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6,1919Lafayette Day, September
Call issued theby Lafayette Day
National Committee
of the National Observance in theReport
StatesUnited of the double anniversary
1918 of the Birth of6,September
and the BattleLafayette (1757)
of the Marne (1914)
This book contains the first of the full text of the addresspublication
delivered by Theodore Roosevelt on Lafayette Day, 1918, of his last(one
notable utterances with Americanism and as also of thedealing Peace)
addresses delivered on the same occasion His theby Excellency,
French Count deAmbassador, Chambrun, Major-GeneralSecretary Daniels,
M.Crozier the Battle of the Hon. Alton(on Marne), Stephane Lauzanne,
B. Hon. Bates, Mr. de and M. Louis Mercier.Parker, John J. Justice CourcyGIFT OFLAFAYETTE SEPTEMBERDAY, 6, 1919.
MARNE (1914).
Call issued the National Committeeby Lafayette Day
formationIn this Committee itsAugust, upon1915,
commended to to celebrate onthe nation the Septemberopportunity
in6th of that the of the birth of 1757year anniversary Lafayette
and that of the Battle of Marne in On of eachthe July I4th1914.
renewed itssince that first this Committee hassucceeding year call,
to the American to honor the of onememoryappeal people
of the noblest heroes of the American thanks to whoseRevolution,
was effecefforts France s for the cause of freedom givensympathy
tive at the crucial of the forexpression period struggle
of theAmerican and to commemorate theIndependence, victory
Marne in world was saved from awhen freedom deadly peril.1914
To these four successive calls the and have respondedpress public
with ever readiness and enthusiasm last theand,increasing year,
exercises of the doublePresident of the United States attended the
while Colat the Monument inanniversary Lafayette Washington,
in call heretofore issuedonel Theodore whoRoosevelt, everyjoined
exercises heldthis was its at theCommittee,by spokesman principal
in the New and in hundreds ofHall,City York; simultaneously,
the the wastowns andcities, throughout land, day fittinglyvillages
movement thus initiated and carried onThe represents possibly
of ofthe earliest on a national scale the America,hopeexpression
inthat and thenow fulfilled, liberty justice might triumphhappily
which with our has beenof human co-operationgreatest struggles
to a victorious end.brought
to on our beWe avail of this occasiongladly express publicly
half and that of the numerous committees and societies throughout
. ith us $f thethe land which have co-operated ide-ep jappreciatiph,action of the of the States ofgovernors Tennessee, .Nevada, Ohio,
and of the Governor of Portoand IndianaMassachusetts, Georgia
Rico in to our call when to theirwho, response preceding brought
the American Defense issuedattention by Society special proclama
tions for the observance of in OurLafayette Dayfitting 1918.
for last includes these as itand,report year proclamations showing
the observance of thedoes that has becomepatriotic day truly
we trust it induce the of the same statesnational, may governors
to take similar action this and that their be folyear example may
lowed their in the other states.by colleagues
our call on when France commemoratesAgain issuing July I4th,
her for which the wholeage-long struggles liberty eventually brought
civilized world to her and its we venture anew todefense,support
remind our that in hispeople honoring Lafayette upon anniversary,
allmade memorable for mankind the Battle of the Marne,doubly by
we shall be to the of fraternal forgiving expression feeling regard
our sister our of old and of which existsrepublic, ally today, among
all of ourelements and shall be with her thepeople, celebrating day
which turned the tide of battle for freedom and the u?right, giving
time to our forces on land and sea and to theorganize provide
whichfactor decisive.proved
Charles W. Eliot Watterson(Mass.) Henry (Ky.)
Moorfield CharlesStorey J. Bonaparte (Md.)
H. Choate F. Goodrich*Joseph Caspar (Conn.)
H. W. R.Joseph Choate, Jr. (N.Y. Hodges (Mo.)
van CharlesHenry Dyke P. Johnson
*Theodore Roosevelt HarmonJudson (Ohio)
MTheodore T. HerrickRoosevelt, Jr. Myron
W. Wickershatn Charles StewartGeorge DaTison Hon. Sec.(N.Y.)
Haven Putnam Maurice Leon Rec. Sec.
William D. Guthrie Room 1008. 60 Wall Street, New YorkThe UnionLafayette X. on 1918.Monument, Square, Y., Lafayette Day, Sept. 6,
Issued National Committee ICall by Lafayette Day
Proclamation the Governor of Tennessee 2by
" " " " "
" " "
Ohio 4
" " " "
" " " "
Porto Rico 6
" " " "
New York :Exercises at Hall,City
Address Hon. Victor Chairman 16J. Dowling,
Mr. Leonof :MessagesReading by
Marshal Joffre 23
Foch 24
General Pershing 24
Admiral Sims 24
Ambassador Sharp 25
Sir David Beatty 25
Poem Mr. 26John J. Chapman
Address Col. Theodore Roosevelt 27 FrenchThe Ambassador 35
Exercises at Statue of Union New York. . .Lafayette, Square, 47
Address Hon. Alton E. Parker 47
Exercises at the Central New York :Mall, Park,
Children s Fete 54
in D.Exercises CWashington, c^
Address Hon. DanielsJosephus 59
Count Charles De Chambrun
Exercises in MassBoston, 69
Address Andrew PetersMayor J. 70
Hon. BatesJohn J. 7!
Mr. Charles A. DeCourcy 77
William U. S. AMajor-General Crozier, 91
M. Louis A. MercierJ. I03CONTEN1Sii
in Other Cities :Lafayette Day
106Milwaukee ,
108Address LauzanneStephane
Los Angeles 115
1 16Chicago
New Orleans 117
Portland, Oregon 117
Little Rock 117
Nashville 118,
Island 1 18Squirrel
Beaumont 1 18
Cincinnati 1 10,
Seattle 120
St. Paul 120
Richmond 120
; 121Indianapolis
Atlanta 121
Athens 121
Hartford 122
Jersey City I22
Bayonne 123
Seattle I2
American Defense
Society Meetings I28
in theLafayette Day Camps 130
and the Press Day 142