New Text SNH Report. repro 14/2/05 9:58 am Page 28AUDITED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS ACCSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2004FOREWORDHISTORY AND STATUTORY BACKGROUND1. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) was set up on 1 April 1992 by the Natural Heritage (Scotland) Act 1991. In 2003-04 our work was paid for by a grant from the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department’s (SEERAD). It came from their budget for “Natural Heritage: Central Government Expenditure”. We are also recognised as a Scottish charity under Section 1 (7) of the Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions (Scotland) Act 1990.2. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) was set up on 5 November 1990 by Section 128(4) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. JNCC allows the nature conservation agencies; Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), English Nature (EN) and Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) to work together to do things that were previously done by the Nature Conservancy Council. The JNCC is funded jointly by SNH, EN and CCW. Our share of JNCC’s net assets has been presented in these accounts in line with the funding agreement between the three country agencies.MAIN ACTIVITIES3. Our legal role is to secure the conservation, enhancement, understanding and enjoyment of Scotland’s natural heritage. In recognition that Scotland’s natural heritage is a local, national and global asset, SNH aims to promote its care and improvement, its responsible enjoyment, its greater ...