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HIST-B-448 Régimes politiques et émergence de la société de masse à l'Epoque contemporaine - 5ects/24h M. Pieter LAGROU Jeudi 14-16h. DB10.245 Partie I: (16h.) Construire l’État-Nation dans l’ère de la Guerre Totale, 1912-1948. 1) 18 septembre: introduction 2) 25 septembre: La Grande Guerre et l’Espace Ottoman 3) 2 octobre: La révolution bolshévique et la question nationale. 4) 9 octobre: Filippo Foccardi (Università di Padova) The question of the punishment of Italian war crimes 5) 23 octobre: L’espace Austro-hongrois. 6) 27 novembre: Grandes Patries mutilées, nouvelles Patries inventées? 7) 4 décembre: Guerre civile et nettoyage ethnique, 1941-1945. 8) 11 décembre: Ein Volk, ein Staat, 1945-1948. Partie II: (8h.) Colloque international L'Autre Printemps Les changements en Europe de l'Est et les gauches à l'Ouest (1968-1989) Organisé par le Centre des Archives communistes en Belgique (CARCOB) et le Centre d’Histoire et de Sociologie des Gauches de l’ULB ULB 21 et 22 novembre 2008 Suggestions bibliographiques pour la partie I : Feroz Ahmad, Turkey.The Quest for Identity (Oxford, One World, 2003) David Anderson and David Killingray (eds.), Policing and decolonisation : politics, nationalism and the police, 1917-1965 (Manchester University Press, 1992) 227 p. David Anderson and David Killingray (eds.), Policing the empire : governerment, authority and control, 1830-1940 (Manchester University Press, 1991), 260 p. ...
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HIST-B-448 Régimes politiques et émergence de la société de masse à l'Epoque contemporaine -5ects/24h M. Pieter LAGROU Jeudi 14-16h. DB10.245 Partie I: (16h.) Construire lÉtat-Nation dans lère de la Guerre Totale, 1912-1948.1) 18 septembre: introduction 2) 25 septembre: La Grande Guerre et lEspace Ottoman 3) 2 octobre: La révolution bolshévique et la question nationale. 4) 9 octobre: Filippo Foccardi (Università di Padova) The question of the punishment of Italian war crimes 5) 23 octobre: Lespace Austro-hongrois. 6) 27 novembre: Grandes Patries mutilées, nouvelles Patries inventées? 7) 4 décembre: Guerre civile et nettoyage ethnique, 1941-1945. 8) 11 décembre:Ein Volk, ein Staat, 1945-1948. Partie II: (8h.) Colloque international L'Autre Printemps Les changements en Europe de l'Est et les gauches à l'Ouest (1968-1989) Organisé par leCentre des Archives communistes en Belgique(CARCOB) et leCentre dHistoire et de Sociologie des Gauchesde lULB ULB 21 et22 novembre 2008 Suggestions bibliographiques pour la partie I : Feroz Ahmad,Turkey.The Quest for Identity(Oxford, One World, 2003) David Anderson and David Killingray (eds.),Policing and decolonisation : politics, nationalism and the police, 1917-1965(Manchester University Press, 1992) 227 p. David Anderson and David Killingray (eds.),Policing the empire : governerment, authority and control, 1830-1940(Manchester University Press, 1991), 260 p. Henriette Asseo,Les Tsiganes, une destinée européenne(Gallimard, 1994) Claire Auzias,Les Tsiganes ou le destin sauvage des roms de lEst(Michaelon, 1995) Karen Barkey and Mark von Hagen (eds.)After Empire. Multiethnic societies and Nation-Building. The Soviet Union and the Russian, Otttoman and Habsburg Empires(Westview Press, 1997) Michael Biddis,The Age of the Masses : Ideas and Society in Europe since 1870(London, Penguin, 1977) Donald Bloxham,The great game of genocide: imperialism, nationalism and the destruction of the Ottoman armenians.(Oxford UP, 2005) Philippe Boulanger,Bosnie-Herzégovine. Une géopolitique de la déchirure(Paris, Karthala, 2002) Florent Brayard,La  solution finale de la question juive » La technique, le temps et les catégories de la décision(Paris, Fayard, 2004) Pierre Broué,Histoire de lInternationale communiste (1919-1943), (Paris, Fayard, 1997). George Clémenceau,Grandeurs et misères dune victoire(Paris, Plon, 1919)
François-George Dreyfus,1919-1939, lengrenage(Paris, Éditions du Fallois, 2002) Great Britain, Colonial Office,Report by His Britannic Majestys Government to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of Iraq1925-1927, London, H.M. Stationary Office. François Fejtö,Requiem pour un empire defunt. Histoire de la destruction de lAutriche-Hongrie(Paris, Seuil, 1993) Sheila Fitzpatrick,The Russian revolution(Oxford, OUP, 1994) Michael Florinsky,The End of the Russian Empire(New Haven, Yale UP, 1931) Isabelle Fonseca,Bury me standing. The Gypsies and their Journey(London, Chato &Windus, 1995) Edith Rogovin Frankel, Jonathan Frankel Baruch Knei-Paz,Revolution in Russia : reassesmetns of 1917(Cambridge UP, 1992) Pauil Garde,Vie et mort de la YougoslavieParis, Fayard, 2000 Erenst Gellner,Nations and Nationalism(Oxford, Blackwell, 1983) Christian Gerlach,Kalkulierte Morde : die deutsche Wirtschafts- und Vernichtungspolitik in Weissrusland 1941-1944(Hambourg, Hamburger Edition, 1999) Raoul Girardet,Nationalismes et nations(Bruxelles, Éditions Complexe, 1996) Mirko Grmek, Marc Gjidara et Neven Simac (dir.)Le nettoyage ethnique. Documents historiques sur une idéologie Serbe(Paris, Fayard, 1993) Bülent Gökay,A Clash of Empires : Turkey between Russian Bolshevism and British imperialism, 1918-1923(London/NY, Tauris Academic Studies, 1997) Jan Gross,Neigbours. The destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne(Princeton UP, 2001) Adolf Hitler,Mein Kampf, Munich, 1925 Eric Hobsbawm,Nations and nationalism since 1780 : programme, myth, reality(Cambridge, CUP, 1994) Miroslav Hroch,Social preconditions of national revival in Europe(Cambridge UP, 1985) Iraq administration reports, 1914-1932Sources established by Robert L. Jarman (Slough, Archive Editions, 1992) 10 vols. Tony Judt Istvan Deak (ed.).The Politics of Retribution in Europe. World War II and Its Aftermath, (Princeton, PUP, 2001). John Maynard Keynes,The Economic consequences of Peace.(London, MacMillan, 1919) Hamdi Khayat,Blut und öl, Englands Verrat am Irak(Dresden, F. Müller, 1944) 1333 p. Ladislav Kubli,Du nationalisme yougoslave aux nationalismes post-yougoslaves(Paris, LHarmattan, 1998) Vladimir Illich Lenin,Le Mouvement de libération nationale des peuples dOrient(Moscou, Éditions en langues étrangères, s.d.) Vladimir Illich Lenin,Œuvres(Paris, Éditions Sociales, 1957-1976) Moshe Lewin,La formation du système soviétique : essais sur l'histoire sociale de la Russie dans l'entre-deux-guerre(Paris, Gallimard, 1987) Bernard Lewis,Que sest-il passé? LIslam, loccident et la modernité(Paris, Gallimard, 2002) Erich Ludendorf,La Guerre Totale(Paris, Flammarion, 1936, [1935]) C.A. Macartney,Hungary and her successors. The Treaty of Trianon and its consequences, 1919-1937(Oxford UP, 1937) Charles Maier,Among Empires. American Ascendancy and Its Predecessors(Harvard UP, 2006) Martin Malia,La tragédie soviétique : histoire du socialisme en Russie, 1917-1991(Paris, Seuil, 1999) Mark Mazower,Salonika, City of Ghosts. Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950(Harper/Collins, NY, 2004) Mark Mazower,Dark Continent. Europes Twentieth Century(London, 1998). Benny Morris,1918 and after : Israel and the Palestinians(Oxford UP, 1990)
Benny Morris,The Birth of the Palestinian refjugee problem, 1947-1949(Cambridge UP, 1987) Benny Morris,Victimes: histoire revisitée du conflit arabo-sioniste.(Bruxelles, Complexe, 2003) Norman NaimarkFires of hatred. Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth Century Europe, (Harvard University Press, 2002). Francesco Nitti,La Paix(Paris, 1925) José Ortega y Gasset,La Révolte des masses(Paris, Stock, 1937) Ilan Pappé,The ethnic cleansing of Palestine (Oxford, One World, 2006) Ilan Pappé,The Modern Middle East(London/NY, Routledge, 2005) Reeva S. Reeva,Iraq between the two world wars : the creation and implementation of a nationalist ideology(NY, Columbia UP, 1986) 233 p. Paul B. Rich and Richard Stubbs (eds.)The counterinsurgent state : guerilla warfare and state building in the twentieth century(Basingstoke, Macmillan/New York, St. Martins Press, 1997) 235 p. Jacques Rupnik,Le déchirement des nations, (Le Seuil, 1995) Joseph B. Schechtman,European Population Transfers, 1939-1945. Oxford University Press, 1946. David Shearer,  Elements Near and Alien : Passportization, Policing and Identity in the Stalinist State, 1932-1952 »The Journal of Modern History, 76, décembre 2004, pp. 835-881. Peter Sluglett,Britain in Iraq, 1914-1932(London, Ithaca Press for the Middle East Centre, St. Anthonys College, Oxford, 1976) 360 p. Timothey Snyder,The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (Yale University Press, 2003) George Strong,Seedtime for Fascims. The disintegration of Austrian political culture, 1867-1918(London/NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998) Philipp Therr,Deutsche und polnische Vertriebene: Gesellschaft und Vertriebenepolitik in der SBZ/DDR und in Polen, 1945-1956(Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998) Philipp Ther et Ana Siljak,Redrawing Nations: ethnic cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944-1948. (Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2001). Anne-Marie Thiesse,La création des identités nationales. Europe XVIII°-XX° siècle(Paris, Seuil, 1999) Ruby Watson (dir.)Memory, History and opposition under State Socialism(Santa Fe, 1994) Eugen Weber,Peasants into Frenchmen. The modernisation of rural France, 1870-1914 (Stanford UP, 1976) Nicolas Werth,  Un État contre son peuple » in : Stéphane Courteois (dir.)Le livre noir du communisme Nicolas Werth,Histoire de l'Union soviétique : de l'Empire russe à la Communauté des Etats indépendants : 1900-1991(Paris, PUF, 2001) Patrick Williams (dir)Tsiganes, identités, évolutions(Syros alternatives, 1989) Michael Zimmermann,Rassenutopie und Genozid : die nationalsozialistische "Lösung der Zigeunerfrage". (Hamburg : Christians, 1996) (Hamburger Beiträge zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte) Erik J. Zürcher,Turkey. A Modern History(London/NY, Tauris, 2004 [1994]) Danube Exodus, The/Dunai exodus,Peter Forgacs; Hungary/English language; 1998, 60 min.An intimate, surprising, and gripping journey into the world of refugees displaced by war.
Music, newsreel images, and narration from private diaries are combined with extraordinary footage taken by the captain of a Danube cruise ship between 1938 and 1945. He filmed the transformation of his elegant ship into a refugee liner that carried Central European Jews desperate to escape the coming war, travelling by way of the Danube River to the Black Sea and beyond, to Palestine. The captain captures the hopes and anxieties of his passengers as they dance, pray, and even find romance. As the war continues, he begins to ferry a different set of refugees in the other direction: Bessarabian Germans expelled by the Russians in 1940. Their evacuation and resettlement into Poland as World War II progresses is a haunting counterpoint to the fate of the Jewish refugees. Focardi (Università di Padova) "The Question of Italian War Criminals' Punishment (1943-1951)". - Michele Battini,The Missing Italian Nuremberg. Cultural Amnesia and Postwar Politics,Palgrave MacMillan 2007 (italian first edition 2003). - Costantino Di Sante (a cura di),Italiani senza onore. I crimini in Jugoslavia e i processi negati (1941-1951), Ombre corte, Verona 2005. - Filippo Focardi,La questione della punizione dei criminali di guerra in Italia dopo la fine del secondo conflitto mondiale, “Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken”, 80/2000, pp. 543-624. - Filippo Focardi,LItalia fascista come potenza occupante nel giudizio dellopinione pubblica italiana: la questione dei criminali di guerra (1943-1948), in “Qualestoria”, n. 1, giugno 2002, pp. 157-183. - Filippo Focardi,I mancati processi ai criminali di guerra italiani, in Luca Baldissara e Paolo Pezzino (a cura di),Giudicare e punire. I processi per crimini di guerra tra diritto e politica, Lancora del Mediterraneo, Napoli 2005, pp. 185-214. - Filippo Focardi,Criminali impuniti. Cause e responsabilità della mancata Norimberga italiana, in Luigi Borgomaneri (a cura di),Crimini di guerra. Il mito del bravo italiano tra repressione del ribellismo e guerra ai civili, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2006, pp. 133-178. - Filippo Focardi,Italien als Besatzungsmacht auf dem Balkan: Der Umgang mit Kriegserinnerung und Kriegsverbrechen nach 1945, in Joerg Echternkamp und Stefan Martens (Hrsg.),Der Zweite Weltkrieg in Europa. Erfahrung und Erinnerung, Schöningh 2007, pp. 163-174. - Filippo Focardi e Lutz Klinkhammer,The question of fascist Italys war crimes: the costruction of a self-acquitting myth (1943-1948), in Journal of Modern Italian Studies», a. IX, n. 3, 2004, pp. 330-348. - Filippo Focardi e Lutz Klinkhammer (a cura di),La questione dei “criminali di guerra” italiani e una Commissione di inchiesta dimenticata, in “Contemporanea”, IV, 3, luglio 2001, pp. 497-528. - Arieh J. Kochavi,Prelude to Nuremberg. Allied War Crimes Policy and the Question of the Punishment, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill/Londres 1998. - Effie G. H. Pedaliu,Britain and the ‘Hand-over of Italian War Criminals to Yugoslavia, 1945-48, in “Journal of Contemporary History”, vol 39/4, 2004, pp. 503-529. - Richard Pankhurst,Italian Fascist War Crimes in Ethiopia: a History of their Discussion, from the League of Nations to the United Nations (1936-1949), “Northeast African Studies”, vol. VI, n. 1-2 (New Series), 1999, pp. 83-140.
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