1 Test Number
Draft Edition
032906 Success for All Foundation
200 W. Towsontown Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21204
© 2006 Success for All Foundation READING
In today’s high-stakes testing environment, you can’t afford to wait to see how your
students perform on your state assessments. You need to estimate how students are likely
to perform throughout the year. That’s why the Success for All Foundation created 4Sight,
a benchmark assessment tool that enables you to predict your students’ reading and math
achievement quarterly—in time to take action in the areas in which students need help. No
prediction is perfect, but 4Sight provides a useful guide to help teachers focus instruction.
4Sight assessments are one-hour tests that have exactly the same formats, coverage, look,
and feel as your state reading and math assessments. They produce overall scores that predict
students’ scores on state assessments such as TAKS, AIMS, MCAS, CST, and many others.
Further, 4Sight produces scores on key subskills designed around your state’s standards—for
example, interpreting text, drawing conclusions, purpose of text, and so on. These scores
tell you where to focus professional development and instructional efforts to ensure student
success. Currently, 4Sight assessments are available for grades 3 through 8. This spring, they
will also be available at the high-school level. The secondary 4Sight assessments correlate to ...