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December 1995
Volume 40, Number 12
EditorialsCall for
CPGs: Why, Whence, & Whither?
1996 Open Forum Abstracts
Call for CPG Implementation &
Early Deadline February 11, 1996!
WOB with Ventilators for Long-Term
Airway Management of the
Chronically Intubated Patient
Special Article from NHLBI: Sleep
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Assessing Response to Bronchodilator
Therapy at Point of Care
Discharge Planning for the Respiratory
Care Patient
Long-Term Invasive Mechanical
Ventilation in the Home
Capnography/Capnometry during
Mechanical Ventilation
Selection of an Aerosol Delivery Device
for Neonatal and Pediatric Patients
The act of
the inner nature
or of
seeing intuitively,
won'tL ook closely. energy expenditure. So youAccording to Dr. C. Price, M.D., CM.,
F.R.C.P. and Gail Lang, RRT, CreditHere lies the reflection of your good of waste your own energy attempting to
Valley Hospital in Ontario Canada,
judgement. In recognizing that your estimate the complete daily nutri-
patients rely upon the most qualified tional picture from inconclusive spot"In our opinion, the 7250
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production, respiratory quotient and PURITAN
Willi the 7250 Mcliiholic Monitornew
iiikI (imphics2.0, trending pnranictcrs
null (IS VO, clearly showyour patient's
response to decreased venlilatory support
7200 and 7251) .in- lr.idi.-m.irk.s iil l'urit.ir
during weaning.
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REFERENCES t Peters Jl.^liinickefJ Cui'en ronnepis in nWBOing status aslhnrBlicusJflsspff Oft LOW RANGE
A=*rt,a trt,,, .... STANDARD RANGEf3(6) 829-849, 1992 2 NaliSal piwj'am- i^umines lortheDisgnm snd Mmage-
' 30 to 390 L/nnin
> Services, NIH No 91-3042 60 to 880 L/minmenlotMI\mM\ii^i.m.\}' 1991, Pud
3 Oaia on We HeaithScan Ptorfiict' °i.JM,ODiralaftG,'elal. An evaluation ol
llie accuracy ol Assess and Min)V/rni'iy>;i» ' >. '••.'V!X2) 358-362. 1991, 5,Gar()nmRM. Setting the standard
•>'Ctapo RO, Jaciison BR, et al Evaluit'C! accuracv and tm(od\Kil)ility ol peak llowtneters at 1.400m
flow monitoring.for peakCftM/ 948-952. 1992 AA710003-0 b/93 HeaitlScan ProducisW;(4) 't' 1993,
Circle 119 on reader service card
VisitAARC Booth 1310 In OrlandoRE/PIRATORy QiRE
A Monthly Science Journal. Established 1956. Official Journal of the American Association for Respiratory Care
Editor December 1995
Pat BrougherBA RRT Volume NumberContents ... 40, 12
Associate Editor
Kaye WeberMS RRT
Editorial Office
1264 Clinical Practice Guidelines: Why, Whence, and
Abies11030 Lane
DallasTX 75229 —by Dean Hess Boston. Massachusetts
1269 Guidelines: A Call for Local Implementation and
Assessment of ImpactEditorial Board
—hy Kingman P Strohl Cleveland. Ohio
JamesK StollerMD, Chairman
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Original Contributions
Cleveland, Ohio
Work of Breathing Imposed by Five Ventilators1270
RichardD Branson RRT
Used for Long-Term Support: The Effects ofPEEP
University of Cincinnati
and Simulated Patient Demand
Medical Center —by RichardD Branson and Kenneth Davis Jr Cincinnati. Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Reviews, Overviews, & Updates
Crystal L Dunlevy EdD RRT
The Ohio State University
1279 Airway Management of the Chronically IntubatedColumbus, Ohio
CharlesG Durbin JrMD by George S Leisure, David J Stone, Burkliard F Spiekermann,
University Virginia and David L Bogdonojf^Cliarlottesville, VirginiaThe of
Health Sciences Center
Charlottesville. Virginia Special Article
Thomas D East PhD
1287 Sleep Apnea: Is Your Patient at Risk?
LDS Hospital
A special articlefrom the National Heart, Lung, ami Blood
University of Utah
Institute, reprinted with permission.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Guidelines, Recommendations, &Dean R Hess Ph