EAST SUSS EX FIRE AND RESCU E SE RVICEARSON R EDUCTION TEAMARSON RISK A UDIT (SCH OOLS) - FORM 1School: Address:Post Code:Tel:Fax:Email:Audit carried o ut by:Date: IntroductionSchools are required, under the Regulatory Reform (Fir e Safety) Order 20 05, to carry out F ire Safety Assessm ents. As schools are known to be at particular risk from deliberately started fires, (both in and outside of school hours), and that the potential for devastating losses is so great, it is ex pected th at a considerable amount of attent ion is gi ven to this a spect of the a ssessment.F orm 1 can be used by the school with the aim of assessing the risks and identifying any areas in which actions need to be taken to reduce the risk or degree of consequential l oss.‘Yes’ or ‘No’ should be answered to all the questions with any qualifications or details ad ded in the boxes.F orm 2 is for su mmarising fin dings a nd any action poin ts.2To gain maximum benefit from this self assessment audit the completed forms should be returned to:Arson Redu ction TeamEa st S ussex Fi re & Rescue Ser vice HQ20 U pperton Ro adEa stbourneEa st S ussexB N21 1EUOr e mail:- a rt@esfr s.orgIf the school or East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service consider that the audit has identified issues or problems that put the school at an unacceptable level of risk, ESF&RS will offer to carry out a more detailed audit and advise the ...