Beyssade C. 14/02/07 Site du séminaire :∼marandin INTERFACE ILLOCUTION, SYNTAXE ET PROSODIE Sémantique illocutoire : état de l'art I LES ACTES DE LANGAGE : BREF HISTORIQUE asserter ≠ énoncer Frege (1918) : assertoric force (‘Behauptende Kraft’) of the utterance. Austin (1975) : - the locutionary act - the illocutionary act Illocutionary acts are such acts as asserting, asking a question, warning, threatening, announcing a verdict or intention, making an appointment, giving an order, expressing a wish, making a request. An utterance of a sentence, i.e. a locutionary act, by means of which a question is asked is thus an utterance with interrogative force, and when an assertion is made the utterance has assertoric force. Each type of illocutionary act is a type of act with the corresponding illocutionary force. - the perlocutionary act. The perlocutionary act is made by means of an illocutionary act, and depends entirely on the hearer's reaction. For instance, by means of arguing the speaker may convince the hearer, and by means of warning the speaker may frighten the hearer. In these examples, convincing and frightening are perlocutionary acts. • Quelle place donner à la réaction de l'interlocuteur dans la théorie des actes de langage ? For instance, I haven't warned someone unless he heard and understood what I said. In this sense the performance of an illocutionary act depends on the ‘securing of uptake’ (Austin ...