rev. August 14, 2007 Oxford Tutorial and Honors Thesis Each student in the Honors College, in order to complete a minor in interdisciplinary studies, must complete a one-semester Oxford Tutorial (which may be repeated for a total of two semesters), which will eventually culminate in a Senior Honors Thesis. The purpose of the Tutorial is to provide an opportunity for a student and a faculty member to explore a topic one-on-one. The topic of the Tutorial should be worked out between the student and the professor, with a written contract specifying the topic, goals, and meeting schedule to be submitted to the Honors College. The student is simultaneously enrolled in an Honors College course, for which attendance and occasional writings are required. Approximately one hundred tutors are needed each year to accomplish our undergraduate research goals. Tutors receive $300 in departmental travel money for each three students they advise to successful completion of the thesis. Students should select their tutors and begin planning their Tutorial before the term in which they enroll in the course. The student directs the Tutorial as much as possible, and should take primary responsibility for finding sources on the subject. The student should prepare a list of readings in consultation with their tutor as soon as possible, so that research can begin immediately. The reading list should function as a guide for the student and tutor; as the student explores ...