About musical creation How would you explain the origin of your creativity?Creativity essentially depends on the way one apprehends reality. The more its picture, the truth, satisfies us, the less we feel the need for developing and deepening the experience of reality (passing through the observation and the criticism). The subjective representation we have from reality is to a large extent conditional upon culture, language, manners, habits and believes. All of these allow the assimilation of norms essential to a functional relationship with our species and our environment. But creativity nourishes itself from an ability of assimilation that oversteps the functional frame, relative and reducing, of any culture. My creativity originates from the relativity with which I consider the functional representations characterized with the language, the culture, the History, etc. That sense allows me to better reach what is common and absolute in the mankind. However, I am less interested in the shape taken by music than in the meaning this shape gives. The more things appear to us in a relative way, the better is our ability to assimilate and subsume them to reveal an obvious meaning. And to me, music is an art of the obvious sense. I have been capable of assimilating the aesthetics of classical music, electro-acoustic music, choral music, jazz, and more, simply by listening to it, by experiencing it. Behind all these styles of music there are common ...