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01 janvier 2008
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Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
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Publié le
01 janvier 2008
Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
Investigation of Control Methods for
Segmented Long Stator Linear Drives
Fachbereich 18 Vomationstechnik Elektrotechnik und Informstadt der Technischen Universität Darmzur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.) igte Dissertation genehm von ld aRodrigo Benavides Osw Dipl.-Ing.geboren am 24. November 1975 in Osorno, Chile
Prof. Referent: Korreferent: Tag der Einreichung: üfung: rndlichen PüTag der m
Mutschler Peter Dr.-Ing. Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ralph Kennel 15. April 2008 21. August 2008 D17 stadt 2008 Darm
This PhD thesis is the result of a 5-years work at the Department of Power Electron-
ics and Control of Drives, Darmstadt University of Technology. Throughout my project
many people contributed to my research in various ways, some directly, others indi-
this thesis, but all were very helpful. rectly related to the work presented in
First I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Mutschler, my supervisor
and head of the Department, for his guidance, encouragement, inspiration, and valuable
arrangements during this research. I greatly appreciate his patience in scrutinizing this
r acting as co-advisor. ohis interest and fTo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel, I thank for
eI thank the DFG Deutsche Forschungsgem yinschaft for financially supporting m 1109/12-1 and MU 1109/12-3. projects MU
I would like to thank all my colleagues at the Department for their support and com-
ny useful discussions. ants, a good working atmosphere, and mem
Many non-scientific issues are important for an experimental project. I appreciate the
work and advice of the Departments technical and administrative staff.
topic and whose results have ya theses in mI thank the students who did their diplomhy their issue did not only found out that and wbeen used in this thesis. Even those who ect considerablyj the prowork helped.
Finally, I am very grateful to my wife for her encouragement, support and interest
e. study and PhD timyduring m
stadt, 15.04.2008 Darm
Nowadays, linear motors are widely used in machine tools to eliminate the gear re-
lated problems of rotative drives with lead-screw transmission. With linear motors the
performance increases considerably since mechanical transmission elements are re-
n and a higher speed of thehigher acceleratiomoved. This leads to a better precision, a moving part. Therefore, direct drives with linear motors are increasingly used in indus-
nt costs. ehigher investmthese solutions often need trial applications although
rials are transferred into the production tea mIn industrial processing plants, rawprocess, typically then they pass several processing stations and finally, the processed
on plants, different ain. In todays productiarticle is removed from the processing chterials. Advantages can be ex-aocessing ment is used for transportation and prequipmpected by using the same system of linear drives for transportation as well as for proc-
essing materials. Hence, this dissertation discusses a proposal for process-integrated
material handling based on linear drives. The integration of linear drives into the pro-
tegrative viewpoint oduction process. The induction plant calls for a new view of the prr future appli-ooduced should be developed fwhere a co-design of drive and plant is intr. scation
To fulfill the demand of a material handling system, two alternatives are compared.
The first one is based on active vehicles and passive tracks and the second one is based
in passive vehicles and active tracks. Advantages and disadvantages of both alternatives
as well as control and cts of the power supply systemare discussed, considering aspends. acommunication dem
The control of Long Stator PM Linear Synchronous motors with passive, lightweight
transportation units is investigated in detail. Hard- and software for an experimental
Linear Motor and used to validate the ong Statorsetup is developed for a sectioned Lproposed system. Finite Element tools are applied to introduce information into the con-
eld oriented control, direct tion and thrust force ripple. Fitrol loop about sections transirol are supported by the Finflux control and resonant contation to ent informite Elemnt overall the track. A control eh movemootsuppress detent forces and achieve a sm
thod for soft transition betweenem
separately fed sections of the track without affecting
the dynamic are implemented. Experimental results validate the proposed system
opens a new application area for
the linear drives in future.
and it
Heutzutage werden Linearmotoren in Werkzeugmaschinen eingesetzt, um mechani-
e-iugelgewindespindel, Zahnstange, Re des Antriebsstranges (Ksche Problemmen/Ritzel) auszuschließen und hohe Dynamik und Präzision zu erreichen. Linearmoto-
chanischen Übertragungsele-eine weiteren mren haben den großen Vorteil, dass es kemente im Antriebsstrang gibt. Dies führt zu einer höheren Genauigkeit, Beschleunigung
wohl diese Antriebslösungen oftmals bOund Geschwindigkeit des beweglichen Teiles. earmotoren in industriellen Anlagen zuneh-it Linteurer sind, werden Direktantriebe mnd eingesetzt. em
üIn industriellen Verarbeitungsanlagen mn die zu bearbeitenden Gegenstände in-sseverschiedenen Bearbeitungsstationen trans-nerhalb des Produktionsprozesses zwischen rbeitungskette ausgeschleust werden. Ver-portiert und nach Fertigstellung aus der Veraarbeitungsanlagen werden oft so entworfen, dass zum Transport und zur Bearbeitung werden. Vorteile sind zu Einrichtungen eingesetzt von Gegenständen unterschiedliche mitung das selbe Linear- Antriebssysteerwarten, wenn für Transport und für Bearbee Linearantriebe untersucht. enden Arbeit werden derartigverwendet wird. In der vorliegDabei werden zwei Varianten verglichen. Die erste basiert auf aktiven Fahrzeugen und
n Fahrzeugen und aktiven Fahrwegen. Vor-passiven Fahrwegen, die zweite auf passiveen dargestellt sowie Aspekte der Regelung teile und Nachteile beider Alternativen werdtionsverarbeitung untersucht. aund Inform
ngstator-PM-alung für die Variante des LIn der Arbeit wird die Steuerung und RegeLinear-Synchronmotors mit passiven, leichten Transporteinheiten detailliert unersucht.
entierten Langstator-auf Basis eines segmHard- und Software einer Versuchsanlage it werden Regelungs- und Steuerverfahren unter-rt. DamLinear-Motors wird realisieationen zur Informnt-Verfahren werden eingesetzt, umesucht und erprobt. Finite-Elemorabschnitten und zur Unterdrückung der Regelung der Übergänge zwischen den StatKraftwelligkeit in die Regelung einzubringen. Feldorientierte Regelung, direkte Fluss-
ent-Modells verbes-Hilfe des Finite Elemit regelung und resonante Regelung werden mn ganzen Fahrweg zu erreichen. eine glatte Bewegung über desert, um
gebnisse bestätigen das vorntelle EeExperim
chlagene Syrges
teres, neues Anwendungsgebiet für Linearenantriebe.
, es öffnet ein wei-stem
Preface ............................................................................................................
IX...........................................................................................mbolsList of sy
.............................................................................................Abbreviations XI
1. Introduction.............................................................................................1
1.1. Linear motors....................................................................................................1
1.1.1. Linear motor topologies............................................................................1
1.2. Process integrated material handling by linear drives..................................3
1.2.1. 4 ...........................................................................................State of the art5 ........................................................................................system1.2.2. Proposed
2. Linear drives topologies for material handling....................................7
2.1. Active vehicle and passive track......................................................................7
2.2. Passive vehicle and active track......................................................................8
2.2.1. Segment-switch-gear (multiplexed inverters).........................................10
12 ..................................................................................inverters2.2.2. Dedicated
2.3. Control and communication layer................................................................13
13 ..................................................................controllervehicle 2.3.1. Centralized 14 ........................................................