Morfologinės struktūros transformacijos centriniame miesto rajone (Lietuvos pavyzdžiu) ; Transformations of Urban Morphological Structure in the Central Business District (On the example of Lithuania)
VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Inesa Alistratovait ė Inesa Alistratovait ė TRANSFORMATIONS TRANSFORMATIONS OF URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (On the example of Lithuania) (On the example of Lithuania) Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, Art Criticism (03H), Humanities, Art Criticism (03H), Sculpture and Architecture (H312) Sculpture and Architecture (H312) 1078 Vilnius „Technika“ 2004 Vilnius „Technika“ 2004 1 Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS 2000–2004 Scientific Supervisor Prof Dr Habil Jurgis Vanagas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Humanities, Art Criticism – 03H) The Dissertation is defended at the Council of Scientific Field of Art Criticism at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University: Inesa Alistratovait ė Chairman Prof Dr Zigmas Jonas Daunora (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Humanities, Art Criticism – 03H) Members: MORFOLOGINĖS STRUKTŪROS Prof Dr Habil Vladas Stauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Art Criticism – 03H) TRANSFORMACIJOS Prof Dr Habil Konstantinas Jakovlevas–Mateckis (Vilnius Gediminas CENTRINIAME MIESTO RAJONE Technical University,
Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, Art Criticism (03H), Sculpture and Architecture (H312)
Vilnius Technika 2004
Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, Art Criticism (03H), Sculpture and Architecture (H312)
Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (03H), skulpt ū ra ir architekt ū ra (H312)
Vilnius Technika 2004 3
Disertacija rengta 20002004 metais Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete. Mokslinis vadovas prof. habil. dr. Jurgis Vanagas (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H). Disertacija ginama Vilniaus Gedimino techikos universiteto Menotyros mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas prof. dr. Zigmas Jonas Daunora (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H). Nariai: prof. habil. dr. Vladas Stauskas (Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H), prof. habil. dr. Konstantinas JakovlevasMateckis (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H), prof. dr. Rimantas Buivydas (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H), habil. dr. Alg ė Regina Jankevi č ien ė (Architekt ū ros ir statybos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H). Oponentai: prof. habil. dr. Algimantas Mikinis (Lietuvos moksl ų akademija, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H), prof. habil. dr. Jurgis Bu č as (Kauno technologijos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03H). Disertacija bus ginama vieame Menotyros mokslo krypties tarybos pos ė dyje 2005 m. sausio 28 d. 14 val. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Senato pos ė di ų sal ė je. Adresas: Saul ė tekio al. 11, LT10223 Vilnius40, Lietuva. Tel.: +370 5 274 49 52, +370 5 274 49 56; faksas: +370 5 270 01 12; el. p. Disertacijos santrauka isiuntin ė ta 2004 m. gruodio 28 d. Disertacij ą galima peri ū r ė ti Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto bibliotekoje (Saul ė tekio al. 14, Vilnius). VGTU leidyklos Technika 1078 mokslo literat ū ros knyga.
INTRODUCTION Relevance of the subject. As urban development in the 20 th century has become the issue of global concern, more and more new territories have been occupied due to high intensity of the development. International conferences devoted to the regulatory issues of city development held within the current decade (such as HABITAT II held in Istanbul, 1996, ATHENS98 in Athens, 1998, URBAN 21 in Berlin, 2000, and a conference in Brussels, 2001, etc) emphasized the majority of developmental aspects including the great focus on the necessity to further form urban structures with the priority of internal city development looking for more effective and more universal functional uses of the territories, restoration of the existing downtown areas and preservation of their original character. As other post-soviet countries, Lithuania has been also facing the need to reorganize various spheres including urban development. Urban territories have been dangerously expanded, especially during the soviet period, due to the increased general city building-up areas, mostly expressed by the territorial expansion rather than gradual and consistent development (by the use of internal reserves of the city). After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, privatisation, changed character of housing construction, return of land and real estate to the previous owners and increasing value of land under the free market conditions remarkably modified the nature of urban development in Lithuania, at the same time revealing the need for rearrangement of the central city areas. Urban structure transformations made in these areas during the soviet period, at present are named as the inconsistence of the urban fabric, loss of integrity of structure or deformation , which nowadays are not always identified and sometimes even further developed in the same wrong way. Present economic priorities raised by our country encourage for more intensive and effective use of the inner potential of the urban territories taking into consideration the trends of space-saving development in a contemporary European city. However, the presently-set goal for the inner city development does not always follow the concept based on the Western civilization ideology that history and tradition must be the main criteria for each new urban structure development. Considering that the city morphological structure is the entirety of urban forms and arrangement made of separate elements undergoing continuous dynamic process, the key regularity for the morphological structure development is the change (transformation process) preconditioning one or another structure and quality of urban elements. Different scientific works in Lithuania as well as abroad bring up the meaning and significance of consistent transformation of urban structure elements (G.Caniggia, M.R.G.&M.P.Conzen, H.Couclelis, G.Curdes, A.M.Jones, S.Kostof, L.&R.Krier, P.Knox, P.J.Larkham, S.Muratori, C.Sitte, T.Slater, G.Strappa, J.W.R.Whitehand, G.J.Daniulaitis, Z.J.Daunora, V.Jurktas, T.Grunskis, A.Mikinis, K.J.Mateckis, M.Purvinas, A.Spelskis, K.eelgis, J.Vanagas, A.Vyni ū nas, А . В . Иконников , А . Э . Гутнов , Л . Кожаева and others) urban morphology study research recording all transformation processes. As in 5
western countries the urban development has not been discontinued by any shift of social systems, the essential nature of urban morphological structure transformations has been explored. Whereas after facing the change in ideologies, Lithuanian cities have had none of such experience. Here the great value underlies in the territories, where destructive urban structure transformations have occurred under conditions of the plan economy, and nowadays such territories present a great potential for improvement and development of the inner structure of a city. Up to now, such transformations have been failed to analyse in more detail. Thus, in other words, the relevance of the dissertation subject has been determined by the transformation processes occurred due to the shift of social systems and their impact on the urban morphological structure, research and evaluation thereof. Goal and tasks of the dissertation. Strategic goal of the dissertation is to evaluate the existing urban structure morphology in Lithuanian cities. Specific objective of the work is to reveal the regularities of urban morphological structure and transformations of its separate elements. The following tasks have been raised in the dissertation to achieve the set goals: 1) Summarise contemporarytheoretical experience of urban morphology as a science, objects of research, schools within this trend and establish methodological principles of urban morphology; 2) Analyse the development of a separate element within the morphology structure, the plot of land , in Lithuanian towns and disclose the influence by the politicaladministrative factor on the development of the aforementioned element; 3) Establish some quantitative indicators to define the morphological structure of Lithuanian towns under research, the interrelation and connection of the indicators to the land ownership under conditions of different social systems, transformations in authenticity and physical condition of the structure within the period of 19402002; 4) Segregate and compare the key urban morphological structure transformations in utilitarian, morphological-structural and aesthetical aspects, establish the causes for their occurrence; 5) Present somecriteria for evaluation of the morphological structure transformations;6) Make a typological classification of negative transformations within the morphological structure according to the features of their integrity and present some guidelines for elimination of destructive-character transformations. Object of the research. In the broadest sense, the object of the dissertation research covers the regularities of the urban morphological structure transformations. Analysing more closely, the research object is cut into the morphological structure transformation peculiarities in Lithuanian towns (with Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaip ė da, iauliai, Panev ė ys, Alytus, Marijampol ė , Utena, Teliai, Taurag ė taken as samples) under conditions of different social systems, within the period of 19402002. 6
Methods of the dissertation. Logical and empirical research methods are applied in the dissertation. The major part of the work is based on the nomothetic methodology, i.e. on establishment of regularities as based on quantitative reality cognition model. The research data has been collected by analysing historical, literary and cartographical sources, practical urban planning and legal documents. To obtain the work results, the author has carried out the in-situ research. The analysis on empirical data collected has been performed with the help of multi-layer digital geographic information system (GIS) and cartographic material. The latter covered topographical maps, photos, general layouts of Lithuanian towns in the late pre-war/early after-war (The World War II) period and present-day condition, drawings and aerial photographs picturing the present-day status and GIS databases of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaip ė da, iauliai, Panev ė ys, Alytus and Marijampol ė Municipalities. Empirical research on the morphological structure has been performed by comparative cartographical method in ten Lithuanian towns within different periods. Town layouts in the databases got from respective municipalities have been vectorised. The working scale of the territorial analysis is 1:20001:10000. The results of the quantity parameters determining the morphological structure of towns have been obtained by mathematical calculations made possible with the help of GIS ArcView software. In establishing the transformation character, the quantitative as well as qualitative analysis have been applied; transformations in the explored towns have been typified in accordance with different changes of elements within the morphological structure. Novelty and theoretical and practical significance of the work The novelty and theoretical significance of the work cover: 1) the research of the urban structure of a city in the morphological aspect applying the methodology of urban morphological structure analysis offered by the author (supported by complex evaluation of utilitarian, morphological -structural and aesthetical attributes); 2) analysis of the development of an urban morphological structure element (the plot of land) and the influence by the political administrative factor on the aforementioned element development in Lithuanian towns; 3) estimation and evaluation of quantity and quality indicators determining the morphological structure in a town, dissipation and transformation of such indicators (as based on different cartographic sources and databases within GIS) in the downtowns of ten Lithuanian towns within different time periods; 4) establishment of causes and consequences of occurrence of transformations within central town areas, their evaluation criteria and typological system suggested; 5) establishment of guidelines for practical elimination of destructive transformations within the morphological structure. Practical value and application of the work. The work results obtained may be applied for meeting the planning needs of central town areas (for the downtown area development in the explored towns, planning and regulation of concrete 7
activities); for correction and administrative regulation of the use of the aforementioned territories (for preparation of methodologies of the researched town developments as well as regulation methodologies; in formation and improvement of legislative bases for territory planning and in supplementing the GIS databases of the researched towns with the dissertation research results; as well as in conservation and development of authenticity and acknowledged values of the researched downtown areas. The research performed may be also applied for further development of the town structure and its development. Object of the defence: 1) development of methodological regulations within the urban morphology study trend based on the concept of city morphological structure and its identification methods, according to the complex evaluation of attributes (utilitarian, morpho-structural and aesthetical); 2) the role of the key elements in the urban morphology structure, the land plot, within the general urban development process; analysis of the element development in respect of political administrative factor in Lithuanian towns; 3) peculiarities of the morphological structure in Lithuanian towns under research; quantity and quality indicators, and their dissipation regularities within the town central areas based on the mathematical-cartographic analysis; 4) morphological structure transformations in town central areas and regularities thereof, as well as typological classification of negative-character transformations according to the attribute of entirety; 5) need and possibilities for elimination of destructive transformations. Approval of results. On the basis of this dissertation work, three articles were published in scientific review publications: two of them in scientific review the Urbanistika ir Architektura , and one was included in the material of scientific presentations at the conference for young scientists, held in Kaunas, 2004. A summary of the international presentation was published in the publication of the conference IPHS 2004, Barcelona, and the full presentation material was published on the Internet Website . The basic results obtained during the dissertation research were also presented at six scientific conferences: one at the 11 th Conference of the International History Society Planning Models and the Culture of Cities (Barcelona, Spain, 2004); at four National Conferences for Young Scientists, Kazys eelgis Readings (held in Kamajai, 2001; Rokikis, 2002 and 2003; and Kaunas, 2004); one national conference the Presentation of General Development Layout of iauliai Town (held in iauliai, 2002). Literature used. Literature sources in relation to the dissertation subject are analysed in Chapter 1.1 above, where the works devoted to the international and Lithuanian urban morphology studies and its scientific, legal and practical interpretation by historians, architects and geographers are reviewed.
Dissertation structure. The dissertation has the introduction, four main parts, results and conclusions, list of bibliography and literary sources, and appendices. The basic text covers 200 pages in total. The dissertation also contains 41 figures and 27 tables which have been made by the author herself, altogether with 4 tables presented in appendices. The list of the sources used has 344 positions. 1. THEORETICAL CONCEPT OF THE THESIS Urban morphology research field Perception of the concept, research objects. A town may be hardly perceived as a homogeneous unit, it is therefore frequently studied in parts. Problems encountered during the research fall into dominion of a number of scientific fields. However, the physical expression of a town forms the basis for research positions of scientists from various fields. The material side of a town is a direct subject of research of urban morphology , which deals with the form, composition and genesis of towns and settlements. The object of research is the physical expression of a town, urban form , which is defined by its urban structure and structural elements , often perceived as an urban space (courtyards, parks, square, and other urban spaces) and its formants-masses (buildings, green areas, relief, etc.). Due to its dual nature an urban space is considered to be the most complicated category (cognitive conceptions of space in natural and physical sciences, GIS system), therefore, the research is based on the proximal perception of space (Couclelis, 1997; Takeyama, 1996), according to which space is treated within its context. The fundamental element of the proximal conception of space is neighbourhood . Relations of nearness between spatial elements define neighbourhood, and nearness, in its turn, depends on both (spatial) adjacency and (functional) influence . This perception of space is grounded in a land plot, the traditional element of urban formation. Schools of thought of urban morphology. During the interwar period urban morphology was developed in Germany, later it became a part of the urban geographical research undertaken in the fifties by geographers, architects, and historians interested in the inner urban structure. The last decade of the 20 th century saw recognition of the urban morphology as an interdisciplinary subject encompassing a few fields of science (history, economics, sociology, geography, and urban science). Three schools of thought may be distinguished on the basis of most prominent representatives: English (Conzen, 1960; Whitehand, 1992; Slater, 1990; Larkham, 1986; Jones, 1991; Carter, 1966, 1995; Broaderwick, 1981; Freemen, 1986; Thompson, 1987; Forrester, 1974; Kostof, 1992), Italian (Muratori, 1959, 1963; Caniggia, 1963; P.Maretto, G.Cataldi, G.L.Maffei M.G.Corsini, G.Strappa, A.Montanari, 1993) and French (Ph.Panerai, J.Castex, J.Ch.Depaule, 1980; M.Darin, J.L.Bonillo, 1990). Those schools initiated analysis of urban development as a dual process (external and internal developments), established theories of cyclical, integral urban growth. The morphological trend established in Europe became widespread in the USA as well. It was based on economic, and political aspects (Murphy, 1954, 1955; Alonso, 1964). Similarly to the English school and following its research concepts, 9
the concept of urban morphogenesis was introduced to describe the process of transformation of urban structural elements (Knox, 1995). The ideology of morphological-line schools with clearly expressed traditions was reflected in morphological studies of towns conducted in other countries as well: German researchers ( Енгель , 1972; Lichtenberger, 1998, 2001; Denecke, 1988; Curdes, 1990) developed a concept of perceiving urban morphological formations as a system of interrelated elements, which is highly susceptible to transformation resulting from the change of a variety of conditions. In Russia this concept is identified as the aspect of environment ( средовой подход ) and perceived as contextualism ( Тумаркин , 1989), the process of urban structure ( Гутнов , 1984; Раппопорт , 1989), and cultural landscape ( Смолицкая , 1989). The aspect of environment is studied as an organic complex of a dynamic natural-anthropogenic environment and activities taking place in it. Studies have established a set of types of the urban building-up structure on the basis of the morphological building-up sequence ( Кожаева , 1987). These studies follow similar lines as the Italian school. In Lithuania this trend is observed by classifying urban structures (eelgis, 1975) and analysing urban stages from the morphological aspect (Jurktas, 1975). This aspect has received most attention in the studies of the urban structure from the point of view of its historical development (A.Baliulis, J.Barauskas, E.Marimas, A.Mikinis, A.Pilypaitis, A.Spelskis, others). A clearer evidence of a tendency towards morphological analysis in the studies of urban expansion characteristic of their transformation and spatial expression can be traced only after the restoration of Lithuanias independence (1990). On the basis of the traditional historical building-up land plot the following has been achieved: new methodological principles of urban structure analysis and regulations of building-up height have been established (Z.Daunora, A.Vyni ū nas, M.Pakalnis); problematic issues of urban space have been studied (T.Grunskis); in the light of complexity of urban environment formation issues of urban system and interrelation of urban elements have been taken into consideration (J.Vanagas, K.Jakovlevas-Mateckis); studies of urban landscape and its elements (J.Bu č as, M.Purvinas) and urban green spaces (G.J.Daniulaitis, L.Dringelis, V.Stauskas) have been conducted; lastly, the above works have been supplemented by studies of non-architectural experts, primarily geographers (P.Kavaliauskas, R.Prapiestien ė , G.Ribokas, D.Burneika, G.Godien ė , D.Veteikis). Individual and team studies are conducted in the fields of morphological analysis of urban structure and the impact of this practical work is seen in legal documents. The above described schools and studies in the concerned field are based on common principles: 1) urban form is defined by three basic physical elements: building-up areas and their related open spaces, land plots and streets; 2) perception of urban form has different levels (micro and macro), 5 of them are considered traditional: the building/land plot, the street/block, the neighbourhood or district, 10
the city and the region; 3) urban form may be treated from the point of view of the historical development of its elements. Classification of the elements of morphological structure and criteria of choice of territories for the study Urban morphology approaches actual phenomena through a typical structure of a territory. Consequently, splitting of an urban territory into a multitude of barriers of various types leads to formation of territories of varying hierarchical ranks. Therefore, the morphological structure is not homogeneous but rather composed of a few structural layers, which are defined by its territorial units (district, block, land plot) and elements of units (urban technical elements buildings, infrastructure and natural elements), as well as borders (legal and structural borders, the latter are borders set by technical or natural elements) (Table 1). The object of the study is the part of the town with an exceptional environment and with a record of the greatest amount of changes during the formation of the physical form of the town, as well as with the longest duration of formation. It is the central district of the town (including the centre of the town, normally regarded as the old town). Central parts of towns fall within the districts structural layer with the following units of morphological structure: Table 1. Classification of morphological structures under research No. Urban morphological structures (morphostructures) Layer Territorial units Border I City/Town District Urban administrative borders II District Blocks Districts legal or structural borders III Block Land plot Le al or structural borders of land lots streets, natural elements) IV Land plot ___ Le al or structural borders of a land lot streets, natural elements) Block is a structural unit of a towns district. Its size depends on the sequence and type of morphological building-up ( morphological type of building-up MTB). MTB is a volumetric spatial composition of elements (building, construction, complex, land plots, blocks, facilities, etc.) in a structural unit of a town (land plot, block, and groups of the two), its arrangement in a territory in accordance with the three-dimensional features characteristic to its building-up. Land plot is a structural component of a town, district, block without any further sub-division of its own, usually considered as a builing-up plot according to a MTB. A land plot a territorial unit of the lowest rank is considered to be homogeneous architecturally (building-up type) and to have no structural variety pf its own from the natural (within the morphogenesis relief type) and functional (within functional zone) perspective. Central business district (CBD) is an urban territory within the epicentre of urban activity (normally a geographical centre of a town) characterised by the highest concentration of activity and trade, an intensive building-up, and highest land prices in this part of a town. The object of the research is the centres of the 11
main towns of Lithuanias districts, representing the structures of a concerned national district (most of them are also capitals of the ethnographic regions) and the majority of Lithuanias towns in terms of rank and special geographical features: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaip ė da, iauliai, Panev ė ys, Alytus, Marijampol ė , Utena, Teliai, Taurag ė . Concept of analysis of morphological structure of transformations and the criteria of choosing a period A transformation process that occurs in a morphological structure is a phenomenon resulting from human activity and forming as a consequence of dynamics among a variety of factors (economic, political, social, and cultural). A structure develops from one phase into another. During the constant transformation process an important element in the analysis of the morphological structure is its persistency, which is closely related to the core values of the civilisation history and tradition . Accordingly, the analysis of the morphological structure has been conducted in the light of the tradition aspect reflected in the consistent development of the morphological structure. The result is called traditional urban morphological structure. The core criterion of its recognition is the structure which is being newly formed on the basis of the previous structure, where the following sequence may be traced: building/land plot ÅÆ block ÅÆ street ÅÆ district ÅÆ town , and not the modern combination of house ÅÆ town befitting the territories of standardised houses and districts. Territories identified on the basis of structural boundaries or units are analysed in the light of special peculiarities of the traditional urban morphostructure, their integrated valuation, which characterises regularities of the transformation of a territorial unit (Fig. 1): 1. By utilitarian peculiarities on the basis of multifunctional contents of a town, the functional aspect of the efficient utilisation of territories classified by various types of activity is presented in the context of the entire town. Analysis of the functional division of the territory is conducted in this research on the basis of the objective utilisation of land (natural, built-up, and urban territorial elements). 2. By morpho-structural peculiarities technical parameters of an urbanised territory characterising: a) plan structure by plan parameters (or form) of morphological units and area , a type of the plan structure (regular, non-regular, combined), the dominating scale of a morphological type (small, medium, large, extra large); b) plan indices expressed through building-up density ; c) spatial indices expressed through building-up intensity (or, depending on the type of a construction, volume density ) and height . 3. By aesthetical peculiarities composition is considered to be the main criteria characterising them. One aspect of compositional analysis is chosen, it is characteristics of volume-space composition of elements of morphological structure called quantitative-spatial indices: among urban elements description of building-up and its vertical dominants on the basis of their compositional features (composition stereotype, variety, dispersion, amount and interaction with technical parameters of the territory); among natural elements evaluation of the impact of 12
most significant elements in the territory (relief, water pools, green areas) and their significance in the composition.
Fig. 1. Methodical scheme of the transformation process analysis The traditional parts of the urban structure in a contemporary town of Lithuania is the part that developed in the process of spontaneous and plan evolution until 1940 (Mikinis, 1998; Bu č as, 1995). Significant transformations in the development of the towns physical form were determined after discontinuation of the isolated integration processes after 1940. Division of transformation into periods is based on the comparison of the status under study with the traditionally formed morphological structure, which has determined the choice of periods 1940 1990 and 19902002. Based on that, a retrospective plan of urban territorial development and urban structural composition has been drawn up and a number of mathematical-cartographical calculations to identify the scale of transformations. The study covers plans of two periods: the last document recording consistent development of a certain town until the first master plans of the Soviet period, i.e. the last plan of the interwar period and the first one of the post-war period, where still no fixed transformations of the Soviet period are to be found, as well as the current day plan of the current status of the towns. The research is based on affluent sources of material, which have been accumulated and processed: cartographical material of 1:20001:10000 scale. 2. FACTORS INFLUENCING TRANSFORMATIONS OF URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES In line with the tradition of morphological analysis, the formation of the morphological structure of Lithuanian towns is analysed from the aspect of historical development of a land plot. On the basis of general-type models it has been identified that one of the main features is national administrative factors in the transfer from the central planning system to the market economy. Therefore, the analysis of historical development is conducted using criteria reflecting the significance of the above factors in the formation of the morphological structure of Lithuanian towns: 13
typeof state governance (state governance levels and system); governance of urban construction processes (classification of this activity and type of governance, major construction organisations); land ownership (its typepublic or private, regulated divisibility of land plots). Analysed historical periods of urban morphological structure formation (since the formation of the state of Lithuania in the 13 th century until 2004) from the perspective of land ownership portray consistency of the development of the urban structure: consistent development until 1940 and from 1990, and inconsistent development during 19401990. The principle differences between those two urban development periods reflected in the morphological structure are revealed changing certain building-up parameters of its elements: intensifyingdensity of the building-up: 1) during the consistent development phase in-depth and qualitative changes of the morphology of the built-up (of land plots, blocks) and buildings are taking place; 2) during the inconsistent development phase only the parameters and certain aspects are changing; intensifying density of the building-up and expanding scope of functions: 1) during the consistent development phase built-up is implemented in the initial space (of land plots, blocks) on the account of its transformation; 2) during the inconsistent development phase the built-up area is expanding on the account of surrounding areas, without changes in the formed built-up, due to which the traditional scale of the morphological structure becomes hypertrophied. The urban morphological structure of a consistent evolution is transformed upon a change of the land ownership relations. Division of land according to a certain model and a repetition of this model is the core principle of the formation of the urban morphological structure. On the basis of Lithuanias chronological development the following assumed factors influencing transformations are presented: construction activity is not evenly spread in towns. An increase in this unevenness resulting from economic and social factors necessitates regulation of construction processes in towns, building-up pace; this leads to an increase in the number of respective legal acts. Regulation of the size of a land plot and building-up leads to formation of the type of the building-up in the territory. by 1940, the basis of the building-up was private ownership and to a certain extent regulated normative urban planning. Needs of a private owner were met applying the measures of the spatial organisation of built-up within the boundaries of the land plot. Application of these measures during the Soviet period (19451990) was deformed as the private ownership was nonexistent and then the social-functional and economic concept of urban planning boost the volume of the residential fund was unusual for consistently developing towns. 4 conditional forms of ownership have been distinguished in the entire history of land ownership evolution. governing of urban construction processes which depends on the type of state governance and spontaneous development of towns in centralised governance 14
systems transforms to regulation and coordination of urban construction processes based on privileges, regulations, later on laws, decisions, and rules in the decentralised governance systems. The various reorganisations in the towns, and later reconstructions are initiated only in line with enactment of documents regulating urban constructions. These reorganisations are necessary after the change of the system of centralised management of urban processes, which brings certain changes (predominantly negative) in the existent morphological structure of a town. divisibility of a land plot, its size and transformations are affected by: 1) type of land ownership and its dynamic processes; 2) owner (financial capacity, social status); 3) place in the towns plan structure; 4) legal acts regulating urban planning. 3. REGULARITIES OF URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATIONS (19402002) Utilitarian Peculiarities of the Morphological Structure are revealed through the functional dissection and its transformations in the morphological structure based on the purpose of the land use. When analysing the functional structure changes in towns, it has been established that the abundant functions of town central business district (CBD) are fairly stable, preconditioned by the town rank; and the constitution of the functions has been slightly changed during the period under research in the research towns. After comparison has been made on the dissipation of functional groups and the scale of transformation in the CBD between the historical morphological structures before 1940 and 2002, the research results have shown that the greatest changes could be noticed in the territories of economic purpose (reduced by 1032 % and are at present 29 %) and residential-low-rise purpose (in larger towns reduced by 522 %, in smaller towns grew by 1234 %). As in the soviet period, the economic purpose territories and industrial activities were mostly respected, the existing industries used to be expanded to the CBD by forming industrial and utility warehousing territories, which later preconditioned the occurrence of unused territories close to the residential housing estates. During the last soviet period and first years after Lithuanian regained its independence, the scale of industry was remarkably reduced in majority of CBDs of the researched Lithuanian towns, although the number of commercial and service purpose territories increased. These former industrial purpose areas in the CBD has been and still is transformed by the ways of revitalisation or conversion with objects adopted for commercial function (more in the largest and medium Lithuanian towns, less in smaller towns). In soviet times, the number of commercial public purpose territories and objects increased due to different economic needs and social conditions. This growth was not just be number, but also by diversity (increased by 111 % within the limits of research territory). The residential function occupying about one fourth of the territory under research was not homogeneous during both periods. In conditions of rapid soviet 15
industrialisation, the residential housing fund was expanded in CBD by large complexes of blocks of flats, which gradually occupied vast at the time low-rise territories of residential purpose (in largest and medium towns). After 1990, the new town development initiative started and was related to the restoration of land ownership rights. The started boom of individual low-rise residential construction has influenced the general town development, without making the more remarkable impact on the CBD of these towns (the CBD in smaller towns has became denser). The infrastructure area in the CBD of towns has not grown a lot. In increasing the area of infrastructure territories, it was influenced the most by objects servicing the communication system (grew by 411 %). Areas of planted greeneries, on the contrary, have decreased in the period under research (422 %). While analysing the relation between the territory functional structure and the smallest morphological structure unit, it has been established that in layouts made before 1940, the plot size was the most depended on the distance to the completely formed city core, and in the soviet period, on the dominant function, while after 1990, this concept has been and still is influenced the most by the rank of the town. Peculiarities in the Group of Morpho-structural Attributes are revealed by analysing the plan structure according to the area/ size. It has been found out that the natural morpho-structures are the largest and most irregular in all towns, as well as directly dependant on the nature conditions within the territory. The planning model, existing nature conditions and significance of environmental factors have had the greatest influence on segmentation of urban morpho-units. During the soviet period, territories were build-up extensively according to the urban development programmes, and due to this town blocks were turned into territories rather than regular groups of sites. Since 1990, the complexes are built smaller in size, as after the significance of the land price has grown, the shortage of free land has occurred in CBD of towns. It has also been established that town blocks have got the fining tendency in respect of time and due to this the number of blocks changes. In soviet times, this regularity was not so remarkable, as town blocks used to be connected together with the help of typical buildings, where as in the recent decade this has been achieved by different (commercial) interests. Analysing the urban morphological structure according to the plan structure type of the block site development it has been emphasized that regular site development blocks are dominant under the similar natural morphological structure conditions, whereas irregular block site development type is common for towns with expressive relief, whereas the CBD in each town is of the mixed type. The distribution of blocks has been explored according to the scale of the plan structure type inthe CBD of towns under research: very small <1,0 ha; small 1,02,0 ha; medium 2,03,0 ha; large 3,04,0 ha; very large 4,05,0 ha; indifferent >5,0 ha. After analyzing the dissipation of the layout and spatial indicators of the morphological structure, it has been stated that before 1940 the indicators in all towns coming up consecutively towards the Old Town area reach up to the most extreme values in it. In soviet times, the distribution of these indicators became 16
more and more dispersed due to the changed city planning regulations. According to the study of urban morpho-units performed, it has been found out that the building-up density fluctuates 3100 % in both periods. The greatest indicator up to 90100 % is attributable to the blocks with irregular type of the layout structure (in the Old Town Area) and up to 6070 % in the regular type (the new town areas). Indicators in the mixed type of the layout structure blocks fluctuate whithin 136%. In analysis of the altitude indicators , it could be noticed that a great significance was given to these indicators during the soviet times. They were continuously increased due to the shortage of housing areas present at the time and had made a considerable impact on the consistent urban structure in a town determining the great gaps between the altitudes of the building-ups. Increasing altitudes not only of residential buildings, but also buildings of commercial, public and even industrial purpose have been rarely adjusted to the existing consistent altitude of a respective building-up. After 1990, a variety in the building-up altitudes within the central business districts of towns has been preconditioned by functionality. The study of the building-up intensity indicators has shown that in larger towns such indicators are larger than in smaller towns and fluctuate from 0,02 to 2,7 ratio within the last stage of consistent development, and from 0,1 to 3,6 ratio in the urban structure after the stage of inconsistent development. Under the extremely different intensity depending on the areas of blocks, the interrelation of this indicator with the value of territorial unit is obvious. It has been established that in both periods under research, the density of the general area has reached a critical limit in a block: 2,7 and 3,03,6 ratio, but is low in the blocks undergoing the stage of formation of their inner building-up structure (up to 0,020,1 ratio). The study of all building-up indicators has shown that these indicators have been undergoing a constant growth, but sudden gaps have been common only for the morpho-units formed during the soviet period. Whereas in authentic urban territories, the efficiency of use of morpho-units has been inherited historically and collected in different periods of construction activities. Analysing the conditionality among the morphological structure indicators, it has been stated that the indicators of the city blocks formed in the course of history have been changing according to a stable dependency in respect of time between buildings within a block, building-up form and physical parameters reflected by the density, intensity and altitude of the building-up, as well as functional composition and diversity of the building-up. Maximum building-up indicators are extremely dependent on the territory functional purpose and location of a morpho-unit. In evaluation of the territorial scope of transformation in morpho-structural aspect, it has been noticed that morpho-units on the CBD layouts within the pre-war and early post-war periods are large with more distinguished Old Town parts bearing the finer disintegration, whereas on the layouts of 2002, the entire CBD structure is extremely disintegrated. The previous block sizes usually remain unchanged, although more disintegrated from the inside. Morpho-units formed in the soviet period are of large or indifferent scale, distinguished by their building-up 17
indicators with relatively low density as compared to the more dense Old Town and new town parts. Modified administrative structure of our country, development of industry planned in a disperse way encourage the growth of Lithuanian towns and modification of their morpho-structural indicators. The significance of such towns as Panevezys, Alytus, Marijampole and Utena has grown in such a way. Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda are clearly distinguished among all Lithuanian towns under research by the efficiency of the use of their territories as well as in respect of all other indicators. In quantitative aspect, the building-up areas in the CBDs of these towns grew 3071 %, the building-up density by 1856 %, intensity by 2067 %, and altitude by 1329 %. After 1990, any larger territorial changes within the structure have not been noticed. Constructions of separate buildings are more common and precondition just insignificant change in the building-up indicators. Building-up indicators, as well as their transformation process itself, are highly dependent on the location, size, historical continuity and functional constitution of a morpho-structural unit, as well as respective town development regulations, town status and economical-social conditions. Peculiarities in the Group of Aesthetical Attributes have been revealed in the aspect of voluminous-spatial composition of a building-up and its vertical dominants. In analysis of the compositional peculiarities of a building-up, the elements have been typified according to the stereotype of the building-up composition, i.e. the morphological type of building-up (MTB), its grade and sub-grade in the CBDs of towns. The author distinguishes the following MTBs: Household (H): 1) Household-Historical before 1940; 2) Household-Rural ; Perimeter (P): 1) Perimeter-Possession ; 2) Perimeter-Regular . They are distinguished according to altitudes and building-up formation by blocking buildings together. Town Villas (TV): 1) Town Villas Household ; 2) Town Villas Perimeter ; Block type (B) considered the building-up filling up the entire (or almost entire), according to the following morpho-unit formation: building=possession=block ; Spot (S) or freely arranged buildings further distributed according: 1) historical-cultural potential; 2 purpose; and 3) context of the building location; Free Planning (FP) further distributed according to the soviet periods: 1) free planning 1940 1960 ; 2) free planning 1960-1990 , and altitude; Isolated Amorphic (IA): 1) building-up of industrial and warehousing territories; 2) building-up of infrastructure territories . Although towns are exposed to fairly different natural conditions, it has been established that stereotypes of building-up composition remain similar in such towns (some of the MTBs are characteristic for the large cities morphological structures only). The H, P, TV, B and S morphological structure types have been formed as based on the plot land logics therefore are usually treated as traditional , and the remaining ones, not corresponding to the regularity, such as FP and IA, are considered non-traditional (Fig. 2). 18
Fig. 3. Plan of Morpho-structure Layers in the CBD of Klaipeda Based on the MTB dissipation in towns under research according to the area occupied by the planned structures and number of units, the following has been stated for both periods: 1) the largest towns (such as Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda) have the greater variety of MTBs; 2) the average number of MTB units depends on the rank and size of the town, as well as significance of separate factors (social and economic); 3) the town rank has not got great significance on the are of concrete MTB, it is more influenced by the layout structure and natural conditions in respective town. In analysis of the MTB structure according to the layout and spatial indicators within a specific MTB, the decrease-increase progression of the building-up indicator values has been revealed in accordance with the block size, also stating the dependency of these indicators on the block size and the MTB, which is manifested in the historically formed building-up types only. The extreme MTB building-up indicator values have been also established. It has been stated that by using all building-up possibilities within a morpho-unit, the latter becomes the building-up of entirely homogenous voluminous spatial composition. The MTB homogeneity is also manifested in respect to the morpho-structure, and a unit 20
bearing high building-up indicators signifies the maturity of the MTB within concrete period, and due to this the morphological structure often has the voluminous spatial composition distinguished by its completeness. After analyzing the links of vertical dominants as compositional elements within a morphological structure and the building-up types, it must be noted that the latter do not determine the presence of the dominants within the morpho-structure. The presence of the dominants is most often determined by the good connection and strategic principles of location in a town during the consistent development period before 1940; during soviet period, it is determined by the needs of emphasizing variety and location; and after 1990, mostly by the investment capacities and status of historical environment. The number of floors in buildings under construction has been started to increase only after 2000. In CBDs explored by the study of natural elements of morpho-structure, the thresholds of relief have almost not changed during the period under research. In relation to other two natural components, such as water resources and greeneries, the latter component has had a certain influence on formation of compositional peculiarities in a building-up and MTB development however during the period of consistent urban development, natural elements have been more respected rather than in the period under research. In soviet times, natural conditions were rarely taken into account by free layout MTB, excluding extreme situations. Territorial scope of transformation in the compositional aspect has been assessed by changes in voluminousspatial composition at a certain moment in time, in comparison to the voluminousspatial composition of the previous period. Transformations in voluminousspatial composition have been described in detail. The work has established that during the consistent urban development period before 1940, any building-up types were never replaced with each other. The Free Layout MTB that occurred in the soviet period was applied not only in newly developed urban territories, but also within the morpho-structures formed during the consistent development period. This is considered accountable for the structural-spatial-compositional incompatibility that distorted the existing MTB development process in essence. After 1990, as exposed to the changing economic situation, the compositional peculiarities of building-up did not change, but rather were revealed in a qualitative way (by increasing values of indicators). The work presents quantitative evaluations, how much the MTB has been changed according to the explored general area in each towns CBD in the period under analysis: the number of traditional MTB s reduced from 0,1 to 31 %, grew from 0,1 to 29 %, and non-traditional grew from 0,1 to 21 %. 4. THE PROBLEM OF DEFORMATIONS OF URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE Typology of Changes within the Morphological Structure . Further analysis of morphological structure transformations has been performed in several stages. During the first one, the informative character of morphological structure 21