comment period on the petition until rwehpaolrets is available on the Inteircngerta ayt  the December 8, 2010. following address:http:// DATES:Comments must be received bywwwfmn.on.s.gaa/povpdr//fs close of business on December 8, 2010.ka02ra/s01s_draft.pdf.
VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:02 Nov 18, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\19NON1.SGM 19NON1
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