® LandView 5
Created: June 2002
Updated: August 15, 2002
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Geological Survey
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The LandView 5 Tutorial
The LandView 5 Tutorial provides instructions for accessing the LandView 5
databases, for using the MARPLOT mapping application and for performing basic
navigational tasks. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the LandView 5 installation
1for Prince William County, Virginia , available from the installation CD/DVD. However,
the Tutorial text file continues to be available for reference within your working copy of
LandView 5 after you have completed the Tutorial. Prince William County may not be
among the map and data sets that are available on your working copy, but the material
can be applied out of context.
Additional LandView/MARPLOT usage information is available from the LandView
Help and the MARPLOT Help files. The Documentation directory on the installation
CD/DVD provides further information. Included there are a MARPLOT User’s
Manual, a MARPLOT Technical Documentation manual and a complete printout of
the LandView Help files, all as Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
You should also check the LandView web site for updated versions of these materials
What is LandView 5?
LandView 5 contains both database management software and mapping software that ...