Presented at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care (IFQSHC) Thursday 19 March 2009 UNDERSTANDING AND IMPROVING THE PRESCRIPTION OF PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS IN THE ELDERLY IN FRANCE 1 1 2 3 4a Armelle Desplanques-Leperre MD, PhD, Nathalie Riolacci MD, Olivier Blin MD, PhD, Christine Chan Chee MD, Jean Deligne MD, 4b 4c 5 6 1 Valérie Le Corre , Philippe Ricordeau , Jean-Paul Fagot , Benoît Lavallart MD, Laurent Degos MD, PhD and the group for the “Improvement of the prescription of psychotropic medicines to the elderly in France” (1) Haute Autorité de Santé, Saint-Denis, F (; (2) Université de Marseille, F; (3) Institut de veille sanitaire, Saint Maurice, F; (4) Assurance Maladie : a RSI, b MSA, c CNAM-TS, Paris, F; (5) Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé, Saint-Denis, F (6) Mission de pilotage du Plan Alzheimer, F Brief outline of context: The remit of the French National Authority for Health (HAS) is to contribute toward the quality and safety of care. Since 2006, it addressed an issue of concern, the prescribing of psychotropic drugs in the elderly. Brief outline of problem: The consumption of psychotropic drugs is higher in France than in other European countries, especially true in the elderly: over 50% of the over-70s take psychotropic medicines. However, elderly patients are more prone to side-effects.