Kojos protezo gamybos paklaidų ir tampriųjų deformacijų įtakos eisenos tolygumui tyrimas ; The research of the influence of leg prosthesis manufacturing errors and elastic deformations on the human’s gait







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Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering (09T) Sum ral Vilnius 2007 Dissertation 1336 mary of Docto ON THE HUMAN‘S GAIT ERRORS AND ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS OF LEG PROSTHESIS MANUFACT URING THE RESEARCH OF THE INFLUENCE Irmanta s TRIMON IS y Mechanic TechnoloVilnius ces, ctoral Di (09T) gical Scien ssertation of Do Summar g gineerin 2007 al En VI LNIUS G EDIMI NAS TECHNI CAL UNIV ERSITY ON THE HUMAN‘S GAIT ERRORS AND ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS OF LEG PROSTHESIS MANUFACT URING THE RESEARCH OF THE INFLUENCE Irmanta s TRIMON IS Doctoral dissertation w as prepared at Vilni u s Gedi m i nas Technica l U ni versit y 006 in 2002–2Scienti fic Supervi sor Prof Dr Habil as MARIŪNAS Mečislov (Vilni us Gedi m i nas Technical Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09The dis sertation is be ing d efended at the Cou ncil of Scientific Field of Mechanical Engineering at Vilniu s Ge di m i nas Tec hnica l University: Chair m a n Prof Dr Habil Vladas V EKT ERI S (Vil niu s Gedi m i nas Tech nical Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09Me mbers: Prof Dr Habil Bronislovas SPRUOG IS (V iln iu s Gedi m inas Tech nical Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09Assoc Prof Dr Ry mantas Tadas TO LOČKA (Kau nas Uni versit y o f Technolog y,
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Publié le

01 janvier 2007

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1 Mo

ral Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering (09T) 2007 Vilnius Dissertation mary of Docto Sum 1336
g ces, gical Scien al En of Do Summar ssertation (09T) gineerin Mechanic 2007 Vilnius y ctoral Di Technolo
Irmanta s TRIMON IS Doctoral dissertation w as prepared at Vilni u s Gedi m i nas Technica l U ni versit y
006 in 2002–2
Scienti fic Supervi sor
Prof Dr Habil as MARIŪNAS Mečislov (Vilni us Gedi m i nas Technical
Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09
The dis sertation is be ing d efended at the Cou ncil of Scientific Field of
Mechanical Engineering at Vilniu s Ge di m i nas Tec hnica l University:
Chair m a n
Prof Dr Habil Vladas V EKT ERI S (Vil niu s Gedi m i nas Tech nical
Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09
Me mbers:
Prof Dr Habil Bronislovas SPRUOG IS (V iln iu s Gedi m inas Tech nical
Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09
Assoc Prof Dr Ry mantas Tadas TO LOČKA (Kau nas Uni versit y o f
Technolog y, Technological Sc iences, Mec hanica l En gi neering – 09T)
Prof Dr Habil Egidiju s Vytautas BARKAUSKAS (V iln ius Uni versi t y ,
Biomedical Sc ience s, Medicin B) e – 07
Prof Dr Habil Andrejus Henrika s MARCINKEVI ČIUS (Vil ni u s
Gedi mi nas Technical U ni ve rsit y, Technological Science s, Mechan ical
Engi neeri ng – 09T)
Prof Dr Habil Genadiju s KULVI ET IS (Viln iu s Gedi m i nas Tech nical
Uni versit y , Technological Sc i ences, Mecha nical E n gineeri n T) g – 09
Prof Dr H abil Viktoras VA SIL IONKAI TI S (Baltic States Instit ute o f
Medical Biomec ha nics a nd Arti ficia l Orga ns, Bio m edical Scie nces,
Medicine – 07B)
The dissertation w ill be def ended at t he public m eeti ng of t he Cou ncil of
Scienti fic Fie ld of Mechan i cal Engi neerin g in t he Se n ate Hall of Vilni us
Gedi mi nas Technical U ni versi t y at 1 p. m. on 22 Februar y 2 007
Address: Sa ulėte -10223 Vilnius, kio al. 11, LT Lit h uania
12; 01 6; fax +370 5 270 495 274 0 5 +37 952, 4 4 5 27 70 Tel.: +3
e- m ail doktor@ad m . vt u.lt
The su m m ar y o f t he doctoral dissertatio n w a s distribu ted on 22 Januar y 2007.
A cop y of the doctoral disse rtation is a vailable for revie w at t he Librar y of
Vilni us Gedi m i nas Techn ical Uni versit y (Sau lėtek Vilni io al. 14, us, Lit h uania)
© Irma nta s Trimo nis, 2007
9T) gijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija (0 Daktaro disert auka ITETAS Vilnius Technolo acijos santr 2007
Irmanta s TRIMON IS Disertacija rengta 2002–20m 06 etai s Vil niau s Gedi m ino tec hni kos un ivers itete.
Moksli nis vadovas
prof. habil. dr. Mečislovas MARIŪNAS (Vil niau s Gedi m i no tech ni kos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, m echa ni kos inž. T)inerija – 09
Disertacija gina ma Vilnia us Ge di m i no techni ko s univer siteto Mechanikos
inžinerijos m o k slo krypties t aryboje:
prof. habil. dr. Vladas VEKT ERI S (Vilnia u s Gedi m ino tech ni kos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, m echa ni kos inž. T)inerija – 09
prof. habil. dr. Br onislovas SPRUOG IS (Vil nia us Gedi m i no techn ikos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, m echa ni kos inž, T)inerija – 09
doc. dr. Ry m antas Tadas TO LOČKA (Ka uno tech nologijos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, m echa ni kos inž, T)inerija – 09
prof. habil. dr. Egidiju s Vytautas BARKAUSKAS (Viln iau s
uni versi tetas, bio m edici nos m okslai, m edicina – 07B),
prof. habil. dr. Andrejus Henri kas MARCINKEVI Č IUS (Vil niau s
Gedi mi no tech ni kos u ni vers itetas, tec hnolog ijos moks lai , mecha ni kos
inžiT ). 9 nerija – 0
prof. habil. dr. Genadij us KULVI ET IS (Vil nia us Gedi m i no tech ni kos
uni versi tetas, tec hnolo gijos m okslai, m echa ni kos inž, T)inerija – 09
prof. habil. dr. Vi ktoras VA SIL IONKAI TI S (Baltijos šalių m edicini nė s
biomec ha niko s ir dirbtini ų organų in stit uta s, bio m edi cinos mo k slai,
m edicina – 07B).
Disertacija bus gi na m a vie ša m e Mec han ikos i nži s nerijo mok slo kr yptie s
tar ybos posėdyje 200 7 m. va sario 22 d. 13 val. Vilniau s Gedi mi no techni kos
uni versi teto sena to posėdžių s alėje.
Adresas : Sau lėtek -10223 Vilnius, io al. 11, LT Liet u va.
6; faksa0112; 495 270 274 s +370 5 0 5 +37 952, 4 4 5 27 70 Tel.: +3
el. paštas doktor@ad m . vtu.l t
Disertacijos santra uka i šsi u nti nėta 2007 m. sa usio 22 d.
Disertaciją gali m a peržiūrė ti Viln iau s Gedi m ino tec h niko s u ni versiteto
bibliotekoje (Saulėtekio al. 14 , Vilni us, Liet uva).
VGTU leidy klos „Techni ka “ 1336 mokslo literat ūros knyga.
© Irma nta s Trimo nis, 2007
m Topicality of the proble
Prosthesis in orthopaedic te chniq ue are co nstr uction s t hat act as le g
fu nctio n reproduction a nd for external nor m al vie w o f the l eg. It i s a tech niq ue
giv in g a possibilit y to adapt t o the societ y a nd li ve a f ull - fl edged life, w he n o ne
or another li mb is lost.
By the data, declared by t he w orld hea lth societ y , people w it h a disabilit y
incl ude 10 % of all ulation, aworld pop m on g t he m people over 80 years old.
More and more ort hopaedic tech nique s are produced i n Lit h uania at
present. The production, ma n ufac tured in our cou ntr y keep s in step w it h w orld
desig n and qualit y i n forei gn countries a nd the y are 5–6 ti me s cheaper. The
m ai n ai m of the desi gner s a nd con structors of orthopaedic tech niq ues is to
desig n and produce func tion al and hig h qualit y lo w er limb s prosthes is and
In the mea nti m e, the sa m e as abroad, in Lith ua nia the production processes
of t he prosthe sis are auto m ate d but not so m u ch to en sure a good qualit y o f t he
prosthesis. So me ti m es i t is v ery hard to m ake prosthes is o f adequate size to a
patient that prost hesi s i m plici tl y f its just to the patie nt. Als o, it is ver y hard to
adjust it, ensuri ng t he sa me l engt h as the resid ual li mb w h ich sho uld precisel y
correspond to the lost li mb of the c han geable loads chai ns of t he prosthe sis
periodically are defor m ed du ring w a lki n g. In other w ords , the len gt h of t he
prosthesis c han ge s durin g gai t . Thus, it is ver y i m portant to set the li m it s of the
chan gi ng prost hesi s len gt h.
Errors, w hic h appear during the production of t he prosthe sis, a nd elasti c
defor m ation s of t he prosthes is lin ks ha ve a direct inf lue nce on the di sabled
hu m a n ga it s m ooth nes s and t h e position of t he ma ss ce ntre. When t he prosthes is
is inacc urate, a h u m an feel s bad, pain appears in differen t parts of the bod y,
especiall y in t he back i n t he tru nk area and pelvi s. Scoli osis cou ld possibl y
develop, as the positio n of th e mas s ce ntre cha n ges a nd dif ferent de for m ation s
appear as the forces of the m a ss cen tre and reaction start to act.
Aims and tasks of the research
The ai m o f the research is the le g prosthesi s o f a h u m an, w ho se gait
s m ooth ne ss is in fl uenced b y t he leg prost hesi s ma n u facturi ng errors and elas tic
defor m ation s of t he material s.
The mai n tas k s are as follo w s:
to set t he require me nt s, t hat wo uld e ns ure t he h u m an g ait s m ooth nes s,
w h ic h wo uld reduce fatig ue and increase worki n g capacit y of the disabled,
w it ho ut increas in g t he production costs.
GENERAL CHARAC5 SSERTATION •TERISTIC OF THE DITo evaluate ant hropo metrical parame ters of the disabled person and to
determ ine per m i ssible variat ions of t he ma nu fact uri ng a nd asse mb l y errors and
elastic defor m a tions o f the le g prosthesis li n ks.
analTo yse t he i nf lue nce of the m an u fact urin g errors and elastic
defor m ation s on t he disabled hu m a n gait s m ooth nes s a nd t o set possibil ities of
their in ter-co mpe nsat ion.
To develop engineeri n g m et hodolog y to calcula te le g pr osthes is m a n u-
fact urin g and as se mbl y errors.
Scientific novelty
The theory o f the disabled h u m an ’ s gait has bee n developed, by addin g:
Li near a nd no n- linear stat ical l y u nsol vable m athe m at ical model s, used to
determ ine t he m ain ratio nal parameter s of t he leg prost h esis, i nfl ue nci ng t he
disabled hu m an gait un s m oot h ness, a nd approxi mate me tho ds to solve the m .
Possibilities of inter -co mpe n sation o f ma n ufac turi n g errors and elastic
defor m ation s of the leg pr osthes is li n ks, a nal y tical de pendences o f t heir
quantita tive e val uation a nd a balance of t he leg prost hesi s ela stic defor m at ions.
A nal y tical in terdependence o f t he

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