InformationDesig nJournal15(3), 199–213 ©2007JohnnjaminsBe PublishingCompanyArthurC.Graesser,MoongeeJeon,YanYan&ZhiqiangCaiDiscourse cohesion in text and tutorial dialogueKeywords: cohesion, discourse types, readability, software tools, automatic analysis There has been a dramatic increase in computer analyses of large text corpora during the last decade. This can Discourse cohesion is presumably an important facilitator partly be explained by revolutionary advances in compu-of comprehension when individuals read texts and hold tational linguistics (Jurafsky & Martin, 2000; Walker conversations. This study investigated components of et al., 2003), discourse processes (Pickering & Garrod, cohesion and language in different types of discourse 2004; Graesser et al., 2003), the representation of world about Newtonian physics: A textbook, textoids written by knowledge (Lenat, 1995; Landauer et al., 2007), and experimental psychologists, naturalistic tutorial dialogue corpus analyses (Biber et al., 1998). Because thousands of between expert human tutors and college students, and texts can be quickly accessed and analyzed on thousands AutoTutor tutorial dialogue between a computer tutor of measures in a short amount of time, data mining is and students (AutoTutor is an animated pedagogical emerging as a standard methodology in a broad spec-agent that helps students learn about physics by holding trum of fields.conversations in natural ...