Ministry Audit








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6/12/02 ___% 5.9 ____ __% 10.6 ____ % ___ 32.6 ___ ___% 28.1 ___ % __ __ 22.8 __ }1924 - 1900{@ }1945 - 925{@ 1 }1964 - 1946{@ }1982 - 2000 1965{@ — 1983 How does this compare to the statistics for our area? ( ____% 21 ____ Single % __ __ 79 ____ Married ___% _ 59 ____ Female ____% 41 ____ Male ___ _ 33 F/S ___ ___ 42 F/S ____ __ 47 F/S _____ ___ 49 ____ F/S ____ 44 F/S ___ ____ 20 __ F/M _ __ _ 126 /M ___ F 308 F/M ____ ___ 222 ____ F/M ___ 2 F/M ____ ___ _ 5 M/S ____ ___ 15 M/S ____ __ 23 M/S _____ _ _ 31 ____ M/S ____ 36 M/S ___ ____ 20 M/M ___ ___ 124 M/M ___ __ 240 __ M/M __ ___ 134 M/M ___ ____ 2 M/M ____ ___ _ 5 %: ___ ___ 20 %: ___ __ 41 %: ____ ___ 29 %: ___ ____ 6 ___ %: ___ 78 no.: ___ _ _ 307 __ no.: __ 618 _ no.: __ _ 436 ____ no.: __ 85 no.: __ 1924 - 1900 1944 - 1925 1964 - 1946 1982 - 1965 2000 - 1983 Birth Years M/M=Male/Married, M/S=Male/Single, F/M=Female/Married, F/S=Female/Single ) information from the Worship Survey, question 1.1. What is the age, sex and marital status of adult worshipers? (Gather this Meeting the Needs of the PeopleGROWTH PRINCIPLE ONE: Growth Is Not Concerned with Numbers but with or from the Worship Survey. various records in the churchasterisks deal with facts more than with perception and are compiled from the either positively or negatively. (2) The questions that are not marked by than .50 ...
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THE COMPLETE MINISTRY AUDIT 6/12/02  This is a copy of the blank Ministry Audit that the steering team will fill out and distribute with their report. Make a photocopy of it now so that you can use the blank audit again at another time. Alternately, you can find this document on the bonus software disk under the filename "AUDIT.TXT." After loading the text file as an ASCII document into your word processor, you can edit the questions and develop your answers for easier duplication.  When this document is completed by the team that conducts the audit, it will be distributed to each person who is using the study guide. It will also be distributed with the report when the group is ready to present action possibilities to the congregation.  Two kinds of questions comprise the Ministry Audit: (1) The numbered questions marked by asterisks are to be answered on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 indicating total agreement or an absolute yes, 10 indicating total disagreement or an absolute no, and the numbers in between indicating degrees of agreement or disagreement. These questions were answered by the official administrative body of the church. They are subjective questions that deal with perception and therefore have no right or wrong answers. I have supplied the average scores for all the questions marked by asterisks. These averages come from the scores of more than two hundred churches throughout the United States. For approximate averages for Canadian churches, add .30 to all of the answers. Any score that is more than .50 above or below the average is outside of the norm for that answer either positively or negatively. (2) The questions that are not marked by asterisks deal with facts more than with perception and are compiled from the various records in the church or from the Worship Survey.  GROWTH PRINCIPLE ONE: Growth Is Not Concerned with Numbers but with Meeting the Needs of the People  1. What is the age, sex and marital status of adult worshipers? (Gather this information from the Worship Survey, question 1.)  M/M=Male/Married, M/S=Male/Single, F/M=Female/Married, F/S=Female/Single  Birth Years 1983-2000 1965-1982 1946-1964 1925-1944 1900-1924 __ ____ ___ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ no.:85 no.:436 no.:618no.:307 no.:78  %:6 %:29 %:41 %:20 %:5 ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ M/M2 M/M134 M/M240M/M124 M/M20 ___ ____ ____ __ _____ __ ____ ___ ____ ____ M/S36 M/S31 M/S23M/S15 M/S5 ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ______ ___ F/M2 F/M222 F/M308 F/M126 F/M20 F/S44 F/S49 F/S47F/S42 F/S33 ___ ____ ____ ___ _____ __ ____ ___ _______  Male41% ____ ____ Female59% ________ ____ ____ Married79% ____ ____ Single21%  How does this compare to the statistics for our area? ( 1983—2000 1965{@-}1982 1946{@-}1964 1925{@-}1945 1900{@-}1924 22.8%28.1%32.6%10.6%5.9% __ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ____ ___  
Based on this comparison, on what age group do we need to concentrate? 1983-2000  __  ______ *2. Does our pastor understand the everyday world of our members?2.9 2.73  3. What are our people programs, including specialized ministries? Meals for the Homeless, free store, Network and other classes for adults, Rock (Wednesday night for Children), Praise and Worship, Wednesday night programming, First Time Visitors, Hospitality, Puppets, Parish Nurse, Greeters, Ushers, New Life, mission teams, youth activities, Emmaus. The Praise and Worship team functions this way. Caring ministries (grief support, etc.)  4. Has there been any major controversy or division in the past five years? Yes, over building plans and purchase of an additional property adjoining the church. Some controversy over former senior pastor and his leadership style. A change in direction of the youth ministry also caused some upheaval.  *5. Does our church deal openly with controversy?4.84.81 ___ ___  6. What is our decision-making process? Traditional administrative board/charge conference coupled with staff guidance and implementation. Much of the programming decisions are staff driven. Items are presented to the Administrative Board for feedback. Then the Program Team plans and implements with standing committees and/or task groups.  *7. Do our official administrative body and committee members understand the difference between a working board and an information board?4.94.81 ____ __  *8. If our official administrative body consists of more than twenty-five people, do we have an official executive committee do the basic work?6.3 ____ ___ 5.32  *9. Can ministry decisions be made quickly without a lot of red tape?4.0 ___ ____ 3.89  *10. Can new members be added to committees and the official administrative body without major delay?3.73.02 ___ ____  *11. Do we make the most of our ministry decisions with reference to church polity or policy?3.63.24 ____ ___  *12. Is it likely that a new member could become chairperson of our official administrative body in less than a year?6.75.83 ___ ____  13. What percentage of the total budget is devoted to programs? (Do not include ____ ___ salaries as program money.)8.6 ___ _____ Is it 10 percent (excluding salaries)?No  14. Who gives or withholds permission for new ideas or ministries in our church? ___ ___________________________________ Pastors and Program Team  ____ ___ *15. Do we encourage meetings that last less than an hour?8.05.78  
16. What is our church known for on the community grapevine? HUMC is a mainline church with many activities. We are known for service to families. Some know us for our local missions efforts (local food pantry began in our church now housed elsewhere). Our preschool(31 years of ministry) is well-known. Our steeple is a landmark in the community. Our Christian Life Cneter building (an old warehouse) has become well known in recent years.  17. Describe our church's organizational structure. Ad Board meets quarterly. Finance, SPRC, Trustees meet monthly. Lay Leadership (Nominations) meets as needed. Rather low-key informal structure. It is a flat structure with minimal layers.  GROWTH PRINCIPLE TWO: Growth Occurs When People Are Given a Wide Variety of Choices  1. Does our church offer a balanced ministry? List the various programs under the following headings:  Love (Nurture) Support groups (grief support, divorce support, Alzheimer’s caregivers support), visits from pastors and parish nurse, small groups. Ministry to those in need (Meals for the Homeless, New Life Breakfast, Free Store, mission trips by youth and adults. Our preschool.  Justice (Social Action) Anti-Lottery efforts, individuals involved in causes  Mercy (Evangelism)  Helping those in need (walk-ins) Meals for the Homeless, New Life Breakfast, Free Store, 5th Worship Service Initiative, Vacation Bible School   2. Does our church offer more than one Sunday morning worship service?Yes ___ ____ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ ___ At what times?8:00am  9:00am  10:00am  11:15  3. If our church offers more than one worship service, does the same pastor preach each service, or is there a choice?The same pastor preaches in all four services currently.  *4. Once we start a new service of worship, are we willing to continue it? 2.32.83 ____ ___  *5. Are we willing to have a worship service at the same time we have Sunday ___ ____ school?1.65.36  6. Does our church have a preschool?Yes __ _____ How many attend?300+ ___ ___  7. Does our church have a grade school?No ____ ____ How many attend? __________   
___ ____ 8. Does our church have a parent's day out program?Yes __________ How many attend?  __ ______ 9. Does our church have a day care?No How many attend? __________  10. Do we start a new Sunday school class every three to six months?No ____ ____  11. Number of adult Sunday school classes:5 ___ ______ __________ How many attend?  12. Number of singles' Sunday school classes:0 ___ ______ How many attend? __________  13. Number of youth Sunday school classes:4 _________ __________ How many attend?  ___ _____ 14. Number of children's Sunday school classes:14 _ How many attend?9:00 = 19; 10:00 = 106; 11:15 = 14  __ 15. When was the newest adult Sunday school class started?September, 2001  ___ ____ 16. Does our church have Sunday evening programs?Yes If so, please list them. Disciple Bible Study I ; Disciple Bible Study II, 12; Disciple Bible Study IV, ; Christian Believer, 8.  ___ ____ 17. Does our church have midweek programs?Yes If so, please list them. Christian Believer, 12; Disciple Bible Study IV, 9; Faith Finders (young married group), ; Elective studies are offered at Lent and Advent as well as occasionally at other times. In addition we have 125 persons in attendance at our Wednesday evening meal. Youth Disciple (accountability groups meet on Wednesday night: groups/ youth in attendance).  18. Does our church have Bible studies?Yes ___ ____ If so, please list them. ________________________________ See listing above under 16 & 17  ______________________________________________________________  ___ ____ 19. Does our church have athletic programs?Yes If so, please list them. Adult basketball, youth basketball, adult volleyball, a golf outing.  20. List any other programs. Support groups for Alzheimer’s Caregivers, Wednesday night programming for children (The Rock w/100+ in attendance, New Member Orientation (3x per year), Short-term small groups, Parenting Classes, Mom’s group.       
GROWTH PRINCIPLE THREE: Growth Occurs When People Are Matched with Their Skills  1. What is our nominating process? Lay Leadership Committee nominates administrative officers and committee chairs, Coordinators of teams. Mission/program teams come forward through ministry opportunities (These are sign up sheets that are in the registration pads each Sunday. We invite people to register for service, learning, and fellowship ministries and programs.) and spiritual gifts inventories (We are encouraging with mixed success an effort to get new members to take the Network Class). We are moving toward using gifts and graces based leadership rather than structural appointments to be filled.  2. Do we encourage and use spiritual gift inventories?Yes, this is a fairly new effort with an unpaid servant (part-time staff person) leading the Network class.  Growth Principle Four: Growth Does Not Dictate That More People Will Become Inactive  1. List the membership figures for the past ten years, beginning with the most recent year.  Year Membership 2001 1210 __ ___ ___ ___ 2000 1218 __ ____ ___ ___ 1999 1244 __ ____ ___ ___ 1998 1190 __ ____ ___ ___ 1997 1178 __ ____ ___ ___ __ ____ ___ ___ 1996 1122 __ ____ ___ ___ 1995 1008 __ ____ ___ ___ 1994 1082 __ ____ ___ ___ 1993 1028 __ ____ ___ ___ 1992 1006  2. List our losses in membership for the past ten years, beginning with the most recent year.   2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 Death 15 12 11 7 13 10 13 8 13 11 Withdrawn 17 38 21 33 2 NA NA NA NA NA Removed CC 0 23 38 42 10 5 165 7 0 25 Trans Same 20 10 23 13 21 17 11 15 22 25 Trans Other 7 10 1 0 4 1 2 9 3 2 TOTAL 39 36 63 192 95 50 3359 93 84    3. Our dropout rate for the past year was20.5. (Divide last year's total ___ ___ number of losses into the total membership at the end of the year.) Ten year average is15. ___ _____  4. Do we concentrate on assimilating new members within their first three ___ ____ months?Yes   
5. Is a staff person or a volunteer responsible for assimilation of new members?Yes ___ ____  ____ ____ 6. Does our church have enough small groups?No You need one small group for every ten people in worship.  a. Divide average worship attendance by 10:65; this is the ideal number ___ _____ of small groups for our church. b. Count the number of small groups with fifteen or less in attendance (include Sunday school classes):16 ____ ___ c. Subtract line a from line b to determine the number over or under what is needed:50 ____ ____  7. List the number of each of the following small groups:  ____ _____ a. Recovery 2 _____ ____ b. Support2 __________ c. Learning ____ _____ d. Mission or discipling6 e. Institutional (required denominational) __________ ____ _____ f. Sunday school4  ___ ____ 8. How many inactive families do we have?146  ___ __ 9. What percent of the congregation is inactive?22%  10. Do we have an active program to reinstate our inactives?No ___ ____  11. Have we cleaned our rolls within the past three years?Two years ago, yes; last year, no.  12. Describe our assimilation program. Calls are made to 1stnd 3rdtime guests. 1sttimers –lay call or visit; 3rdtimer –pastor calls. New member orientation (6hrs of class) offered three or four times a year. Brief spiritual gifts inventory and ministry opportunities discussed in orientation. Post class one-on-one interview. Small group participation not required but encouraged. Network class encouraged but not required.  GROWTH PRINCIPLE FIVE: Growth Provides a Wider Outreach to People in Need  1. List the amount of money given to all causes outside our congregation for the past ten years. Include all denominational requirements. List the most recent year first. Year Amount Given 2001 90,314 __ ___ ____ 2000 95,322 __ ____ __ __ __ ____ __ __ 1999 93,194 __ ___ _ __ 1998 112,085 __ ____ __ __ 1997 80,034 1996 94,545 __ ____ __ __ 1995 69,147 __ ____ __ __ 1994 73,736 __ ____ __ __ __ ____ __ __ 1993 34,279 __ ____ __ __ 1992 40,776  
GROWTH PRINCIPLE SIX: Growth Need Not Be Hampered by Participation in the Public Arena  1. List our programs that are social or political in nature. Encouraging members to state opposition to the state run lottery and efforts to bring casino gambling into the state.  *2. How free is the pastor to preach about or be involved in moral issues that are also political in nature?3.12.91 ___ ___  *3. Does our church understand that taking strong social stands will not harm the growth of the church?4.94.70 ___ ____  GROWTH PRINCIPLE SEVEN: Growth Will Occur When Worship Is Intentionally Emphasized  *1. Do we consider worship to be the most important aspect of our ministry? 4.3.59 ____ ___ 4  *2. Do we measure the size of our church by the number of people in worship instead of by the actual membership?3.94.48 ___ ___  3. On how many Sundays during the year is there a sermon from our senior pastor? ____ ___ 25  4. On how many Sundays during the year does the service contain a sermon? ____ ___ 52  5. On how many Sundays during the year is there a sermon from our associate pastor?24 ____ ___  *6. Do the sermons speak to our personal needs?2.82.46 ___ ____  *7. Does our pastor repeat sermons for no apparent reason?8.89.32 ___ ____  ___ ____ *8. Do scriptures form the basis of the sermons?2.81.76  *9. Do the sermons stimulate thought?2.32.07 ___ ____  *10. Is our worship music pleasing to a majority of the congregation?2.3 ___ ____ 2.00  11. Size of present adult and youth choirs and services at which they sing:  Choir Service Present Size Ideal Size * Chancel  11:15   1920 (average) _ ____ _ ___ ____ ________ __________ __________ __________       ________ __________ __________ __________             ________ __________ __________ __________ ________ __________ __________ __________        *To determine the ideal size for each choir, divide the attendance at the service at which the choir sings by 10.  
*12. Is our bulletin the best piece of printed material we produce each week? ____ ___ 4.53.84  ___ ____ 13. What is the percentage of worship attendance to membership?54%   14. Do we have an attendance tracking system?Yes __ _____ Do we use it?We are now tracking attendance of those who register on Sundays. We are not yet making good use of this data.  15. Analysis of worship growth pattern for the past ten years, beginning with the current year:  Year Average Attendance Percent Increase (+) or Decrease (-) __ _______ ____ __ 2001   654  4.31 2000  627  -2.64 __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ 1999  674  -3.38 1998  670  1.06 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ 1997  663  4.41 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ 1996  635  15.25 __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ 1995  551  16.24 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ __ 1994  474  2.16 __ ____ ___ ___ ______ 1993  464  5.94 1992  438   __ ____ ___ ___ __________ _ __ Worship has increased/decreased49percent in the past ten years. To determine the percentage of growth or decline each year, take, for example, the amount of difference between year 1 and year 2 and divide it by year 1.  _ ____ 16. Money budgeted for worship: $4,500 Is this 25 percent of the program budget?No, it is 8.25%. __  ___ ____ *17. Do we consider worship to be a form of drama?5.46.93  *18. Do the ushers serve effectively as a team with the pastor or pastors? ____ ___ 4.03.26  GROWTH PRINCIPLE EIGHT: Growth Will Occur with the Addition of Each New Morning Service of Worship   1. How many morning services of worship do we offer?Four ___ ___ At what times?8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 _  2. Average attendance at each:8:00 95 9:00 108 10:00 201  11:15 182 __ _ _  3. When was the newest service started?September, 2000 _  *4. Are we willing to provide an additional service of worship even though our space may be adequate without it?3.63.10 ___ ____  5. Does each service have a regular choir?No  ___ _____  ___ _____ 6. Is there a youth choir that sings regularly?No  ___ ____ *7. Do we provide music of high quality at each service?2.22.11  ___ _____ 8. On how many Sundays per year does our major adult choir sing?34 
 9. How many musicals, cantatas, or dramas does our major choir present each ___ ___ year?One   10. Does our major adult choir take a vacation from singing in church? es Y ___ ____  11. How many children's choirs does our church have?Four __ ____ How often do they sing?Once a month, September through May _  12. How many Christmas Eve services does our church have?Six __ _____  Describe each. In 2001, we offered six services on Christmas Eve: 11:00 a.m.: Traditional Holy Communion Service/w candlelighting. Special music by soloists; pastor preached. 4:00 & 6:00 p.m.: Our “amily services” featuring our puppet team, children’s choirs, and drama team. They re-told the Christmas story. 7:30 p.m.: Major musical celebration with 50 plus voice choir, soloists, and live accompaniment (keyboard, drum, guitar, trumpet). 9:00 & 11:00 p.m.: Traditional Holy Communion Service/candlelighting. Special music by chancel choir; pastor preached.  13. Do we offer worship on a day other than Sunday?No ___ ____  GROWTH PRINCIPLE NINE: Growth Is Directly Related to the Leadership Strength of the Pastor  *1. Does our church understand that growth is directly related to the leadership of the pastor?3.62.64 ___ ____  ___ ____ *2. Does our pastor assume leadership for the ministry of our church?2.0 1.59  3. Average tenure of all senior pastors the past twenty years:One pastor’s tenure spanned the twenty year mark. To count his tenure would take the time period back to 1973. So since 1973 or in the last twenty nine years, the average tenure of the senior pastor has been 7.25 years, including the current senior pastor’s continuing tenure. Since 1981 (if we start from that date), then the average tenure has been 5 years.  4. Tenure of present pastor (or pastors):James Waugh, 1999 to present; Lori Lossie, 2001 to present; Michelle Notestine, part-time beginning in ____ to 2001, and 2001 to present full time.  *5. Are we willing to provide a pastor with the kind of time away that a long pastorate necessitates?3.12.52 ____ ___  6. How much vacation do our pastors and staff receive? Clergy staff receive vacation set by the annual conference: 4 weeks per year. Other staff accrue vacation time based on years of service: 0-5 years: 10 days; 6-10 years: 15 days; 11 or more years: 20 days.  
*7. Does our pastor hold up for us a vision large enough to cause us to grow individually? 2.52.47 ____ ___  ____ ___ *8. Is our pastor a leader rather than an enabler?3.22.55  *9. Does our pastor cause things to happen in our church that would not happen without his or her instigation?2.82.05 ___ ____  *10. Does our pastor pull us into areas of ministry where we might not go on our own?3.22.51 ____ ___  ___ ____ *11. Does our pastor learn from mistakes?2.62.25  *12. Does our pastor know how to delegate authority, and does he or she do so? ____ ___ 2.62.46  *13. Does our pastor consult us regularly about his or her vision for our ____ ___ church?2.72.45  *14. Has our pastor shown the ability to grow and develop new skills as our ___ ____ church grows?2.62.30  *15. Does our pastor possess the skills needed to serve a church our size? ____ ___ 1.71.80  *16. Can our pastor respond and relate to a wide variety of religious expressions? 2.0 2.01 ____ __  *17. Is our pastor able to mediate between the various factions of the church? ____ ___ 2.72.49  *18. Does our church have any concrete method of evaluating how long a pastor ___ ____ should stay?6.36.14  GROWTH PRINCIPLE TEN: Growth Is Directly Related to the Attitude of the Paid Staff  *1. Is the main responsibility of our paid staff to recruit, lead, and deploy the laity into mission and to equip the laity for mission?5.04.97 ____ ___  2. Number of present staff:  Program staff--full-time:3 ____ _____ ____ _____ Program staff--part-time:8 ____ ___ Total full-time program staff (add up the part-time people):11 Support staff--full-time:3 ____ _____ ____ ____ Support staff--part-time:6 ____ _____ Total support staff (add up the part-time people):9  3. Has staff kept pace with growth?Not completely, but close.  4. Is our church staffed for decline, maintenance, or growth (based on the answer to question 2)?Growth.  
5. What is the role of our associate pastor? (Apprentice? Professional? Retired?)Professional  *6. Does our pastor make use of the valuable information our paid staff has about the congregation?3.02.74 ____ ___  ___ ____ *7. Do our pastor and paid staff work together as a team?2.12.34  8. Does our paid staff have opportunities to develop both relational and __ _____ functional skills?Yes  ___ ____ 9. Does our paid staff hold weekly staff meetings?Yes  10. Does each paid staff member have an opportunity to have input into the staff agenda?Yes ___ ____  11. Are new ideas from the paid staff welcome at the staff meetings?Yes ___ ____  ___ ____ 12. Does the paid staff have yearly retreats?Yes  13. Does the paid staff gather on Sunday mornings to go over the day's events (including worship services)?No ____ ____  *14. Does our paid staff require minimum supervision?2.72.79 ____ ___  *15. Are we willing to pay higher salaries and be content with fewer paid staff? 6.05.14 ____ ___  16. What percent of our budget do our salaries represent?41% ___ ____ For churches with less than two hundred in worship, adequate salaries should equal 60 percent of the total budget. For churches with two hundred or more in worship, adequate salaries should equal 40 percent of the total budget.  17. Does our pastor set aside a certain time each week when individual paid staff members can make appointments to consult with him or her?Weekly with Lori (other pastor on staff); monthly w/Michelle (Minister of Education) and w/Sara (youth director). Other staff as needed or requested.  18. Does our pastor share his or her vision for the congregation at the staff ___ ____ meetings?Yes  19. Has our staff had formal training in time management?No __ _____  20. Describe the teaching ministries of our church and the role our staff plays in these ministries. Sunday school, elective classes and groups on Wednesday nights, Disciple Bible Study and Christian Believer. Staff teaches elective studies on occasion. Minister of Education teaches Christian Believer and organizes Disciple Bible study, church school, and Wednesday night classes. Two pastors and unpaid staff member teach new member orientation. Confirmation taught by lay persons and pastors.    
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