Bremner Blvd. extension Class EA Public Meeting Minutes April 29, 2004Bremner Boulevard ExtensionIntersection Modification and Bridge RehabilitationClass Environmental Assessment StudyPublic Meeting and Open House #1Thursday, April 29, 2004The Blue Barracks, Historic Fort York100 Garrison Road6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.This public meeting and open house was the first public consultation in this Municipal ClassEnvironmental Assessment (EA), Schedule C. It fulfils the requirement of step 5, Phase 2 in theEA process. The purpose of this EA is to develop and assess infrastructure improvementoptions to support planned development in the Railway Lands West area. The purpose of the meeting was to provide the public with information about the study’sbackground and purpose, the various alternatives to address the study’s purpose, and thetechnical evaluation of the alternatives to date. Stakeholders were invited to comment followinga presentation of the materials, and were encouraged to submit written comments on commentforms provided. Five written comments were submitted.Public NotificationThe following media were used to notify the public of the meeting: Advertisement in Now Magazine – April 15 and 22. Distribution of notice by A & R Distribution Company to all residences and business in thestudy area. Distribution of notice by Canada Post to the mailing list of identified interested stakeholders.AttendanceCity of ...