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European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research
COST Action 829
Fundamental, agronomical
and environmental aspects of
sulphur nutrition and assimilation in plants
Austria Italy
Belgium Latvia
Bulgaria Lithuania
Croatia Luxembourg
Czech Republic Netherlands
Cyprus Norway
Denmark Poland
Estonia Portugal
Finland Slovakia
France Slovenia
Germany Spain
Greece Sweden
Hungary Switzerland
Iceland Turkey
Ireland United Kingdom
European Commission
EUR 18952 EN ^^^
Edith Cresson, Member of the Commission ^■bk responsible for research, innovation, education, training and youth M^k
DG XII/AP2 — RTD actions: Cooperation with non-member countries and
international organisations — European Economic Area, COST, Eureka IF-**V F·
and l s
Contact: Ms Anne Blitz
Address: European Commission, rue de la Loi 200 (SDME 1/13),
¡ v i B-1049 Brussels — Tel. (32-2) 29-93683; fax (32-2) 29-93960 S-Ú
European Commission COST Secretariat
Rue de la Loi 200Square de Meeus 8
B-1049 Brussels B-1049 Brussels
Tel: (32-2) 29-91111 Tel: (32-2) 29-93683; fax: (32-2) 29-93960 European Commission
European cooperation in the field of
scientific and technical research
COST Action 829
Fundamental, agronomical
and environmental aspects of
sulphur nutrition and assimilation in plants
Progress report 1997/98
Edited by
Luit J. De Kok,
Dieter Grill, Malcolm J. Hawkesford,
Ewald Schnug and Ineke Stulen
Science, Research and Development
1999 EUR 18952 EN European Commission
COST Action 829 — Fundamental, agronomical and environmental aspects of sulphur nutrition and
assimilation in plants
Edited by Luit J. De Kok, Dieter Grill, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Ewald Schnug and Ineke Stulen
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
1999 — 105 pp. — 21 χ 29.7 cm
ISBN 92-828-7396-X
COST Action 829, 'Fundamental, agronomical and environmental aspects of sulphur nutrition
and assimilation in plants', aims to initiate and coordinate European research on plant sulphur
metabolism in order to strengthen European research on agrobiology.
In COST Action 829, the present knowledge on the molecular/biochemical, physiological,
agronomical and environmental aspects of sulphur uptake and utilisation by plants is integrated.
Research topics in this multidisciplinary research project are:
• the regulatory aspects of sulphur uptake and assimilation in plants in relation to the meta
bolic need for growth;
• the interaction of pedospheric and atmospheric sulphur nutrition in plants;
• the route and efficiency of uptake and metabolism of various forms of sulphurcontaining
fertilisers by plants;
• plants' sulphur metabolism and food quality;
• the relation between plant sulphur status and its resistance to environmental stress and pests.
COST Action 829 started in June 1997. Presently, more than 40 research groups from 16
European countries are participating in the action.
The progress report contains a résumé of the activities of the action in 1997 and 1998. CONTENTS
Preface 3
Planning Committee 5
Management Committee 7
General Description of the Action 11
Meetings held in 1997/1998; Meetings planned in 1999 17
Joint Meetings of the Working Groups: Regulatory aspects of
uptake and reduction of sulfate in plants in relation to the
metabolic need for growth, January 31 - February 2, 1998,
Goslar, Germany (abstracts)9
Session I: What controls the sulfate transporter activity? 2 II: Which factors affect sulfur uptake under field conditions? 2
Session III: What regulation exists in the sulfate reduction? 37 IV: Is the demand for sulfur the only signal? 51
Summary Report 5
Meeting of Working Group IV: Environmental Aspects of Sulfur Nutrition
in Plants, November 6-7, 1998, Pulawy, Poland (abstracts) 65
Session I: Sulfur nutrition, environmental quality and pest tolerance 67 II: nutrition and stress tolerance 7
Short Presentations 89
Short-Term Scientific Missions 9
Applications of Swiss research projects within the COST Action 82
framework 101
Participants in COST Action 8293 PREFACE
The primary aim of the COST Action 829 on "Fundamental, Agronomical and
Environmental Aspects of Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation in Plants" is to initiate
and coordinate European research on plant sulfur metabolism order to strengthen
European research on agrobiology.
In COST Action 829, the present knowledge on the molecular/biochemical,
physiological, agronomical and environmental aspects of sulfur uptake and
utilization by plants is integrated. A close cooperation between the different
European research groups, providing expertise from different disciplines in plant
research, is rather unique and will (and already has) contributed to a better
knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant sulfur
Research topics in this multidisciplinairy research project are:
• The regulatory aspects of sulfur uptake and assimilation in plants in relation to
the metabolic need for growth.
• The interaction of pedospheric and atmospheric sulfur nutrition in plants.
• The route and efficiency of uptake and metabolism of various forms of sulfur-
containing fertilizers by plants.
• Plant sulfur metabolism and food quality.
• The relation between plant sulfur status and its resistance to environmental
stress and pests.
COST Action 829 started in June 1997 and is very successful. Presently more than
40 research groups from 16 European countries are participating in the Action and
several others countries have shown their interest.
The present Progress Report contains a résumé of the activities of the Action in
1997 and 1998.
Luit J. De Kok
Dieter Grill
Malcolm J. Hawkesford
Ewald Schnug
Ineke Stulen COST Action 829: General Information
Dr. Luit J. De Kok
(Chairman Management Committee)
University of Groningen, Haren, The Netherlands
(email: l.i.de.kok@biol.rug.nl)
Dr. Malcolm J. Hawkesford
(Coordinator Working Group I: "Molecular/Biochemical Aspects")
IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden
(email: malcolm.hawkesford@bbsrc.ac.uk)
Dr. Ineke Stulen
(Coordinator Working Group II: "Physiological Aspects")
University of Groningen, Haren, The Netherlands
(email: g.stulen@biol.rug.nl)
Prof.dr. Ewald Schnug
(Coordinator Working Group III: "Agronomical Aspects";
Vice-Chairman Management Committee)
Prof.dr. Ewald Schnug , FAL, Braunschweig, Germany
(email: schnug@pb.fal.de)
Prof.dr. Dieter Grill
(Coordinator Working Group IV: "Environmental Aspects")
University of Graz, Graz, Austria
(email: dieter.grül@kfunigraz.ac.at)
COST- Secretariat:
Dr. Hannes Schüepp
National Expert
Rue de la Loi 200
SMDE 1/7
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
(Fax: +32 2 2964289; email: hannes.schuepp@dgl2.cec.be)