Java Business Benchmark
Performance on the Dell PowerEdge 6650 Server
™Java applications are becoming increasingly popular in enterprise environments, neces-
sitating the measurement of Java performance on servers. This article discusses SPECjbb2000—
an industry-standard benchmark that measures Java server performance—and examines
™ ™ ™results on the Intel Xeon processor-based Dell PowerEdge 6650 server.
he Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation the Java objects in memory, no disk I/O occurs in
® ™T(SPEC ) introduced the SPECjbb 2000 benchmark in SPECjbb2000. No network I/O is generated or measured
June 2000 to evaluate the performance of servers running in SPECjbb2000, because users do not reside on exter-
™typical Java business applications. The benchmark can be nal client systems.
®run on different operating systems, including the Microsoft One active customer is assigned to each warehouse that
® ® ®Windows , Linux , and UNIX operating systems. is initialized when running the benchmark. A warehouse
SPECjbb2000 simulates a wholesale supplier, with is a unit of approximately 25 MB of data, stored in Btrees.
multiple warehouses that serve several districts. The Warehouses map directly to Java threads, resulting in a
benchmark uses a three-tier client-server scheme to multithreaded workload that scales well on multiple proces-
model the company, emphasizing the middle tier (see sors. The number of threads increases as ...