Office of the Superintendent of Schools MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland
December 2, 2003
To: Members of the Board of Education
From: Jerry D. Weast, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: Continued Early Elementary School Performance Gains
The percentage of kindergarten students who can read a simple story with familiar content and supportive illustrations—the text reading benchmark for this grade level—has nearly doubled in the last three years, increasing from just 39 percent in the 2000-2001 school year to 70 percent last year, according to new results of a longitudinal study by the Office of Shared 1Accountability. The greatest gains have been made among lower-income children in full-day kindergarten who for the first time last year surpassed their counterparts in the half-day program offered in more affluent communities. The achievements underscore the profound transformation of the kindergarten program in the Montgomery County Public Schools and offer repeated evidence that kindergarten children from all socio-economic and racial or ethnic groups—when offered a substantive and highly specific instructional program—are able to achieve rigorous expectations as they undergo preparation for first grade. The success is due, in large measure, to kindergarten teachers, support staff, and elementary school principals who underwent extensive training, implemented a greatly strengthened kindergarten ...