Netsoc Ruby Tutorial
Shane hduairc@netsoc.tcd.iei
January 13, 2009
Shane hduairc@netsoc.tcd.iei () Netsoc Ruby Tutorial January 13, 2009 1 / 23Contents of this Tutorial
1 Introduction
What is Ruby?
About this Tutorial
irb - the Interactive Ruby Shell
2 Problems and Solutions in Ruby
Problem 1: Hello, world! 2: Silly binary stu
Problem 3: Iterators 4: 2 + 2 = 5
Problem 5: I am Vinny 6: Hash-like thing (Map)
Problem 7: Adding accessor methods to Map 8: Betterrds
Problem 9: Turning Map into a mixin 10: Improving the mixin
Project Euler 1: Higher-order functions in Ruby
3 Further Reading
Shane hduairc@netsoc.tcd.iei () Netsoc Ruby Tutorial January 13, 2009 2 / 23Introduction What is Ruby?
What is Ruby?
This is Ruby:
5.times {puts "Hello, world!"}
Is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language.
Combines the semantics of Smalltalk with Perl-inspired syntax.
Everything is an object, even 5.
Shane hduairc@netsoc.tcd.iei () Netsoc Ruby Tutorial January 13, 2009 3 / 23Introduction What is Ruby?
What is Ruby?
This is Ruby:
5.times {puts "Hello, world!"}
Is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language.
Combines the semantics of Smalltalk with Perl-inspired syntax.
Everything is an object, even 5.
Shane hduairc@netsoc.tcd.iei () Netsoc Ruby Tutorial January 13, 2009 3 / 23Introduction What is Ruby?
What is Ruby?
This is Ruby:
5.times {puts "Hello, world!"}
Is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language.
Combines the semantics of Smalltalk with ...