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Pour obtenir le grade de
Sp cialité : Biologie cellulaire
Arr t ministériel : 7 aoû t 2006
Présenté e par
Thè se dirigé e par Franç oise MOREL
pré paré e au sein du Laboratoire d'Enzymologie
NADPH oxydase Nox4:
Protéomique recombinante et
approche immunologique
Thè se soutenue publiquement le 30 Mai 2011
devant le jury composé de :
Mme, Corinne, DUPUY
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Rapporteur
Mr, Yves, GORIN
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Rapporteur
Mr, Bernard, Lassegue
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Membre
Mr, Bernard, LARDY
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Membre
Mr, Christian, DROUET
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Président
Mme, Franç oise, MOREL
Fonction et lieu de la fonction, Membre
tel-00622550, version 1 - 12 Sep 2011
é ê
é Remerciements
I would like to thank Pr. Fran oise Morel, my dissertation advisor, for directing me
through my Ph.D study. She spent a lot of time and energy on educating me, modifying the
papers and the dissertation for me, helping me with my life in France. I am very grateful for
having the opportunity to work with her and learn from her.
Special thanks go to the committee members Dr. Yves, Gorin, Dr. Bernard, Lassegue, Dr.
Corinne, Dupuy, Dr. Christian, Drouet for serving on the committee and giving me good
suggestions and comments on the dissertation.
I would like to thank Dr. Bernard Lardy, Dr. Chuong Nguyen, Dr. Marie-H l ne Paclet
and sylvie Berthier for the encouragement and helpful advice through all of the technology
challenges. They always give me a hand when I have difficulties and need help in daily life.
I thank Candice Trocme, Francis Rousset, Adam Baillet, Marie-claire Dagher for the
help in learning the details of lab’s life and French.
I thank all the members in the Laboratoire d'Enzymologie for everything. I do enjoy a
memorial time staying with you guys in the past 3 years.
Thanks also go out to Alexei Grichine for the technique support in the use of confocal
microscopy, TIRFM and to Pr. Algirdas J. Jesaitis for the phage display technique.
I am grateful to Prof. Guanxiang Qian and Prof. Shengfang Ge. They always give me a
huge support and encouragement.
I am also thankful to Prof. Guy Vincendon for the help in scholarship application.
A special thanks to all my friends in China. And also friends in France, Samuel Degoul,
Kelly Dilworth, Hai Huang, Rang Xu, Zhen Jiang, Yan Wang. They help me to adapt my life
and study in France.
My very special thanks will also give to my parents Xudong Zhang and Chaofen Qian,
my husband Aiping Ding. They use their broad mind and deep love to accept all my strengths
and weaknesses. No matter what happens, They will always in there supportting me,
encouraging me, helping me, and be my powerful support.
I appreciate the financial support from the Region Rhô ne-Alpes, programme ARCUS”,
“ the National Key Program for Basic Research of China (2010CB529902)”, the Science and
Technology Commission of Shanghai (S30205, 06SR07110)”, “ the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (30973663)”, “ L’Ambassade de France en Chine”.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone here.
tel-00622550, version 1 - 12 Sep 2011
è é
çTable of Content 1
Table of Figures and Tables 4
List of the abbreviations 5
Summary in English 7
Part 1 Introduction 8-41
I. Reactive Oxygen Species 8
1 Introduction 8
2 Sources of the Generation of ROS 9
2.1 Mitochondria 9
2.2 5-Lipoxygenase 10
2.3 NADPH oxidase 11
2.3.1. Activation of the Phagocyte NADPH Oxidase 12
II. A Historical Overview of ROS-Generating NADPH Oxidases 13
III. Structure, activity and function of NADPH oxidases 15
1 The Family of NADPH Oxidases 15
2 Structure and Topology of NADPH Oxidases 18
2.1 Conserved Structural Properties of NADPH Oxidases 18
2.2 Topology of NADPH oxidases 21
2.3 Post-translational Modification of NADPH Oxidases 22
2.4 Isoforms of NADPH oxidases 23
3 Regulation of the NADPH Oxidase Activity 25
3.1 Electron Transfer Mechanism of NADPH Oxidase Nox2 25
3.2 Nox Subunits and Regulation Proteins 26
3.2.1. p22phox: Indispensible Partner of NADPH Oxidases 26
3.2.2. p47phox, p67phox, p40phox and Rac: Cytosolic Regulatory Protein of Phagocyte NADPH
Oxidase 28
3.3 Assembly of the Phagocyte NADPH oxidase Nox2 30
3.4 Characteristic of NADPH Oxidases Dependent ROS Generation 35
IV. Physiological Function of NADPH Oxidases 36
V. Cellular Models 39
- 1 -
tel-00622550, version 1 - 12 Sep 20111 HEK293 cells 39
TM2 HEK293 T-REx Nox4 cells 39
3 C-20/A4 chondrocyte cell lines 40
VI. The Objectives of Our Work 41
Part 2 Research Work 42-125
Chapter 1: Validation and characterization of the first monoclonal antibodies against NADPH
oxidase Nox4: essential tools for the structural and immunochemical investigations. 42
Résum en français 42
Summary in English 45
1 Background 45
2 Generation and validation of monoclonal antibodies raised against recombinant Nox4 45
3 Subcellular localization of NADPH oxidase 4 46
4 Characterization of monoclonal antibodies raised against recombinant Nox4 46
Article 1: 47
Chapter 2: The E-loop is involved in the hydrogen peroxide formation of Nox4 69
Résum en français 69
Summary in English 72
1 Background 72
2 H O production is an intrinsic feature of Nox4 72 2 2
3 Structural basis for H O formation of Nox4 and its biological consequence 73 2 2
4 Identification of a molecular explanation for H O formation by Nox4 73 2 2
Article 2: 74
Chapter 3: The study of constitutive diaphorase activity of Nox4 and topological study of the
transmembrane heterodimer Nox4/p22phox. 85
Résum en français 85
Summary in English 87
1 Background 87
2 In vitro expression of Nox4 truncated proteins by RTS 87
3 Expression of Nox4 truncated proteins by bacterial induction 87
4 Diaphorase activity of recombinant truncated Nox4 truncated constructions 88
Article 3: 88
- 2 -
tel-00622550, version 1 - 12 Sep 2011
Article 4: 109
1 Introduction 110
2 Materials and methods 111
2.1 Materials 111
2.2 Cell culture 111
2.3 Stable transfection of mammalian expression plasmids 111
2.4 Flow cytometry 111
2.5 SDS/PAGE and Western Blotting 113
3 Results 113
3.1 Establishment of the TDUFA technique 113
3.2 TDUFA reveal the topology of the protein IL1R1 and Nox2N131 114
3.3 Membrane topology of Nox4 by the TDUFA approach 116
3.4 Membrane topology of p22phox by the TDUFA approach 120
4 Discussion 123
5 References 124
Part 3: Discussion and perspectives 126-140
En Fran ais 126
In English 133
Reference 141
Annex 164
Publication list 164
Conferences & presentations 164
Résumé en Franç ais 165
- 3 -
tel-00622550, version 1 - 12 Sep 2011
Figure 1. Reactive Oxygen Species. 8
Figure 2. Mitochondria as Source of Reactive Oxygen Species. 10
Figure 3. 5-Lipoxygenase as Source of Reactive Oxygen Species. 11
Figure 4. NADPH Oxidase as Source of Reactive Oxygen Species. 11
Figure 5. Signaling Pathway to Phagocyte NADPH Oxidase Activation. 12
Figure 6. Linear Representation of the Protein Sequence of NADPH Oxidases. 20
Figure 7. Topology of Nox2. 21
Figure 8. Schematic representastion of Nox4 isoforms 24
Figure 9. Electron transfer pathways within flavocytochrome b558. 25
Figure 10. The two organizer homologs, p47phox and NoxO1, share a similar set of motifs. 29
Figure 11. The two activator homologs, p67phox and NoxA1, share a similar overall domain structure 29
Figure 12. Regions of p40phox involved in protein/protein interactions. 30
Figure 13. Assembly of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase Nox2. 33
Figure 14. Activation of the NADPH oxidase isoforms. 33
Figure 15. Activation of Nox4. 35
TMFigure 16. Principle of T-REx system. 40
Figure 17. Cartoon of TDUFA (Topological Determination by Ubiquitin Fusion Assay) technique 114
Figure 18. TDUFA reveal the topology of the protein IL1R1 and Nox2N131. 116
Figure 19. Schematic of the truncated protein Nox4 117
Figure 20. Restriction enzyme digestion analysis of full length and C-terminal-deleted derivatives Nox4
recombinant plasmids (double digested by KpnI/ApaI) 117
Figure 21. TDUFA reveal the topology of Nox4. 119
Figure 22. Schematic of the truncated protein p22phox 120
Figure 23. Restriction enzyme digestion analysis of full length and C-terminal-deleted derivatives
p22phox recombinant plasmids (double digested by KpnI/ApaI) 121
Figure 24. TDUFA reveal the topology of p22phox. 122