Air Quality in the Slovak Republic - Monitoring of air pollution and audit of Quality System (SLK/021/02) Minutes of the meeting in VMM and VITO, Belgium, 12-16/05/03 Within the framework of project „Co-operation programme between Flanders and candidate member states in the central and eastern Europe”. Experts of Air Quality Department (SHMI) were participated in training course and networking at Flemish Environment Agency VMM and in Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) on May 12. – 16, 2003, was training was focused on education in passive sampling monitoring technique, EU AQ legislation and QA/QC (ISO 17025). Introduction The VITO monitors the air quality in Flanders according to the EU Directives. The Flemish promoters have the competency, experience and qualifications to sample and analyze the pollutants sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds, ozone, fine dust, heavy metals, polyaromatic compounds, dioxins. This organization was put in as reference laboratory for environmental analysis (research projects, European research programs, analytical service, support to air pollution networks, proficiency testing). The Vito performed several studies in order to compare different sampling techniques for the measurement of air pollutants. The Vito have a lot of experience with the development of monitoring programs, which comprise the assessment of the air quality and in particular, the screening of strongly ...