Pastato aktyviosios šiluminės talpos įtaka patalpų mikroklimatui bei energijos poreikiams ; Influence of active heat capacity on microclimate and energy demand of a building







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VI LNIUS G EDIMI NAS TECHNI CAL UNIVERSITYgical ces, Ener getics and Thermal Engine g Technolo y ctoral Di Scien2007erin Summar of Do ssertation (06T) Vilnius A BUILDING MICROCLIMATE AND ENERGY DEMAND OF INFLUENCE OF ACTIVE HEAT CAPACITY ON Kęstut i s VALANČIUS Doctoral dissertation was prepare d at Vilni us Gedi minas echnical Universit in 200Scienti fic Con sul tant Prof Dr Habil Alfon sas Kazys SKRINSKA (Vil ni us Gedi m ina s Technical U ni versit y , Techn ological Scie nces, Ener getics and Ther ma l Engi neeri . ng – 06T)The dis sertation is being d efended at the Council of Scientific Fiel d of Energetics an d Ther m al Engineeri ng at Vilni us Ge di m ina s Technical University: Chair m a n Prof Dr Habil Vyt autas RTIN MA AI TIS (Vil ni us Gedi m i nas Technica l Uni versit y , Technological Sciences, Ener getic s and Therma l Engi neeri .
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Publié le

01 janvier 2007

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1 Mo

gical ces, Ener getics and Thermal Engine g
Technolo y ctoral Di Scien2007erin Summar of Do ssertation (06T) Vilnius
Kęstut i s VALANČIUS Doctoral dissertation was prepare d at Vilni us Gedi minas echnical Universit in 200
Scienti fic Con sul tant
Prof Dr Habil Alfon sas Kazys SKRINSKA (Vil ni us Gedi m ina s
Technical U ni versit y , Techn ological Scie nces, Ener getics and Ther ma l
Engi neeri . ng – 06T)
The dis sertation is being d efended at the Council of Scientific Fiel d of
Energetics an d Ther m al Engineeri ng at Vilni us Ge di m ina s Technical
Chair m a n
Prof Dr Habil Vyt autas RTIN MA AI TIS (Vil ni us Gedi m i nas Technica l
Uni versit y , Technological Sciences, Ener getic s and Therma l
Engi neeri . ng – 06T)
Me mbers:
Dr Habil Bene di ktas ČĖSNA ( L it hua nia n E ne rg y Ins tit ute,
Technological Scie nces, Ener getics a nd Ther mal En gi neering – 06T),
Assoc Prof Dr Artur R O GO Ž A (Vi lni u s Gedi m in as Technica l
Uni versit y , Technological Sciences, Ener getic s and Therma l
Engi neeri , ng – 06T)
Prof Dr Habil Vytautas STANK EVI ČIUS (Kau nas Uni versit y of
Technolog y, Technological Sc iences, C ivi l En gi neerin, T) g – 02
Prof Dr Habil Petras VAITI EKŪNAS (Vi lni u s Gedi m inas Tech nica l
Uni versit y , Technological Science s, En viron m en tal E ngi neeri ng a nd
La ndscape Mana ge me . nt – 04T)
Prof Dr Habil A nupras Š LA NČIAU SKAS (Lithuanian Energy Institute,
Technological Scie nces, Ener getics a nd Ther mal En gi neering – 06T),
Assoc Prof Dr Nijolė Juzefa VEGY T Ė (Viln iu s Gedi m inas Techn ical
Uni versit y , Technological Sciences, Ener getic s and Therma l
Engi neeri . ng – 06T)
The dissertation will be defended lic meeting of the Couat the p cil of Scientific Field
of Energetics and Ther mal Engineering in the Senate Hall of Vilnius Gediminas
A cop y of the doctoral ion is available for revie w at the Librar y of Vilnius
© Kęst utis Vala nči us, 2007
udefended as ancThe dissertation is dissertatTechnical Universitertay at 1 p. m. oFenh 1a6ist March us, Lith20Saulėtekio al. 107 . bAddress: Saulėtekio al. 1o1, LT-10223n Vilniius, Litheuania. 5Tel.: +370 rua5 22007T4t 4e9o5t2, +3r70l 5 iss27t4 4uania).9r5b6 year. tGedidTechnical Universitlni0Vi 0b14, 1y (2; 0– ymail external work. u6; fax +370 minas 5 27e-
2007. was d on 1 ry ion The summary of d dVI LNIAUS GE DIMINO TECHNIKOS U NIVERS
acijos santr Vilnius getika ir te ITETAS Technolo rmoinžinerija (06T) gijos mokslai, ener2007 Daktaro disert auka
Kęstut i s VALANČIUS Disertacija rengta 2000–20m 06 etai s Vil niau s Gedi m ino tec hni kos un ivers itete.
Disertacija gina m a e kster nu.
Moksli nis kon su ltan tas
prof. habil. dr. Alfonsas Kazys SKRINSKA (Viln ia us Gedi m i no
techn ikos u niver siteta s, technolo gijos mok slai, e nergeti ka ir
ter m oinži ). T nerija – 06
Disertacija gina ma Vilniaus Gedi m i no techni kos u niversiteto Energetiko s
ir ter m oinži nerijos m o k slo k rypties taryboje:
prof. habil. dr. Vytautas M ARTI NAI TI S (Vil nia us Gedi m i no tec hni kos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, ener geti ka ir ter m oi nžiT ). 6 nerija – 0
habil. dr. Benedi ktas Č ĖSNA ( L iet u vos ener geti k os inst itu tas,
technolo gijos moks lai, ener get ika ir ter m oi nžinerija – 06T),
doc. dr. Artur ROGO Ž A (Vilnia us Gedi mi no tec hni kos uni versi tetas,
technolo gijos moks lai, ener get ika ir ter m oi nžinerija – 06T),
prof. habil. dr. Vytautas STANK EVI ČIU S (Kau no tech nologijos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, stat y bos i , nT)žinerija – 02
prof. habil. dr. Petras VAI TI EKŪNAS (Vil nia us Gedi m i no techn ikos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolog ijos m okslai, aplin kos i nžinerija ir kraštotvar ka –
T). 04
prof. habil. dr. Anupras ŠLANČ IAU SKAS (L ietu vo s energet ikos
inst itu tas, tech nologijos mo ksl ai, energeti ka ir ter m oi nžinerij), T a – 06
doc. dr. Nijolė Juzefa VE GYT Ė (Vil nia us Gedi m i no tech ni kos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, ener geti ka ir ter m oi nžiT ). 6 nerija – 0
Disertacija bus gina m a vie ša m e E nerget ikos ir ter m o inži nerijos moks lo
kr ypties tar ybos posėd yje 2007 m. kovo 16 d. 13 val. Vilnia us Gedi mi no
techn ikos u niver siteto se nato posėdžių salėje.
Adresas : Sau lėtek -10223 Vilnius, io al. 11, LT Liet u va.
6; faksa0112; 495 270 274 s +370 5 0 5 +37 952, 4 4 5 27 70 Tel.: +3
el. paštas doktor@ad m . vtu.l t
Disertacijos santra uka i šsi u nti nėta 2007 m. va sario 15 d.
Disertaciją gali m a peržiūrė ti Vil nia us Gedi m ino tec h niko s un ivers iteto
bibliotekoje (Saulėtekio al. 14 , Vilni us, Liet uva).
VGTU leidy klos „Techni ka “ 1357 mokslo literat ūros knyga.
© Kęst utis Vala nči us, 2007
General Characteristic of the Dissertation
m Topicality of the proble
Heat tras i bs are al at r eal cond
On e ot oher al ca h eat es ige pr b
are based on steade proces s equats. In sp ite of odern te
, accordin g to practica obser s ad t
c r o i
ve ve ice o idoor h eat co ort nt rea e
d, e th e period of bui , unr ng e
d e l al t ns i t pa e h isr owe U. ced i d t e o t n ua al ev n infat e h ows cal te us bo o ig ing at e h
wer ad o of a b g and, , nt g ari
g of too l ad i too i
t o n sfy ti a s re en hygi Usu. ts em n r e i qu e , enlly a rgy se ing av ps i ad rme o rf e t e th
i inced b ors, h ve act o ther l
a bf o . ing d l ui of thing lv o S is p em invl b o r ies lv o ann io at c i tif en d qud e tiv a t ti an
of ese ors. Thi t be uul i predict g and
. e us rgy e d e imat l c o r mic ing d l i n s r cto a f e es e c en lu ve ti a eg n
– e air te e, seed and so
. ins a g t ea l na r te d ing d l i r e ow tin a e h
The t grop facors m geogr al sit
ate co . Exat ch ge and e fa
t cul i ff i d Inv. ough n e cns o ti a ig st e an b e e od ma nly on th e ba ofis s p aious i ev r r
It i ed t s o ted to be t p are
byd te an a r dig invou manyst rei e bwe av l eing th rma d hdy bue t l aant oi e t str un o p im
s on i ow that invesh ig t l t a a s ic t ane l thrca d o i s e rt lt p,c su f ssa e ole r e th Nr . e rs ev o th u a
dy a e st un t ta e r ph ae sfs ssean er c o e r r ly cain ma by d e us fr : choo s d r n o i ct a ofge an
por ad i I of ou tdoor facs – nd and n –
n a c ly bl a usu e by ad e lv o s al r tu c e t chi r In. s an me buirn e d mo gs in d l th wi r e igh h
ion o e a d int g, ce of idoor
co tr of a be t d t

shor t period of t e. mi
inflhueerncamcoue on behalumparailvhrioudis ouegmn tviely
factor s n inlfeun heat in eittmr etn n lectr icit y f cons ptmu
us iw tro flnuence flon .sw hea t n ew heat nig
conomgrofirresuides rhefactorfnoticnaemylhsat
temper ature records, nd speeiw d and sol ar radiat ion intensitdata. y
si ctors htse of predict ion flniuence na c ndit ion s cli m
nad utaion aphic on depe nds ainyl t fo u ifrs
– g p of a bu an in h (cont rollable ) Indoor
radiatio n.
lar p ndiw pmera tur xetrnal (uncontro lled ) Outdoor
a build ing, c an be d iivded i nto o gewt ner al group s:
The mai actors, n cihwh alterat ion dis turb s steasta-yd te thaerl beham vio ur of
inf of th o bu an en
siimngn ni n sfe ghim s fac t th anal siy
mode am n mip ha cihw fac t y flnue s The problem
expe nse of h namu heal ht.
That is rwgno,yhw buildainmtenance is obser ved, t hat is, indoor cli atme does
stanthnseqloe colled pofrowsnmueoewncegnrh preeattiemin.
sse heati n interittem con traril y uild in verheat nig n po
xplo liditateasoionnably usrignpeciUsualallyly
demands o f a b uliding.
neryg l imsreprese and fm n n lfneun negati ha
investi gtioa undens,sirab le chgesnafdoor hea tha bevio occur. u uShcgenas
heoreti cal n vatio n l naamgetnem stysme
microcli am m ion ts-yat
ulidigns nocessxhcnae lcufhalnd practicatio sn th
itio sn. nutsead y syaw uildin g n fsnseer procesObject of the research
n o te ure a hea por (t ) cge
e on t regi of a bu i t object of te re

and tasks of the workThe aim
The mai n ai m o f the w ork is to i nve sti gate u nstead y indoor ther ma l
factors’ in fl ue nce on pre m i se s microcli m ate, e nerg y de ma n d and instal led heat
po wer.
Tasks of the w ork :
1. To investi gate e val uation m et hods of ther m al c haracterist ic s of a bui ldin g
w h ic h have i n flue nce o n u nst eady hea t tra ns fer, a nd to point o ut t he ma in
and deter m in in g fac tors.
2. To investi gate d y na m ic t he r mal c haracteristics of a b uildin g i n a n
experi me ntal w a y .
3. describe unsteadTo y hea t trans fer processes in bu ildin gs on the basis o f
energ y co nser vation la w for a control volu m e w i th t he help of active heat
capacit y conception a apt calculation nd to ad m et hods for practical use.
4. To estimate the in fl

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