SPECjbb2000 was announced by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) in June 2000 as a new benchmark for evaluating the performance of servers running typical Java business applications and can be found at http://www.spec.org/osg/jbb2000/press/release.html. In the official SPECjbb2000 documentation the benchmark is described as follows: “SPECjbb2000 is a Java program emulating a 3-tier system with emphasis on the middle tier. Random input selection represents the 1st tier user interface. SPECjbb2000 fully implements the middle tier business logic. The 3rd tier database is replaced by binary trees. SPECjbb2000 is inspired by the TPC-C benchmark and loosely follows the TPC-C specification for its schema, input generation, and transaction profile. SPECjbb2000 replaces database tables with Java classes and replaces data records with Java objects. The objects are held by either binary trees (also Java objects) or other data objects. SPECjbb2000 runs in a single JVM in which threads represent terminals in a warehouse. Each thread independently generates random input (tier 1 emulation) before calling transaction-specific business logic. The business logic operates on the data held in the binary trees (tier 3 ...
r u n n i n g t h e S P E C j b b 2 0 0 0 b e n c h m a r k o n H P- U X 1 1
description of the benchmark SPECjbb2000wasannouncedbytheStandardPerformanCcoerpE.v(aSlPuEatCi)oninJune2000 as a new benchmark for evaluating the performance of servers running typical Java b applications and can be fhp:ttww//ps.wo.ceo/grj/gsrler00p/bb02esas/..hteml In the official SPECjbb2000 documentation the benchmark is described as follows:
“SPECjbb2000isaJavaprogramemu-ltaiteirngsyast3emwithemphasisonthemiddletier.Randominputselectionrepresentsthe1sttieruserinbte2r0f0a0cef.ulSlyPEiCmjbplementsthemiddle tier business logic. The 3rd tier database is replaced by binary trees. SPECjbb2000isinspiredbyt-hCebTePnCchmarkandlooselyfollows-tChsepTePciCficationforitsschema,inputgeneration,andtransacStPioEnCjpbrbo2fi0le0.0replacesdatabasetableswithJava classes and replaces data records with Java objects. The objects are held by either bin (also Java objects) or other data objects.
SPECjbb2000runsinasingleJVMinwhichthreadsreprlsesiennater.euismactEhanawoher threadindependentlygeneratesrandominput(tier1emulation)befo-rsepeccailfliioncngastcrtna business logic. The business logic operates on the data held in the binary trees (tier 3 emulati benchmarkdoesnodiskrI/nOetoworkI/O.
For additional details, please refer to the official SPECjbb2000 website http://www.spec.org/osg/jbb20i0n0cl/uding a detailed description of this benchmark: http://www.spec.org/osg/jbb2000/docs/whitepaper. . html
purpose of the paper The aim of this paper is to enable you to perform the SPECjbb2000 benchmark on one of H serversystemsusingVHMP.'sTJhestepscoveredincludesuccessfullyconfiguringtheoperatingsystem, installing the software and running the benchmark.
Due to a customer request, the ATC team successfully performed all these steps in late Fe 2001 in the HP PerformancerPHhtiwi11XU-maer(Gnnda),nyniBetniegeolbCenandthelatestJVM 1.3, were able to get higher numbers than the officially published numbers from May 2000
These values were reached only by using “standard performance tuning steps for J applications.
where to get a copy of SPECjbb2000 A copy can be ordered directly from:
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) 6585 Merchant Place, Suite 100 Warrenton, VA 20187,USA Phone: 1 540 349 7878 FAX: 1 540349 5992 E-Mail.oo@infecsprg
or by using the online product order inquiry form atpe.sww/w:/tphtro/nib-igc/gro.cder.SPECjbb2000 is available for $400. Academic institutions may be eligible for a discounted price of $200..latest version of the JavaSDK The latest version of the SDK can be obtained from the http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/java2/sdkrte13/iwnedbesxi.thet.mFlollow the links to _ thedownloadpageforthelatestEnterpriseJava1.-3UXSD1K1.fFororHtPhetestsforthispaper,JDK 1.3.00 was used.
kernel tuning TheHPjconfigtool was used to determine the kernel parameter settings for a typical Java Enterprise application available at http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/java2/hpjconfig/..htmndexil Please note, that HPjconfig only gives recommendations for kernel parameters.
The real kernel parameter setting has tosbaemodorknmetuvinae.
Please seevams.OverK/sorapCdeni/scouxhpnl/op..hm/cohttdocsp://ifeowrAall.thlm description of the tunable kernel parameters and http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/infolibrary/prog_guide/java1_3/confiogrmtul.hontira generalkernelparameterrecommendationsforJava-UsXu.pportonHP SeeAppendixBforalistofkernelparametersettingschoinet.he test ma
Installation and testing of SPECjbb2000 is straightforward according to the “Installati Instructions in the “User's Guugdi.ehbb2000/docs/userps.wo.ceo/grj/gshp:ttww//.tml
To install the benchmjaavrka:setu fpor a GUI based installatijoanvaorsoutpe for an installation without GUI.
To run the benchmraurnk.:sh
r u n n i n g t h e be n c h m a r k
configuration files SPECjbb2000 takes two properties files as input:
·acontrol properties file ·a descriptive properties file. The control properties file is used to modify the operation of the benchmark, for exa altering the length of the measurement interval.
Thedescriptivepropertiesfileisusedtodocutemmenutntdherstyest; this documentation is required for publishable results, and is reflected in the output files. The values of the des properties do not affect the workload.
Please see the “User'stthw.ww//p:/ssureg0200d/co/osg/jbbspec.orgufiodre.ahtml detailed description of these property files.
In Appendix C are the property files used in the tests used for this paper.
running the benchmark Edittherun.shscriptbygatdhdeinnecessaryJVMstartupparameters.Startthebenchmarkbyinvokinrgun.sh.
In Appendix D is the run.sh script used inthis paper.
g e t t i n g m a x i m u m n u m b e r s
analysis of garbage collection One of the most powerful performance tuning stepsoisftheanalysisioctTn.shiGabraCegello isdonebyusingtXhverbosegc option.
Please see: http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/java2/sdkrte1_ry3/itatnemuh.no1003cod/a1kdsfoinbrli tmlfor a detailed description of all the Xverbosegc output fields. The initial and maximal heap used was 1850MB:
Normally,theratiobetweenthe“NewGenerationareaandtheoverablleh1e:a4p.size should Butduringtestingitwasdiscoveredthattherewere-comllaenctyiognasrbfoargethe“NewGenerationareaonly.(Re1aisnontheXverbo-soeugtcput).Sothe“Newgenerationareawasincreased up to 800 MB:
Note:Interesting to see that a balance is needed between the size of the “New Generation andtheoverallheapsize.Inc-rXemasnintogomuchresultedinproblemswit-cholglaercbtinao.ge (Reason 5 in the Xverb-osegcpuut.t)
As an example, in Appendix E lists the Xverbosegc output of a successful run and of a run garba-gceollectionproblems.
See al2000/jbb/osg.orgpsceww.w:p//htt0000-220bb/jq20002ser/stluser/-5301000.mlht1. NotethattheseresuletrsewpublishedforQ2,2000.ForthelatestHPresults,seehttp://www.spec.org/osg/jbb2000/results/.
2)eCtnniroamcnesucemotfdearoPHrfPeatrhetuonewertlserusasurymeiallfficginowllfoeTh Boeblingen in February 2001: Date: 28/02/2001 Hardware: N4000 (8 procs, 550 MHz, 32 GB memory)