Karvių sergančių slaptuoju mastitu diagnostika, gydymas ir profilaktika ; Bovine subclinical mastitis diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis







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LITHUANIAN VETERINARY ACADEMY J ŪRAT Ė KLIMAIT Ė BOVINE SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS DIAGNOSTICS, TREATMENT AND PROPHYLAXIS Summary of doctoral dissertation Biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine (12B) KAUNAS, 2005 The research work has been carried out in the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, in 2001-2005, Kaunas, Lithuania. The dissertation is written in Lithuanian. The research supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Aniulis (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B). Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Albina Aniulien ė (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B). Chairman of the veterinary medicine council: Prof. at Incumbent Dr. Antanas Sederevi čius (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B). Members: Prof. Habil. Dr. Henrikas Žilinskas (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine 12B); Prof. at Incumbent Dr. Bronius Bakutis (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B); Prof. Habil. Dr. Aniolas Sruoga (VU Ecology Institute, biomedical sciences, biology – 01B); Prof. Habil. Dr. Justinas Antanas Dobilas (LVA Veterinary Institute, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B). Opponents: Prof. Habil. Dr. Algimantas Matusevi čius (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine – 12B); Dr.
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01 janvier 2005

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LITHUANIAN VETERINARY ACADEMY      J Ū RAT Ė KLIMAIT Ė        BOVINE SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS DIAGNOSTICS, TREATMENT AND PROPHYLAXIS      Summary of doctoral dissertation Biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine (12B)        KAUNAS, 2005
The research work has been carried out in the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, in 2001-2005, Kaunas, Lithuania. The dissertation is written in Lithuanian.  The research supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eugenijus Aniulis (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B).  Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Albina Aniulien ė  (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B).  Chairman of the veterinary medicine council:  Prof. at Incumbent Dr. Antanas Sederevi č ius (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B).  Members: Prof. Habil. Dr. Henrikas ilinskas (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine 12B); Prof. at Incumbent Dr. Bronius Bakutis (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B); Prof. Habil. Dr. Aniolas Sruoga (VU Ecology Institute, biomedical sciences, biology  01B); Prof. Habil. Dr. Justinas Antanas Dobilas (LVA Veterinary Institute, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B).  Opponents: Prof. Habil. Dr. Algimantas Matusevi č ius (Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine  12B); Prof. Habil. Dr. Henrikas Stankevi č ius (Lithuanian Food Institute, biomedical sciences, zootechny 13B).  Public defence of doctoral dissertation in Veterinary medicine science council will take place at the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy I auditorium 2 pm LT on 20 th September of 2005. Address: Til ė s 18, LT  47181 Kaunas, Lithuania.  The abstract of doctoral dissertation has been send on 20 th August 2005 according to confirmed address list.  This dissertation is available at the libraries of the Lithuanian veterinary Academy and LVA Veterinary Institute.   
Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė medicina (12B)         Kaunas, 2005  
Darbas atliktas 2001-2005 metais Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijoje.  Disertacija parayta lietuvi ų kalba.  Mokslinis vadovas: Doc. dr. Eugenijus Aniulis (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė  medicina  12B)  Mokslinio darbo konsultantas: Doc. dr. Albina Aniulien ė  (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė  medicina  12B)  Disertacija ginama Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijos Veterinarin ė s medicinos mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas: E. prof. p. dr. Antanas Sederevi č ius (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė medicina  12B).  Nariai: Prof. habil. dr. Henrikas ilinskas (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė medicina  12B); E. prof. p. dr. Bronius Bakutis (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė  medicina  12B); Prof. habil. dr. Aniolas Sruoga (VU Ekologijos institutas, biomedicinos mokslai, biologija  01B); Prof. habil. dr. Justinas Antanas Dobilas (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijos Veterinarijos institutas, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė medicina  12B).  Oponentai: Prof. habil. dr. Algimantas Matusevi č ius (Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, biomedicinos mokslai, veterinarin ė medicina  12B); Prof. habil. dr. Henrikas Stankevi č ius (Lietuvos maisto institutas, biomedicinos mokslai, zootechnika  13B).  Disertacija bus ginama vieame Veterinarin ė s medicinos mokslo krypties tarybos pos ė dyje 2005 m. rugs ė jo 20 d. 14 val. Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijos I auditorijoje. Adresas: Til ė s g. 18, 47181 Kaunas, Lietuva  Disertacijos santrauka isiuntin ė ta 2005 m. rugpj ūč io 20 d. Disertacij ą  galima peri ū r ė ti Lietuvos veterinarijos akademijos ir LVA Veterinarijos instituto bibliotekose.    
INTRODUCTION  Bovine mastitis in the meat processing industry has been and will be one of the most important interferences in producing high quality milk products. If the clinical form is registered amongst 2-5% of lactating and dry cows, then the incidence of sub-clinical mastitis (SCM) can be as high as in 50% of cows. In Lithuania, this form affects 44-47% of cows (Japertas, 2000). Such milk has an increased Somatic Cell Count (SCC), its technological characteristics change: it weakens fermentation, lactic acid and rennet enzyme effects, milk is less thermostabile. The quality of cows milk depends not only on the healthiness of the udder, but also the animals nutrition, husbandry and care conditions, age, lactation and season (Sender, 1995; Koldeweij et al., 1999). Sub-clinical mastitis can be prolonged and progress to the clinical form. Sub-clinical mastitis is diagnosed 15-40 times more often than clinical mastitis, though the sub-clinical form induces 60-70% of losses. ( Ивашура , 1991; Jukna, et al., 1994). From mastitis-affected milk, no single causative agent is identified, but about 150 various micro-organisms. Usually mastitis causative agents are S. aureus, S. agalactiae, S. dysgalactiae and S. uberis. Less common causative agents are E. coli , Corynobacteria , Pseudomonas , yeasts and mycoplasma (Wats, 1988; Siugzdait ė , 1997). Due to common and erroneous use of antibiotics and sulfamides, resistant strains of micro-organisms arise, upsetting the udders non-pathogenic micro-organism proportions. An important role in SCM etiology is attributed to yeasts. During 1980-1985, from mastitis affected milk, 1% of the samples grew pure cultures of Candida genus yeasts (Zelba, 1985; Sestakauskas, 1987). In some countries an increase of yeast-caused mastitis was observed (H. Krukowski, 2001; E. Malinowski et al., 2002). Polish dairy farm statistics showed that 14.4% of milk samples grew Candida genus yeasts. In prophylaxis and treatment of bovine SCM, prolonged action antibiotics act on gram-positive, gram-negative microbes and mycoplasma, however they are ineffective against yeasts. In weakening microbe activity, the inflammation process is upheld by yeasts. For treatment of yeast and micro-organism caused mastitis, a single imported preparation is currently offered  Neomastipra Fung (amoxicillin trihydrate 1 mg, nistatine 5 mln. IU, hydrocortizone 20 mg; Laboratory Hipra S.A., Spain). Our develpoed preparation (in consultancy with other specialists), conditionally named Gentafung is manufactured by Norfachema (Lithuanian & Norwegian Joint Stock Company). This preparation has been used to treat cows with SCM, having causative agents of gram-positive and gram-negative micro-organisms and yeasts. Treatment and prophylaxis efficacy depended on correct identification of causative agents as their sensitivity to various antibacterial medications differ, especially as the current supply is quite broad. This is why it is advisable to determine the market-offered antimicrobial efficacy in treating cows with SCM.  Aims of the study:  To determine Candida genus yeasts and micro-organism caused distribution and diagnostics of bovine SCM. To compare the preparation Gentafung and Neomastipra Fung treatment efficacy in treating cows with SCM. To confirm the offered commercial antibacterial preparation injection frequency and duration of use.  Goals of the study:  1.  Determine the distribution of Candida genus yeasts and micro-organisms causing SCM; 2.  Determine identification of yeasts, their biochemical and physiological characteristics; 3.  Perform a comparative evaluation of Candida  genus yeast commercial identification systems with classical diagnostic methods; 4.  Determine preparations Gentafung and Neomastipra Fung treatment efficacy; 5.  Determine efficacy of homeopathic preparations in treating SCM caused by Candida  genus yeasts and micro-organisms; 6.  Assess antimicrobial preparations in treating SCM caused by S. aureus and micro-organisms; 7.  Confirm prophylactic medications efficacy on drying cows; 8.  Determine Candida genus caused SCM morphological changes in the udders parenchyme.  Novelty of the study:  The distribution of yeast fungi has been ascertained as their influence on SCM etiology. Our developed preparation for treatment for yeast and microbe caused mastitis Gentafung is composition of wide spectrum antibiotics and antifungal medications. An evaluation was performed of commercially available homeopathic preparations in treating SCM. A new recommended preparation OrbeSeal was evaluated for drying cows. A comparison of Candida genus yeast commercial identification systems diagnostic accuracy was performed via classical methods.
 Practical assignment significance:  Gentafung preparation was evaluated in cow herds for its efficacy against gram positive, gram negative microbes and yeast fungi. The distribution of yeast and micro organism caused SCM was clarified in cow herds. An evaluation of commercially newly available preparations was performed for drying cows.  Volume and structure of the study:  This dissertation is written in the Lithuanian language, contains 138 pages and includes: an introduction, literature review, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, suggestions, a summary in the English language, a list of used literature including 209 references, acknowledgements, 11 tables, 21 pictures, 18 appendix.  RESEARCH METHODS  Time, location, and conditions of the research  During 2001-2005, scientific research was performed at the Lithuanian Veterinary Academys Non-Contagious Disease Dept. and Livestock Reproduction Laboratory, 28 agricultural companies and 30 dairy farms. Experiments were performed using 2-6 yr. old lactating and pregnant dry Lithuanian Black & White and Lithuanian Red breed cows. Cows were fed according to the farms determined ration, water was offered ad libitum. For bacteriological testing, milk samples were placed in sterile test tubes according to aseptic procedures. 2374 milk samples were tested. Diagnostic tests for SCM were performed on 1742 cows, 6968 udder quarters. Cows were selected having >500 10 3 /cm 3 general Somatic Cell Counts (SCC). Determining treatment efficacy, the medications were injected according to instructions for use.  Assessment of general milk bacterial contamination and SCC   For these investigations, samples were placed in special tubes from aggregate milk and presented to the State Company Pieno Tyrimai. SCC was determined using the following instruments: Somascope MK2 (Delta Instruments, Holland) and Fossomatic (Foss Electric, Denmark). Fat, protein and lactose amounts in milk were determined via Lactoscope 550 (Delta Instruments Holland), and canned milk general bacterial contamination with the equipment Cobra 2024-Asterias (Biocom, France).  Bacteriological milk sample testing  From the affected cows udder quarter, milk samples were aseptically placed in sterile tubes at the end of milking. Mastitic milk samples were sown on Mac-Conkey (enterobacteria) (Oxoid, England), Edvardso (streptococci) (Oxoid, England), sheeps blood (staphylococci) (Oxoid, England), BairdParker (Liofilchem, Italy), Biggy (Oxoid, England), OGYE (Liofilchem, Italy), Sabouraud dextrose (Remel, USA) agar. To resow cultures, we used meat peptone agar and boullion (Oxoid, England). Sheeps blood, meat peptone and boullion, Mac-Conkey, OGYE, Sabouraud dextrose agars were autoclaved for 15 minutes at 121 ° C, and Edvards media for 20 minutes at 115 ° C. Milker outwash samples were obtained post-milking using transportable media (Transport Swab, Italy).  Yeast identification  Research was performed at the Botanical Institutes Biodestructor Laboratory. Sowing the milk samples on Biggy, OGYE, Sabouraud dextrose agar, we placed the dishes in a (24±1)º C thermostat under aerobic conditions for 5-7 days. Pure yeast cultures from mature colonies were examined and selected according to typical characteristics. They were microscopically examined and confirmed as yeasts. Later they were renown on bevelled yeast extract, dextrose and oxytetracycline agar and grown for 3 days at 24±1º C temperature. Yeast morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristic examinations were performed using Kreger van Rij (1984) methods. Yeast species were identified via Kreger-van Rij (1984) established characteristics.  Comparative evaluation of yeast identification via classic methods and commercial express systems  Yeast identification systems (Integral system yeast, Liofilchem, Italy) kit is comprised of 12 biochemical tests and 6 antimycotic preparations. Fungichrom I (International microbio, France) kit is comprised of 16 biochemical tests.    
Veterinary medication efficacy in treating cows with SCM  Therapeutic effect of Gentafung and Neomastipra fung  Preparation Gentafung (gentamycin 1.5 g, fluconazole 0.5 g; Norfachema, Lithuania) was used in treating 20 cows with 52 infected udder quarters. 20ml was injected into each affected udder quarter 3 times q12h. 20ml of preparation Neomastipra fung (amoxicillin trihydrate 1 mg, nistatin 5 mln. IU, hydrocortisone 20 mg; Laboratory Hipra S.A, Spain) was applied to each infected udder quarter 3 times q12h. 59 cows were treated with 152 infected udder quarters. The efficacy of preparations was judged by the milk samples bacteriological qualitative compositions pre and post treatment. To determine SCCs, general bacterial contamination, protein, fat and lactose amounts, milk samples were taken from the aggregate prior to, and Day 14 and 21 post-treatment.  Therapeutic effect of Noroclav, Synulox LC and Synulox RTU  Preparation Noroclav (clavulanic acid 35 mg, amoxicillin 140 mg; Pfizer animal health, Belgium) was used in treating 10 cows with 30 infected udder quarters, was injected 5 days into muscle (1xd). Preparation Synulox LC (clavulanic acid 50 mg, amoxicillin 200 mg, prednisolone 10 mg; Pfizer animal health, Belgium) was used in treating 9 cows with 12 infected udder quarters, was injected in to all teat canal 5 time after milking. Preparation Synulox LC (clavulanic acid 50 mg, amoxicillin 200 mg, prednisolone 10 mg; Pfizer animal health, Belgium), was injected in to all teat canal 5 time after milking and preparation Synulox RTU (clavulanic acid 35 mg, amoxicillin 140 mg; Pfizer animal health, Belgium) was injected 5 days into muscle (1xd), was used in treating 10 cows with 40 infected udder quarters The efficacy of preparations was judged by the milk samples bacteriological qualitative compositions pre and post treatment. To determine SCCs, protein, fat and lactose amounts, milk samples were taken from the aggregate prior to, and Day 21 and 60 post-treatment.  Effect of Biomast   For the purpose of treatment, 45 lactating cows were selected which had somatic cell counts higher than 400 10 3 /cm 3 . 3 ml. of preparation was injected SQ, laterally to the udders lymphnodes on both sides. Milk samples for bacteriological testing, general bacterial contamination, somatic cell counts, proteins, fats and lactose amounts were obtained prior to preparation injections and Day 14, 21, 60 post-treatment. Leukograms were used to evaluate immune response from the blood of 5 cows diagnosed with subclinical mastitis.  Bovine SCM caused by yeast fungi and microbe treatment using homeopathical preparations Traumeel ® ad us.vet, PhosphorHomaccord and Traumeel ® S Gel  Using preparation Traumeel ® ad us.vet (Aconitum napellus D4 0.3 ml; Arnica montana D4 0.5 ml; Atropa belladonna D4 0.5 ml; Bellis perennis D4 0.25 ml; Calendula officinalis D4 0.5 ml; Chamomilla recutita D5 0.5 ml; Echinacea angustifolia D4 0.125 ml; Echinacea purpurea D4 0.125 ml; Hamamelis virginiana D3 0.05 ml; Achillea millefolium D5 0.5 ml; Hypericum perforatum D4 0.15 ml; Symphytum officinale D8 0.5 ml; Hepar sulfuris D6 0.5 ml; Hahnemanni soluble mercury D8 0.25 ml; sodium chloride q. S. 5 ml; Biologische Heilminttel Heel GmbH, Germany) and PhosphorHomaccord (Phosphorus D10 0.02 ml; Phosphorus D30 0.02 ml; Phosphorus D200 0.02 ml; Argentum nitricum D10 0.015 ml; Argentum nitricum D30 0.015 ml; Argentum nitricum D200 0.015 ml; Paris quadrifolia D6 0.015 ml; Paris quadrifolia D10 0.015 ml; Paris quadrifolia D30 0.015 ml; Paris quadrifolia D200 0.015 ml; Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany) we treated 6 cows having 15 SCM-affected udder quarters. 5 ml was injected IM. Repeat injections were administered after 24 h and after 4 days. Milk samples for bacteriological testing, determining general contamination, SCC, protein, fat and lactose amounts were obtained prior to application of the preparations on Day 14 and 21 post-treatment. Preparation Traumeel ® S Gel (Arnica montana D3 1.5g; Symphylum officinale D4 0.1 g; Hypericum perforatum D6 0.09 g; Mercurius solubilis D6 0.04 g; Hepar sulphur D6 0.025 g; Aconitum napellus D1 0.0025 g; Belladonna D1 0.05 g; Calendula officinalis ǿ ; Hamamelis virginica ǿ aà 0.45 g; Echinacae angustifolia ǿ ; Echinacae purpurae ǿ ; Chamomilla ǿ  aà 0.15 g; Bellis perenuis ǿ  0.1 g; Millefolium ǿ  0.09 g; exc q.s. ad 100g; Homeoden  Heel, Belgium) was injected to six cows having 16 affected udder quarters, 10 ml each, 3 times, 12h after milking. To determine aggregate milk bacterial contamination, SCC, protein and lactose amounts, samples were obtained prior to injecting preparations, 14 and 21 days post-treatment. Milk sample bacteriological tests were performed prior to, and 14, 21 days post-treatment.  
Preparation prophylactic efficacy on drying cows Effect of Biomaston drying cows  For prophylactic purposes against SCM we used the biostimulator Biomast (Corynebacterium uberis 22, SDT  Abiotest, Poland). 5 end-lactation cows received 3 mls of the preparation, injected SQ lateral to the supramammarian lymphnodes on both sides 14 days prior to end-lactation. Another group of 5 end-lactation cows received 3 mls of biostimulator SQ lateral to lymphnodes on both sides and 10 mls of Evetsel IM (tocopherol acetate (Vit.E), 750 mg., sodium selenite 10.95 mg, Pliwa Krakow S.A., Poland). Milk samples for bacteriological testing, general bacterial contamination, proteins, fat and lactose amount determination were taken prior to preparation injections and postpartum once colostrums production has stopped. Leukograms were used to determine immune responses in both groups of cows.  Drying cow prophylaxis using preparations OrbeSeal and Albadry Plus  In accordance to research statistics (according to SCC), cows were divided into three groups: 1)- SCC up to 200.000/ cm 3 , 2)- from 201.000 to 500.000/ cm 3 , 3)  > 501.000/ cm 3 . The first group of six cows were treated in all udder quarters after final milking with OrbeSeal (65% bismuth subnitrate, Pfizer Animal Health, Great Britain); Group 2- 23 cows, and Group 3  12 cows were treated in all udder quarters after final milking Albadry Plus (novobiocin 400 mg, benzylpenicillin procaine salt 200.000 IU; Pharmacia N.V, Belgium) and OrbeSeal (65% bismuth subnitrate; Pfizer Animal Health, Great Britain). Milk composition (State Company Pieno Tyrimai) and bacterial tests were performed from post-partum cows, after the colostrum period.  Histological investigation of udder parenchyme  From two slaughtered cows, 8 udder quarters, in which it was confirmed that mastitis was caused by yeasts, tissue parenchyme samples were obtained for histological investigation. Samples were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution. Slides were prepared using O. Kublickien ė s method (1978).  Statistical result analysis  Test results and statistical data were calculated via computer program SPSS. Statistical data arithmetic averages were calculated (Xa), average error margins (± Se), standard deviation (S), variable coefficient (Cv), cow number in group (N), average difference reliability coefficient (td). According to StjudentoGaseto Table, we determined the average difference reliability (p). The difference was accepted as statistically reliable if p<0,05.  RESEARCH RESULTS  Udder quarter tests using reagent CMT  For express diagnostics we used reagent CMT. Our test data showed that cow udders confirmed having SCM in one quarter  519 cases (7.44 % ), two quarters  1 396 cases (20.03 % ), three quarters  1 275 cases (18.30 % ), all quarters  2 156 cases (30.94%). In evaluating which side of the udder shows developing inflammation, we determined that it is near equal: right side - 49.55 % , left 50.45 % . However we noticed that the right rear quarter is more commonly affected with developing inflammations than the other quarters. At least 41.15 % of inflammations were confirmed in the right frontal quarter   Bacteriological milk sample test results  Having performed bacteriological tests from 2 374 affected cows, the following microflora were identified: pure cultures  26.37%, mixed cultures  64.20%. No pathogenic microflora identified  9.43% of samples. Pure microflora were comprised of: yeast fungi  7.98%, S. aureus   19.97%, CNS  58.15%, Streptococcus  spp .  5.43%, Enterobacteriaceae  family  8.47%. Most common mixed infections were: Enterobacteriaceae family bacteria  96.65%, Staphylococcus genus  96.59%, amongst these S. aureus  14.83%, Streptococcus genus  41.27% , Candida genus yeasts  60.76%. From milk samples from cows with SCM, 2 microorganisms were identified in 43.44% cases, 3 microorganisms  41.47%,  4 microorganisms  15.09% cases (Fig. 1).  
100 80 60 40 20 0
Gryna kult ū ra / Pure cultures Miri kult ū ra / Mixed cultures  Fig. 1. Milk sample bacteriologic test results 1 pav. Pieno m ė gini ų bakteriologinio tyrimo rezultatai  Milker outwash bacteriological testing  Examining 72 samples of outwash from milkers, 16 samples (22.22%) grew pure cultures, mixed  50 samples   (69.44%) and only 6 samples (8.34%) showed no micro-organism growth. Pure culture microflora was comprised of yeast fungi  25.00%, CNS  50.00%, enterobacteria  25.00%. Mixed microfloras was comprised of yeast fungi    30.00%, CNS  90.00%, streptococci  10.00%, enterobacteria  16.00% (3 samples). Our research shows that milker disinfection pre and post milking is an important factor in reducing micro-organism transfer during milking.  Identified yeast species description  Performing classical method identification of 49 isolated yeast species, their biochemical and physiological characteristics were determined. Test results identified:  C. krusei 14  28.57%, C. famata 3  6.12%, C. glabrata 1  2.04%, Rhodotorula rubra 9  18.37%, C. tropicalis 10  20.41%, Cr. laurentii 1  2.04%, C . inconspicua 3  6.12%, C. parapsilosis 5  10.20%, Geotrichum candidum 3  6.12% (Fig. 2).  
6% 10% 6% 2%
 Fig. 2. Yeast species 2 pav. Mieli ų r ū ys  
6% 2%
C. krusei C. famata C. glabrata Rh. rubra C. tropicalis Cr. laurenti C. inconspicua C. parapsilosis G. candidum
Comparative evaluation of yeast via classical and express methods  Classical yeast identification methods were compared to express method systems and Fungichrom I . Comparing the classical identification method with the express yeast identification method we determined that of 49 yeasts isolated 81.63% coincided, and comparing with Fungichrom I  91.84% results coincided. In comparing express diagnostic methods with Fungichrom I, 88.89% of results coincided.  Veterinary preparation efficacy in treating cows with SCM  Therapeutic Gentafung efficacy  Having performed milk tests from 20 cows having 52 infected udder quarters, it was determined that the general SCC was quite high (1031.90 ± 143.23 10 3 /cm 3 ). The aggregate bacterial contamination exceeded standard margins and which comprised 370.5 ± 43.84 10 3 /cm 3 (example 66). Prior to applying medication in the udder quarters, the milk composition test results showed: proteins 3.60 ± 0.11%, fat  4.01 ± 0.11%, lactose  4.33 ± 0.09%. Bacteriological tests from all the collected milk samples from affected quarters resulted in mixed microflora which comprised: enterobacteria and yeast fungi  3 samples (15%), CNS, enterobacteria and yeast fungi  7 samples (35%), CNS, streptococci and yeast fungi  5 samples (25%), CNS, enterobacteria, streptococci and yeast fungi  1 sample (5%), CNS and yeast fungi  4 samples (20%). 14 days post treatment of affected quarters, tests of milk samples constituted positive medication affects on the milk gland. A positive result also was shown by a 4.92% (p>0.5) reduction in SCC. The general milk bacterial contamination decreased by 25.51% (0,1<p<0.05). A change was noted in milk composition also. A slight decrease in proteins was observed  4.73% (p>0.4), though fat increased  11.32% (p<0.01) as did lactose 10.73% (p<0.005). A positive affect of the medication was noted on the milk gland and affected quarters by the identified microorganisms. Gentafung ingredients (gentamycin) acted positively against grampositive and gramnegative microbes and yeast fungi (flukonazole). In testing the milk samples from previously affected quarters, even 50% did not grow microbe or yeast fungi cultures. The remaining samples grew mixed microflora (50%), which comprised CNS and enterobacteria (30%)  3 samples, CNS and yeast fungi  4 samples (40%), CNS, streptococci and yeast fungi  3 samples (30%). 21 days post treatment the SCC decreased by 69.05% (p<0.001) in comparison to the amount prior to treatment. Total bacteria count decreased by a remarkable 83.97% (p<0.001). That the udder had healed and returned to a physiological norm is shown by milk quality indicators. Protein amounts stabilised at 3.60% (0,1<p<0.05), fat and lactose increased by 12.22% (p<0.001) and 10.81% (p<0.001) respectively. In testing milk bacteriologically, 5 cows in 7 quarters (13.46%) grew mixed microflora, comprised of CNS and enterobacteria.  The results of milk bacteriological and milk composition tests show that gentamycin was effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and against yeast  flukonazole, thereby the treatment results were rather satisfactory. Post-treatment SCC was 319.40 ± 40.89 10 3 /cm 3 (p<0.001), and the general bacterial contamination was  59.40 ± 9.11 10 3 /cm 3 (p<0.001). Of the treated 20 cows and 52 infected quarters 85% healed completely.  Therapeutic Neomastipra Fung efficacy  59 cows were selected for treatment of 152 infected udder quarters having an aggregate SCC of 1616.03 ±  155.80 10 3 /cm 3 , and the total bacterial count was 399.94 ± 27.04 10 3 /cm 3 . Fat, protein and lactose amounts were within physiological parameters: 4.53 ± 0.10%, 3.42 ± 0.07%, 4.59 ± 0.04%. Prior to treatment we bacteriologically tested milk samples from the infected udder quarters identifying S. aureus , enterobacetria and yeast fungi in 5 samples (8.47%), CNS, enterobacteria and yeast fungi in 44 samples (74.58%), CNS and yeast fungi in 9 samples (15.25%), enterobacteria and yeast fungi 1 sample (1.70%). -The medications component amoxicillin is effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria, and nistatine  against yeast fungi. 14 days post treatment, after three applications of the medication, the general milk composition from the affected udder quarters had changed: SCC decreased by 49.65% (p<0.001), BBU  47.02% (p<0.001). A positive effect on the milk gland was a slight increase in fat and lactose amounts repectively: 10.11% (p>0.5) and 10.07% (p>0.5). Protein amounts remained unchanged. From the affected quarters, bacteriological testing of samples identified mixed microflora  S. aureus and yeast fungi  8.47%, CNS, enterobacteria  49.16%. No microbes grew in 25 of the samples (42.37%). After 21 days, aggregate milk from affected quarters showed a decrease in SCC  77.71% and was 371.58 ± 32.95 10 3 /cm 3  (p<0.001). The milk from 59 treated cows and 152 infected quarters was within the standard raw milk requandement values  < 400,000/cm 3 (p<0.001). Protein, fat and lactose: 3.49 ± 0.06% (p>0.2), 4.70 ± 0.10% (p>0.2) and 4.63 ± 0.04% (p>0.2) respectively. In bacteriologically examining milk samples we noticed that in 43 of the samples (72.88%) microbes and yeast fungi were not observed. Only 5 samples (8.47%) showed S. aureus  and 11 samples  CNS and enterobacteria (18.65%).
Decreases were noted in the amount microorganisms in the aggregate milk as did total bacterial count (82.37%) (p<0.001). Of the treated 59 cows, 43 (72.88%) completely healed. Our test results show that the medication Neomastipra Fung component nistatine is effective against yeast fungi, and amoxicillin  against most grampositive and gramnegative bacteria. In performining an antibiogram, identified microbes were averagely (16mm) sensitive to amoxicillin In comparing preparations Gentafung and Neomastipra Fung post treatment, it was determined that Gentafung was more effective than Neomastipra Fung (Fig. 3).  
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Gentafung Neomastipra fung   Fig. 3. Therapeutic effect of Gentafung and Neomastipra fung 3 pav. Gydomasis preparat ų Gentafung ir Neomastipra fung efektyvumas  The efficacy of preparations Noroclav, Synulox LC and Synulox RTU  The first group of cows (preparation) Noroclav prior to treatment grew pure cultures ( S. aureus ) in 60% of cases from milk samples taken after milking. Mixed microflora ( S. aureus, streptococci, enterobacteria, Candida genus yeasts) were identified in 40% of samples. A rather large SCC was found in aggregate milk (980,80 ± 397,80 10 3 /cm 3 ). 21 days post treatment, bacteriological tests distinguished S. aureus in 20% of samples. A slight increase was identified (10%) of mixed microflora. Judging from bacteriologic test results Noroclav is substantially effective against S. aureus, enterobacteria and streptococci, though ineffective against Candida genus yeasts. 21 days post treatment, no micro-organisms were identified in 30% of samples. 2 months post treatment S. aureus was identified in 30% of samples.   During treatment, milk composition changed. 21 days post treatment, the fat amount in milk decreased by 6,16% (p>0,4), after 2 months  3,61% (p>0,4) in comparison with amounts prior to treatment. Lactose amounts decreased also. 21 days post treatment, lactose decreased by 2,50% (p>0,4), after two months  3,34% (p>0,5). Protein decreased by 6,03% (p>0,4), and after two months increased by 10,10% (p>0,4). One of the most important indicators of udder recovery is the SCC during treatment. 21 days post treatment, the SCC decreased by 56,66% (0,1<p<0,05), after 2 months  61,15% (0,1<p<0,05) and thereby reached the milk standard requandements (381,00 ± 109,45 10 3 /cm 3 ). 70% of treated cows fully recovered. Prior to treatment with Synulox LC,44,44% of bacteriologically examined milk samples grew pure cultures (22,22% S. aureus and 22,22% KNS). Mixed microflora grew in 55,56% samples ( S. aureus, KNS, streptococci, enterobacteria, Candida genus yeasts). 21 days post treatment, 22,22% of bacteriologically examined samples grew Candida genus yeasts, after 2 months samples grew 55,56% mixed microflora ( S. aureus,  Candida gentus yeasts). During treatment, other indicators fluctuated as well. 21 days post treatment, milk fat decreased by 23,27% (p>0,1), proteins  1,1% (p>0,5), however lactose amounts increased by 10,70% (0,1<p>0,05). Lactose increase  11
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