∗Comment on “The Veil of Public Ignorance”†Geoffroy de ClippelFebruary 2010Nehring(2004)proposesaninterestingmethodologytoextendtheutilitariancriteriondefinedundercompleteinformationtoaninterimsocialwelfareorderingallowingtocom-pare acts. The first axiom defining his approach, called “State Independence,” requiresthe interim social welfare ordering to be consistent with ex-post utilitarian comparisons:if it is commonly known that the act f selects in each state an outcome that is sociallyprefererred according to the utilitarian criterion to the lottery selected by an alternativeact g, then f should be interim socially preferred to g. The second axiom is a classicalcondition of consistency with respect to interim Pareto comparisons: if an act f interimPareto dominates and act g, then f should be interim socially preferred to g. Nehringproves that 1) these two axioms are incompatible if there is no common prior, and 2)that the unique interim social welfare ordering that satisfies these two axioms when thereis a common prior is the ex-ante utilitarian criterion.The purpose of this comment is to show that Nehring’s methodology does not provehelpful in finding ways of extending other classical social welfare orderings. I show in-deed that the corresponding state-independence property becomes incompatible with theinterim Pareto criterion for a very large class of common priors, as soon as the socialwelfare ordering satisfies the strict Pigou-Dalton transfer ...