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Publié le
01 janvier 2004
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Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
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Publié le
01 janvier 2004
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Influence of low intensity laser radiation on
different biological systems
Erlangung des Doktorgrades
der Naturwissenschaften
(Dr. rer. nat.)
Fachbereich Chemie
der Philipps-Universität Marburg
vorgelegt von
Olga Tsivunchyk
aus Grodno
Marburg/Lahn 2003
Vom Fachbereich Chemie
der Philipps-Universität Marburg
als Dissertation am 15.1.2004 angenommen
Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. H. Bäßler
Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. M. Hofrichter
Tag der Disputation am 16.1.2004
2 Sincere Gratitude
My work would be not done without support of these people and here I convey all my cordial
gratitude to them. I am truly thankful
to Prof. Dr. H. Bäßler for the given possibility to finish my work under his leadership; for
used laser equipment and working place; for advising and help in preparing of discussion; for
his understanding and taken responsibility at my Ph.D. work. I do consider my work under his
supervision as a great honour for me and appreciate it very much
to Prof. Dr. M. Hofrichter from Zittau for his agreement to take co-supervision at my work;
for his advising concerning experiments and writing of thesis structure; for kind hospitality
visiting Zittau
to Prof. Dr. D. Gemsa for the given opportunity to work in his working team; for his
leadership during my DAAD study in Philipps-University of Marburg and all help for it
to Prof. Dr. L.-O. Essen for the help and advises in preparing of discussion topic and
presentation of my thesis
to Prof. Dr. P. Galland for the help and consulting in preparation of discussion topic
to Dr. E. von Löw for the great help in laboratory work; for very nice and pleasant
atmosphere in joint co-operation; for his help in literature study and friendly support
to Dipl. Biol. R. Kottke for teaching and help in practical work in microbiological laboratory
to Dr. T. Khomich for time of training in her working group in Institute of biochemistry; for
advices in planning of experiments
to Dr. K. Mandrik for teaching and help in work with plant tissues
3 to Irina Osakovich for her help in biochemical laboratory and work with experimental
to Dmitry Zverev for his help in physical laboratory, with data processing and for our
to Dr. Y. Romanovsky for his help in work with laser equipment during experiments
to Prof. Dr. A. Rubinov for his help in preparing of discussion topic
to Prof. Dr. R. Frey from Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, for his interest towards
my work and help in continuation in Marburg
to Claudia and Andreas Karber for their help in cases of technical PC-problems
to my parents and family for possibility to study further more and make researches,
especially to my father, who had shown me the world of science
to my dear husband Andrei and our son Eugen for their great patience and understanding
of my work; for lovely support and home feeling being far away from each other
to my best friend Dr. R. Haas for the given power to finish this work; for his help
overcoming difficulties and problems; for best and worst time that we have spent in fun and
work together.
4 Index
Zusammenfassung 8
1 Introduction 9
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Lasers
1.2.1 General description 9
1.2.2 Quantum Properties of Light 11
1.2.3 Stimulated Emission 11
1.2.4 Characteristics of Laser Light 12
1.2.5 Kinds of lasers 13
1.3 Biological antioxidant system 14
1.3.1 General overview 14
1.3.2 system 15
2 Literature review: Physiological and biochemical effects of laser light 16
2.1 Effects of LILI in general 16
2.2 Influence of on cell membrane 17
2.3 The mechanisms of photo- and biological LILI activation 18
2.4 Photoactivation of enzymes 20
2.5 Biostimulation 21
2.6 Biological responses on LILI and their application 24
2.7 Summary 25
3 Materials and methods 26
3.1 Lactic dehydrogenase activity determination 26
3.2 Succinate-dehydrogenase (succinic dehydrogenase system) activity detection 27
3.3 Glucose-6-phosphatase activity detection 28
3.4 Biuret – Method 29
3.5 Alpha-amylase activity detection 29
3.6 Determination of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity 30
3.7 Electrophoresis of proteins 31
3.8 Detection of glutathione peroxidase activity in red cells 32
3.9 Detection of catalase activity 33
3.10 Detection of malonate dialdehyde (MDA) in red cells 34
5 page
2+3.11 Detection of Mg - ATPase activity in red blood cells 35
3.12 Method for the estimation of phosphate 36
2+3.13 Detection of Ca-ATPase activity 37
3.14 Detection of MnP activity 38
3.15 (Triphenyltetrazoliumchloride) TTC-test 39
3.16 Detection of glutathione reductase activity 40
3.17 Method Lowry 40
4 Experiments 41
4.1 Investigations of the influence of low intensive laser irradiation (LILI)
on the antioxidant system of animals 41
4.2 Low intensity laser irradiation (LILI) as a modulator of the antioxidant
system ofanimals 42
2+ 2+4.3 Investigations of changing activity Ca -ATPase and Mg -ATPase of
erythrocytes-membranes after LILI radiation in vitro experiments 43
4.4 Enzymatic response of animals' tissues on LILI in vitro experiments 44
4.5 Investigations of LILI influence of different energy on activity of alpha-
amylase in grains 45
4.6 The possibilities to activate alpha-amylase in germinated grains 45
4.7 Changing of the activity of the exoenzyme Manganese peroxidase after
laser aditon 46
4.8 Investigation of influence of LILI on biochemical properties of yeast 47
4.9 Investigation of influence of LILI on biochemical properties of bacteria 47
4.10 UV-Vis-Spectra of enzymes 48
5 Result 50
5.1 Investigations of the influence of low intensive laser irradiation (LILI)
on the antioxidant system of animals 50
5.2 Low intensity laser irradiation (LILI) as a modulator of animal's
antioxidant system 54
2+ 2+5.3 Investigations of changing activity Ca -ATPase and Mg -ATPase of
erythrocytes-membranes after LILI radiation in vitro experiments 59
6 page
5.4 Enzymatic response of animals' tissues on LILI in vitro experiments 62
5.5 Investigations of LILI influence of different energy on activity of alpha-
amylase in grains 67
5.6 The possibilities to activate alpha-amylase in germinated grains 70
5.7 Changing of the activity of the exoenzyme Manganese peroxidase after
laser aditon 72
5.8 Investigation of influence of LILI on biochemical properties of yeast 75
5.9 Investigation of influence of LILI on biochemical properties of bacteria 76
5.10 Summary of Results 76
6 Discusion 81
7 Conclusions and outlook 87
8 References 88
9 Apendix 102
9.1 List of abbreviations and units 102
9.2 light sources 104
9.3 List of materials and equipment 105
9.4 chemicals 106
9.5 List of biological systems 108
9.6 UV-Vis Spectra 110
7 Zusammenfassung
In der Literatur sind viele Beispiele des Einflusses von Laserbestrahlung mit geringer Energie
(LILI) auf biologische Syteme beschreiben. Allerdings sind die Ergebnisse wiedersprüchlich.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, mit verschiedenen Experimenten den Einfluß von LILI auf
verschiedene biologische Systeme und Objekte detailliert zu untersuchen.
Es wurden verschiedene Experimente mit folgenden biologischen Systemen und Objekten
* verschiedene Enzyme des Antioxidations-Systems von Tieren (Catalase, Superoxid-
Dismutase, Glutathion-Peroxidase, Glutathion-Reductase)
2+ 2+* Mg - und Ca -ATPase aus Membranen von menschlichen Erythrozyten und Erythrozyten
von Ratten
* Lactat- und Succinat-Dehydrogenase von Ratten aus Leber, Nieren, Gehirn, Muskel, Herz
* alpha-Amylase aus trockenen und gekeimten Gerstekörnern
* Mangan-Peroxidase aus Lignin-abbauenden Pilzen
* Dehydrogenasen von Hefe
* Dehydrogenasen von Bakterien.
Folgende Laser wurden für die Versuche eingesetzt: YAG-Laser (355 nm und 533 nm),
Argon-Laser (458 nm, 488 nm und 520 nm), Helium-Neon-Laser (632 nm) und CO -Laser 2
(10.6 µm).
Nach Laserbestrahlung wurden bei verschiendenen Systemen sowohl Aktiv