L’initiative OMS High 5s - High 5s NewsBulletin n°3, September 2012








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Documents complémentaires La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie, Bulletin trimestriel n°2, Avril 2013 ( 634,87 Ko) La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure, Bulletin trimestriel n°1, Janvier 2013 ( 988,67 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°2, janvier 2012 ( 855,72 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°1, décembre 2010 ( 1,19 Mo) High 5s NewsBulletin n°3, September 2012 ( 892,26 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°2, March 2012 ( 792,83 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°1, July 2011 ( 651,19 Ko) Etablissements participants - Prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie ( 119,2 Ko) Etablissements participants - Med'Rec ( 108,45 Ko) 1rst international High5s hospitals meeting ( 22,98 Mo) Mis en ligne le 12 avr. 2013 L’initiative « High 5s Agir pour la sécurité des patients » est un projet international lancé par l’Alliance mondiale pour la sécurité du patient de l’OMS en 2006. Coordonné par le Centre Collaborateur OMS pour la sécurité des patients (Joint Commission International), ce projet réunit 8 pays : Australie, Allemagne, Pays Bas, Canada, Etats-Unis, Singapour, République de Trinité-et-Tobago, France.L’objectif général du projet High 5s est de réduire, de façon pérenne et mesurable, des problèmes majeurs liés à la sécurité des patients. Plus précisément, High 5s vise à évaluer la faisabilité et l’impact de solutions standardisées déployées au sein d’établissements volontaires dans les huit pays participants, pendant 5 ans. En France, le projet est coordonné par la Haute Autorité de santé, engagée depuis 2009, avec le soutien du Ministère de la Santé, dans deux solutions :Solution 1 : « la prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie » Solution 2 : « la sécurité de la prescription médicamenteuse aux points de transition du parcours de soins» La HAS s’est associée au CEPPRAL  pour l’accompagnement des établissements dans la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de la "solution 1" et à l’OMEDIT Aquitaine  pour la "solution 2". Principales réalisations: Publications High 5s "NewsBulletin" Juillet 2011, Mars 2012 et Septembre 2012 et les lettres d'informations "High 5s France" Décembre 2010 et Janvier 2012.Mise en place de la « solution 1 », prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie dans 8 établissements de santéGuide de marquage du site chirurgical (en français) ou Guide to surgical site marking (en anglais)Vidéos de retour d’expérience Le time out, Centre Hospitalier Joseph Ducuing (Toulouse)Mise en œuvre Les vérifications préopératoires au CHU de NiceBulletins trimestriels Janvier 2013 et Avril 2013 Mise en place de la « solution 2 », sécurité de la prescription médicamenteuse aux points de transition du parcours de soins (Medication Reconciliation/Med'Rec) dans 8 établissements de santé.Posters des établissements de santé : 1rst international High5s hospitals meeting Documents complémentaires La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie, Bulletin trimestriel n°2, Avril 2013 ( 634,87 Ko) La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure, Bulletin trimestriel n°1, Janvier 2013 ( 988,67 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°2, janvier 2012 ( 855,72 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°1, décembre 2010 ( 1,19 Mo) High 5s NewsBulletin n°3, September 2012 ( 892,26 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°2, March 2012 ( 792,83 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°1, July 2011 ( 651,19 Ko) Etablissements participants - Prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie ( 119,2 Ko) Etablissements participants - Med'Rec ( 108,45 Ko) 1rst international High5s hospitals meeting ( 22,98 Mo) La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie, Bulletin trimestriel n°2, Avril 2013 ( 634,87 Ko) La prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure, Bulletin trimestriel n°1, Janvier 2013 ( 988,67 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°2, janvier 2012 ( 855,72 Ko) Lettre d'information High 5s France, n°1, décembre 2010 ( 1,19 Mo) High 5s NewsBulletin n°3, September 2012 ( 892,26 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°2, March 2012 ( 792,83 Ko) High 5s NewsBulletin n°1, July 2011 ( 651,19 Ko) Etablissements participants - Prévention des erreurs de site et de procédure en chirurgie ( 119,2 Ko) Etablissements participants - Med'Rec ( 108,45 Ko) 1rst international High5s hospitals meeting ( 22,98 Mo) Mis en ligne le 12 avr. 2013
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News in Brief High 5s NewsBulletin

 October 2012 Steering Group
meeting links with ISQua: The second
2012 Steering Group meeting will take place
at WHO HQ in Geneva, 17-18 October 2012
linked with ISQua’s 29th International
Conference. http://www.isquaconference.org High 5s Steering Group meeting in the
 19 October 2012 meeting for Hospital
Netherlands 14 & 15 May 2012
Managers and CEOs and healthcare
By Erica van der Schrieck-de Loos professionals: A one-day forum linked with interview about medication use.
MSc, Project leader, LTA Liesbeth Bosma MSc, High 5s the October 2012 Steering Group meeting is
project leader and hospital dedicated to a gathering of the High 5s
The High 5s Steering Group pharmacist in the Dutch Haga
hospital managers and health care
meeting was held on 14 & 15 hospital, presented her SOP
professionals to participate in an
May 2012 at the Ministry of experiences in daily practice and
international meeting and discuss High 5s
Health in the Hague, the highlighted the challenges for
implementation and evaluation issues. Netherlands. Twenty-two sustainability of results in times
 WHO Collaborating Centre Staff participants representing 7 High of financial cut backs.
changes: Laura Sutton has left the Joint 5s countries, WHO and
Germany, France and Australia
Commission International to assume a new JCI/Collaborating Centre were
presented also their progress on welcomed by Veronique Esman, role as Pediatric Program Manager for the
the Med Rec SOP. Seven German Director of Curative Care of the National Surgical Quality Improvement
hospitals decided to join the Dutch Ministry of Health,
Program at the American College of international network in 2012. In Welfare & Sports and by Prof.
Surgeons. We will miss Laura and want to France the project lead has Dr. ir. Kees Ahaus, CEO, CBO
thank her for her dedication and services to the changed to a cooperative Dutch Institute for Healthcare
High 5s Project. A replacement for Laura has between the HAS and the Improvement.
not been nominated yet. LTA queries can be Observatory of Drugs, Medical
The countries shared their SOP processed through Brette Tschurtz and Scott Devices and Therapeutic
implementation progress in Innovations (OMEDIT). Beside Williams until a new person is in place.
participating hospitals, started national conferences the seven  WHO Patient Safety Programme
by the Netherlands with an hospitals will be visited by the restructuring: WHO-wide re-organization has
update on the implementation French LTA within the next 18
been taking place since early 2011. A new,
of the SOP for Medication months. Eleven Australian
streamlined Patient Safety Programme is now
Accuracy. The presentation hospitals notice a similar variety
in place. The High5s Project still holds a
included information on the SOP of implementation challenges as
prominent position and is placed under the
status, strategy and ‘surprises’ in the other countries such as
overall programme of capacity building and
a mixed group of 15 academic creating resources for the
training in countries.
and (non) teaching hospitals. ’To reconciliation process and
SOP or not to SOP’ is not a quantitative measurements in
question anymore: it’s all about daily practice, competing
‘when to SOP’ and how to create priorities and last but not least:
24/7 staff to get Best Possible the willingness to change!
Medication Histories for every
patient within 24 hours without
discrepancies, including a patient

The importance of qualitative with five public hospitals. The
Summary of the Netherlands
data, in addition to quantitative LTA set up the project teams and
data, is highlighted for both have collected the demographic Event Analysis: hospitals will use
Med Rec and Correct Site the final materials.
profiles. The estimated start of Surgery SOPs. In France the
Publication procedures: Steering the SOP implementation is
qualitative effect of the SOP for
Group will review the document. scheduled for July 2012. Correct Site Surgery (CSS) shows
a potential national movement, International hospital meeting 19
The two SOP specific break-out
October 2012: Steering Group because non participating
discussions during the Steering discussed the meeting agenda. 30 hospitals ask many questions to
Group meeting were lead by hospitals from Australia, France,
the LTA about site marking.
Germany, the Netherlands and Margaret Colquhoun, protocol
Hospital specific results are
Singapore will participate. lead, ISMPC, and Rick Croteau,
discussed by the French LTA with
patient safety advisor, JCI. Quarterly and Interim report: hospital directors. In Germany
Steering Group discussed the there are 13 hospitals with the
The Steering Group also status and content of the
status of full SOP for CSS
prepared the agenda for the upcoming reports.
implementation. Two hospitals upcoming international
Context survey: LTAs will with a partial implementation
hospital meeting. This meeting
complete and review the status will expand the SOP to full
will focus on sharing outcome of the SOP’s context implementation soon. Only one
implementation experiences surveys.
hospital is implementing the SOP
between participating
partially. A national report with Heineken brewery safety
hospitals. It will take place at
experience tour 14 May in performance measure data from
WHO in Geneva on 19
Zoeterwoude: Steering Group the first 6 implementation
October 2012. The High 5s visited the Heineken brewery: a months has been completed. For
results of the two SOPs since zero tolerance culture, leadership
the report almost 18.000
and the importance of reporting 2010 will be available in the
checklists applying to 21.000 near misses. upcoming Interim Report at the
cases from altogether 14
end of 2012. The next quarterly
hospitals were analyzed. In
report and a summary of the
addition, qualitative data has
May 2012 meeting are
been collected for 11 hospitals.
available at www.high5s.org.
Trinidad &Tobego participates
 Antonius Hospital, Sneek/Emmeloord
 Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht/Zeist/Doorn
 Elkerliek Hospital, Helmond Host Country
 Franciscus Hospital, Roosendaal
Reporting: High 5s  Gelderse Vallei, Ede
 Haga Hospital, The Hague implementation in 15
 Hospital Group Twente (ZGT), Almelo/Hengelo
 Medical Center Alkmaar, Dutch hospitals-lessons
 Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen learned  Rivas Beatrix Hospital, Gorinchem
 Rivierenland Hospital, Tiel
By Erica van der Schrieck-de Loos MSc, project leader, E:  Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam
e.vanderschrieck@cbo.nl & Annemieke van Groenestijn,  Tergooi Hospitals, Hilversum/Blaricu
consultant, E: a.vangroenestijn@cbo.nl LEAD TECHNICAL  University Medical Center ,Groningen
AGENCY NL  VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Fifteen Dutch hospitals are participating in the High 5s
network implemening the Med Rec SOP.
SOP status: From January 2010 to histories at transitions in care. The breakthrough
January 2011 the implementation of model with national conferences and focus on the
the Med Rec SOP started with a first Deming improvement cycle is used to implement the
group of eleven hospitals. SOP. To achieve a 75% reduction of medication
Multidisciplinary hospital teams were discrepancies, interviewing patients about how they
trained during 8 national accredited take their medicine is the most important part of the
training conferences. These conferences supported the SOP.
multidisciplinary hospital teams in writing their project
Information about what role patients may have to plans, analyzing reconciliation processes, discuss on
improve patient safety is available in the CBO implementation strategies for their SOP interventions,
research report ‘ The role of the client in patient safety. A learn about change management, communication and
necessity, not a desirability’. (Van der Schrieck et al. 2009, training on baseline and performance measurements.
CBO: Utrecht, NL) http://www.cbo.nl/en/Patient-
Most important of these conferences was sharing
knowledge and expertise on the implementation
progress. The focus of the Dutch implementation Since 2009 the SOP implementation progress is
strategy is to implement the SOP ‘step by step’ from shared by presentations and workshops on national
ward to ward by using the Deming ‘plan, do, check, act’ conferences, by publications, interviews and master
strategy to create success stories and improvement. classes for quality and safety. Publications are
available on the High 5s website www.high5s.org
In June 2011 a second group of 2 hospitals started with
the implementation process. To train the second group Publications/presentations since Sept. 2011
4 natio

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