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Lau et alAn audit of the early outcomes of ambulatory inguinalhernia repair at a surgical day-care centreH Lau, F LeeAmbulatory surgery has been recently gaining popularity owing to the increasing constraints on public-sector health care resources. Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common day-case operations. Thisstudy was conducted to audit the early outcomes of 271 consecutive day-case inguinal hernia repairsperformed at the Day Surgery Centre of the Tung Wah Hospital from 1 December 1995 to 31 December1998. No patients died on the day of their surgery; in 265 (97%) cases, patients were discharged home onthe day of their operation. Two patients required readmission because of fever and urinary retention,and the postoperative morbidity rate was approximately 5% (14/271 cases). Wound complication wasthe most common morbidity encountered and pain was the most common discomfort experienced bypatients at home. These results suggest that ambulatory hernia repair can be performed safely in a daycentre and yields excellent early outcomes.HKMJ 2000;6:218-20Key words: Ambulatory surgical procedures; Hernia, inguinal/surgery; Morbidity; Treatment outcomeIntroduction MethodsHernia is a common medical problem and inguinal From 1 December 1995 to 31 December 1998, 271hernia repair is one of the most common operations ambulatory inguinal hernia repairs were performed1performed in the world. Hernia repair is particularly at the TWH Day Surgery Centre. All ...
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An audit of the early outcomes of ambulatory inguinal hernia repair at a surgical daycare centre
H Lau, F Lee
Ambulatory surgery has been recently gaining popularity owing to the increasing constraints on public sector health care resources. Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common daycase operations. This study was conducted to audit the early outcomes of 271 consecutive daycase inguinal hernia repairs performed at the Day Surgery Centre of the Tung Wah Hospital from 1 December 1995 to 31 December 1998. No patients died on the day of their surgery; in 265 (97%) cases, patients were discharged home on the day of their operation. Two patients required readmission because of fever and urinary retention, and the postoperative morbidity rate was approximately 5% (14/271 cases). Wound complication was the most common morbidity encountered and pain was the most common discomfort experienced by patients at home. These results suggest that ambulatory hernia repair can be performed safely in a day centre and yields excellent early outcomes.
HKMJ 2000;6:21820
Key words: Ambulatory surgical procedures; Hernia, inguinal/surgery; Morbidity; Treatment outcome
Introduction Methods Hernia is a common medical problem and inguinalFrom 1 December 1995 to 31 December 1998, 271 hernia repair is one of the most common operationsambulatory inguinal hernia repairs were performed 1 performed in the world.Hernia repair is particularlyat the TWH Day Surgery Centre. All medical records suitable for day-case operation, as the procedure canwere reviewed. The treatment outcome, and post-usually be accomplished within 1 hour.operative morbidity and mortality rates were analysed. The Day Surgery Centre at the Tung Wah HospitalPatient selection (TWH) was established in 1995. The centre has sub-The selection criteria used to choose the 259 patients stantially enhanced the efficiency and quality of pa-for day-case surgery are shown in the Box. All selected tient care given by the hospital. The waiting time forpatients were required to attend a pre-anaesthetic as-hernia repair has shortened from a few months to asessment clinic. During this consultation, each patient few weeks. Despite the early discharge of patients,was assessed by a specialist surgeon. In addition, the safety issues and patient satisfaction remain primepatientÕs medical fitness for general anaesthesia and concerns. The present study was undertaken to auditsocial suitability for day-case operation were evalu-the early outcomes of the inguinal hernia repairsated by an experienced anaesthetist and a nurse performed at the Day Surgery Centre during its firstspecialist, respectively. An appointment for operation 3 years. We also evaluated the problems encounteredwas then given to the patient. by patients during their recovery at home. The study was intended to identify potential areas for furtherDay of operation improvement of the clinical service.All patients were admitted on the day of operation after fasting from midnight. The procedures were scheduled for the morning session and all patients were operated on under general anaesthesia. The operative Day Surgery Centre, Department of Surgery, The University of methods included using nylon darn (n=169), the Bassini Hong Kong Medical Centre, Tung Wah Hospital, Sheung Wan, Hong Kongmethod (n=62), polypropylene mesh hernioplasty H Lau, FRACS, FHKAM (Surgery) (n=36),iliopubic tract repair (n=2), and herniotomy F Lee, FRACS, FHKAM (Surgery) with LytleÕs repair of the deep inguinal ring (n=2). The operative findings were direct inguinal hernia (n=78), Correspondence to: Dr H Lau
218 HKMJVol 6 No 2 June 2000
Day-centre hernia repair
pain (n=3), dizziness (n=2), and haemoptysis (n=1). Selection criteria to choose patients for daycase hernia repairOf the three patients who complained of pain, one had undergone repair of a large scrotal hernia and (1) ASA*I or II omentectomy, while another had undergone bilateral (2) Non-obese (3) Noadverse anaesthetic historyinguinal mesh hernioplasty. No mortalities occurred. (4) Operationtime <90 minutes (5) Operationunlikely to cause loss of independence Six patients defaulted follow-up after being dis-or toilet function (6) Operationunlikely to cause severe morbidity,charged home. Complications occurred in 14 cases, leading to a morbidity rate of approximately 5% haemorrhage, or pain (7) Nospecial care required postoperatively (Table 1). Two cases required readmission because (8) Informedconsent given to day surgery of postoperative fever (n=1) and urinary retention (9) Patientslives within 1 hourÕs travel of the hospital (10) Home has access to telephone, lift, indoor toilet,(n=1); the readmission rate was 0.7%. Telephone and bathroom follow-up data were available for 257 (95%) of the (11) Competent adult is available to accompany patient 271 hernia repairs: 41 patients experienced problems home and to look after the patient for 24 hours on their way homeÑnamely, pain (n=27), nausea and *Society of Anesthesiologists risk classificationASA American vomiting (n=8), dizziness (n=5), and bleeding (n=1). indirect inguinal hernia (n=179), sliding hernia (n=3),The mean pain score was 3.5 (standard deviation recurrent direct inguinal hernia (n=3), and pantaloon[SD], 1.9) and 1.9 (SD,1.5) on postoperative days 1 inguinal hernia (n=8). Local infiltration of the woundand 3, respectively. Other problems experienced by with approximately 10 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine wasthe patients when at home are listed in Table 2. routinely performed before wound closure. Follow-up was calculated from the date of the Followupoperation. It ranged from 1 to 28 months with a mean After being assessed by the operating surgeon andfollow-up interval of 2 months. Of the two patients anaesthetist, patients were discharged in the afternoon.who had a wound abscess after the hernia repair, one All patients were given a supply of oral dextropropoxy-had a recurrence of hernia and required surgical repair phene 32.5 mg and a suppository of diclofenac sodiumagain 10 months after the initial operation. The short-50 mg for pain relief, and were accompanied by aterm recurrence rate of inguinal hernia was thus 0.4%. competent adult on discharge. A 24-hour hotline was available for patients in case any problems developed.Discussion Telephone follow-up calls to check on the patientÕs condition were made by the nurse specialist on post-Inguinal hernia is the most common abdominal wall 2 operative days 1 and 3. Problems that were encoun-pathology that requires surgical intervention.For tered by the patient on their way home and over the Table 1. Complications of daycase inguinal hernia following 3 days were documented. The severity of repair surgery pain experienced was assessed by plotting a linear Postoperative morbidityCases, n=271 analogue pain score on a scale from 0 to 10. Under a No. (%) shared-care programme with selected primary health Haematoma/bruising 5(1.8) care physicians, some patients (n=16) were referred Scrotal swelling2 (0.7) back to their doctors for follow-up. Other patients Wound abscess2 (0.7) were reviewed at the general surgical out-patientFever 2(0.7) Cellulitis 1(0.4) clinic at the TWH, 1 to 2 weeks after the operation. Reactivation of hepatitis1 (0.4) Urinary retention1 (0.4) Results(5.2)Total 14
There were 240 men and 19 women involved; their Table 2. Discomfort experienced by patients on days 1 ages ranged from 15 to 72 years (mean age, 48 years). and 3 after surgery Eleven patients with bilateral inguinal hernias under-Symptom No.of patients went staged repairs and only one patient had a simul-Day 1Day 3 taneous repair of both hernias. In most cases (265/271; Pain 5611 97.8%), the patients were discharged uneventfully Nausea and vomiting2 0 after surgery. Six (2.3%) of the 259 patients were0Dizziness 2 Anxiety 20 assessed as being unfit for discharge on the day of Total 6211 operation. The reasons for non-discharge included
HKMJ Vol 6 No 2 June 2000219
Lau et al
example, more than 300000 hernia repairs are per-Our results prove that ambulatory inguinal hernia 3 formed annually in the United States alone.With therepair is safe and effective, and the early results are establishment of the Day Surgery Centre at the TWH,encouraging. With the escalating cost of health care, the number of ambulatory inguinal hernia repairs per-further development and expansion of the ambulatory formed has been increasing. For patients, the stresssurgery service is anticipated. Success of day surgery 4 and inconvenience of hospitalisation are avoided,relies on careful patient selection, skillful operative while for the hospital, day surgery has proven to betechniques, safe anaesthesia, and adequate postopera-5-7 a cost-effective means of giving patient care,as tivecare. Continuing audit is essential to maintain in-patient beds can either be closed or released for useand improve the quality and standard of ambulatory by acute patients. Day surgery also helps shorten thesurgery provided. waiting time for hernia repair. References The morbidity rate of 5% in this study compares 8-13 1. BowenJR, Thompson WR, Dorman BA, Soderberg CH, favourably with the results of overseas centres.Most Shahinian TK. Change in the management of adult groin of the minor complications, such as bruising, did not hernia. Am J Surg 1977;135:564-9. retard the recovery process of patients. During follow-2. HerszageL, Dimasi LL, Abait JA, Damia OP, Giuseppucci P, up, only one patient, who had a history of wound abscess Mitru CB. Ambulatory surgery in abdominal wall pathology: after the hernia repair, had a recurrence of hernia. Wound7 yearsÕ experience. Ambul Surg 1999;7:13-5. 3. RutkowIM, Robbins AW. Demographic, classificatory, and complications, particularly haematoma and bruising, 14socioeconomic aspects of hernia repair in the United States. are by far the most common causes of morbidity. Surg Clin North Am 1993;73:413-26. 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