OFiCOLIXCIIONS 1 alifornia jional ility RECOLLECTIONS OF OSCAR WILDE RECOLLECTIONS OF OSCAR WILDE BY ERNEST LA JEUNESSE ANDRE GIDE AND FRANZ BLEI ANDTRANSLATION INTRODUCTION BY PERCIVAL POLLARD 1906 W. LUCE AND COMPANYJOHN LONDONBOSTON AND Copyright, 1906, PERCIVAL POLLARDBy The Norwood, Mass.Plimpton Press, CONTENTS Introduction Percival PollardBy . 7 Recollections Andre* Gide ...By 25 Recollections Ernest La . .Jeunesse 67 Recollections Franz BleiBy .... 89 2032343 INTRODUCTION BY PERCIVAL POLLARD INTRODUCTION in the rare sunshine that STROLLINGvisited Berlin in the ofspring 1905, chance took me into a little book-quaint that faces what was once the work-shop of venerable There,shop Joseph Joachim. that litter of old and in allnew,among I found what muchtongues, crystallised other observation had hinted.already that the continental liter-Namely, upon ature itself withconcerning primarily was moreformal art no exotic influence Wilde.noticeable than that of Oscar Outside influence the Germanupon 9 RECOLLECTIONS OF OSCAR WILDE theatre was on hand. Farces fromevery the dismal stuff from Scandi-French, and comedies Bernard Shawnavia, by and M. were theirBarrie,J. taking turn with MaxSudermann,Hauptmann, Hartleben and Schnitzler in theHalbe, of the Germanrepertoires leading theatres. But the that waspiece being on both sides of theoftenest,played was Oscar Wilde's "Salome.