Les Actes du BRG, 6 (2006) 197-209© BRG, 2006Article originalComparaison de sols résistant ou non à lamaladie du piétin-échaudage du blé par uneapproche puce à ADN taxonomique 16S ciblantles bactéries rhizosphériques phytoprotectricesdu genre(1) (2) (1)Hervé SANGUIN , Kévin GAZENGEL , Lionel KRONEISEN ,(1) (1)Claire PRIGENT-COMBARET , Geneviève GRUNDMANN ,(2) (1)*Alain SARNIGUET , Yvan MOËNNE-LOCCOZ(1)UMR CNRS 5557 Écologie Microbienne, IFR 41 Bio-Environnement et Santé,Université Lyon 1, 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France(2)UMR INRA Biologie des Organismes et des Populations Appliquée à la Protec-tion des Plantes, Domaine de la Motte, BP 35327,35653 Le Rheu Cedex, FranceAbstract: Comparison of soils suppressive or not to take-all disease of wheatby 16S taxonomic microarray targeting plant-protecting rhizospherebacteria. Take-all is an important wheat disease caused by the soil-bornefungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. Disease severity can be high, but a declineof take-all disease may take place in the following years in case of wheat monocrop-ping. Microbial populations known to be associated to take-all decline (diseasesuppressiveness) include culturable antagonistic fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. pro-ducing the antifungal compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The objective of thisstudy was to assess changes in the diversity of rhizosphere pseudomonads linkedwith take-all decline of wheat, following a ...