Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 160/Thursday, August 20, 2009/Notices 42075 Bank and Trust Company, Hannibal, and OS document identifier, to health officials and healthcare systems Missouri, into a state nonmember bank. Sherette.funncoleman@hhs.gov, or call to ensure effective integration of Federal B. Federal Reserve Bank of San the Reports Clearance Office on (202) public health and medical assets during Francisco (Kenneth Binning, Vice 690–6162. Written comments and an emergency. ASPR’s National Hospital President, Applications and recommendations for the proposed Preparedness Program (HPP) awards Enforcement) 101 Market Street, San information collections must be directed cooperative agreements to each of the 50 Francisco, California 94105–1579: to the OS Paperwork Clearance Officer states, the Pacific Islands, and US SP Acquisition Holdings, Inc., New at the above e-mail address within 7- territories (for a total of 62 awardees) to York, New York; to become a bank days. improve surge capacity and enhance Proposed Project: HAvBED holding company by acquiring 100 community and hospital preparedness Assessment for 2009–H1N1 Influenza percent of the voting shares of Frontier for public health emergencies. These 62 Serious Illness, OMB No. 0990–NEW– Financial Corporation, and thereby awardees are responsible for enhancing HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary indirectly acquire voting shares of the preparedness of the nation’s nearly for Preparedness and ...