COMMENT RESPONSE DOCUMENTTO THE ECONOMICS PEER REVIEW (August 1996)401 M Street, SW Final For DocketJune 30, 1999Washington, DC 20460U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Solid WasteEconomics, Methods, and Risk Analysis DivisionADDRESSING THE PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED PERTAINING ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Agency recognizes Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc) for the overall organization andEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, provided guidance and review. of this report. Lyn D. Luben, Gary L. Ballard, and W. Barnes Johnson, all of the U.S. developmentThe1 part of the rule development process, the Agency initiated a peer review of the proposed rule, review of the proposed rule in their designated subject areas, addressing a set of questionsand/or recommendations where warranted. Each subject area panel prepared a summary report of the economic analysis. EPA reviewed these comments and, where necessary, revisedto the peer review panel report are presented in a separate document. Throughout this document,for Proposed Hazardous Waste Combustion MACT Standards, Draft , November 13, 1995) as the and to the revised 1999 economic assessment document prepared for the Final Rule( of The Potential Costs, Benefits, and Other Impacts of The Hazardous Waste, 1999), as the " ." section summarizes our responses to the major issues raised in the public comments. TheIm prove the waste minimization analysis to reflect the full costs ...