# 3094, Sector 37D Call: 9855171046& SCO 164, Sector 38 C-D E-Mail: info@ gjtutorial.comasked by scholars as unimportantSymbiosis National Aptitude Test(a) since they are not worth asking or answering.(SNAP) 2007(b) because the question is related to new machinesQuestion Paper (Fully Solved)and gadgets.ENGLISH LANGUAGE(c) because the common man doesn’t understandquestions without years of explanations.Directions (Q. 1 to 6): Read the following(d) scholars ask very minute, specialized questionspassage and answer within its context.beyond the comprehension of the common man.The world dismisses curiosity by calling it idle, or2. In the statement ‘that is mainly what a universitymere idle curiosity – even though curious personsis for’, ‘that’ refers to are seldom idle. P arents do their best to extinguish(a) parents refusal to answer questions.curiosity in their children because it makes life diffi-(b) children’s curiosity that survives parental stric-cult to be faced every day with a string of unanswer-tures.able questions about what makes fire hot or why(c) questions not worth answering.grass grows. C hildren whose curiosity survives(d) the aim and scope of the university to provide anparental discipline are invited to join our university.opportunity to curious minds to find out the answersWithin the university, they go on asking their ques-to their questions.tions and trying to find the answers. In the eyes of a3. According to the passage the general ...