Knows that the stars are places and normally produce
results that can be duplicated. innumerable, unevenly Kindergarten Standard 3: Students will
dispersed and of unequal Benchmark b: Understand the nature of
understand the Physical scientific inquiry brightness.
Uses the senses to make Sciences
observations about living Benchmark a: Understand the structure Standard 2: Students will
things, nonliving objects and and properties of matter understand the Life events. Knows that different objects are
Records information collected Sciences made up of many different
about the physical world. Benchmark a: Understand the types of materials and have
principals of heredity and related many different observable Uses simple tools to gather
information. concepts properties.
Benchmark b: Understand the sources Conducts simple investigations Knows that plants and animals
closely resemble their parents. and properties of energy to solve a problem or answer a
question. Knows that the sun supplies Knows that differences exist
heat and light to Earth. Asks questions about among individuals of the same
observations. Science kind of plant or animal. Knows that sound is produced
Benchmark b: Understand the structure by vibrating objects. Develops predictions and explanations based on previous and function of cells and organisms Benchmark c: Understand the forces of
Standard 1: Students will motion experience. Knows the basic needs of ...