Automatic Partitioning of OWL OntologiesUsingE-ConnectionsBernardo Cuenca Grau, Bijan Parsia, Evren Sirin, Aditya KalyanpurUniversity of Maryland, College Park, MD,;;{evren,aditya}@cs.umd.edu1 MotivationOn the Semantic Web, the ability to combine, integrate and reuse ontologies iscrucial. TheWebOntologyLanguage(OWL)definesthe owl:imports construct,which allows to include by reference all the axioms contained in another knowl-edge base (KB) on the Web. This certainly provides some syntactic modularity,but not a logical modularity. We have proposed [3]E-Connections as a suitableformalism for combining KBs and for achieving modular ontology developmenton the Web.E-Connections are KR languages defined as a combination of otherlogical formalisms. They were originally introduced in [4] mostly as a way to gobeyond the expressivity of each of the component logics, while preserving thedecidability of the reasoning services in the combination. We have found thatE-Connections can help process, evolve, reuse, and understand OWL ontologies.Inthispaper,weaddresstheproblemofautomaticallytransforminganOWLKBOintoaE-ConnectionΣinsuchawaythateachoftherelevantsub-domainsmodeled inO is represented in a different component of Σ. We present a formaldefinition and investigation of different variants of the problem, a polynomialsolution for some of them, an optimised implementation and some promisingempirical results.We have found that ...