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01 janvier 2006
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Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
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Publié le
01 janvier 2006
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
Abteilung für Neurologie
Leiter: Prof. Dr. A. C. Ludolph
Universität Ulm
In vitro neurogenesis of adult neural stem cells from
bone marrow and brain
Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
Dr. rer. med.
Medizinischen Fakultät
Universität Ulm
vorgelegt von
Constantin Andreas Werner Hermann
geboren in Backnang
Ulm im April 2006
Amtierender Dekan: Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-Michael Debatin
1.Gutachter: Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Storch
2.Gutachter: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus-Dieter Spindler
Tag der Promotion: 06. Februar 2007
- ii -
Meiner Familie
- iii - Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Neural stem cells: Origin and definition 1
1.2. Neural stem cells in culture 2
1.2.1. Brain-derived adult neural stem cells 3
1.2.2. Adult multipotent stem cells 3
1.3. Aim of this study 4
2. Results and Discussion 5
2.1. Epigenetic conversion of human adult bone marrow
stromal cells into neural stem cells 5
2.2. Isolation, expansion and in vitro characterization of
adult human hippocampal progenitor cells 8
2.3. Functional neuronal and dopaminergic differentiation of
multipotent neural stem cells from the adult tegmentum 10
3. Summary 12
4. References 14
5. Acknowledgements 22
6. Appendices 23
- iv - List of abbreviations
AP action potential
BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine
CD cluster of differentiation
CFU-F colony forming unit fibroblasts
CM conditioned medium
CNS central nervous system
DNA desoxyribonucleinacid
EGF epidermal growth factor
ES cells embryonic stem cells
FACS fluorescence activated cell sorting (also flow cytometry)
FN fibronectin
GABA gamma aminobutyric acid
GalC Galactosylceramidase
GFAP Glial fibrillary acidic protein
hmNSCs human marrow-derived neural stem cell-like cells (also hMSC-NSC)
hMSCs human marrow stromal cells
hNPCs adult human hippocampal NPCs
hNSCs human neural stem cells
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
KCL potassium chloride
MAP2 microtubule associated protein
MAPCs multipotent adult progenitor cells
MBP myelin basic protein
MEFs mouse embryonic fibroblasts
MIAMI cells marrow-isolated adult multilineage inducible cells
mRNA messenger ribonucleinacid
MSCs marrow stromal cells
NCAM neural cell adhesion molecule
NGFR nerve growth factor receptor
NMDA n-Methyl-D-Aspartat
NPCs neural progenitor cells
NSCs neural stem cells
NSE neuron specific enolase
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PD Parkinson’s disease
PDGF-RB platelet derived growth factor receptor b
PI-FACS propidium iodide FACS
PSA-NCAM polysialic acid NCAM
RMP resting membrane potential
RNA ribonucleinacid
RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Shh sonic hedgehoc
SVZ subventricular zone
TH tyrosine hydroxylase
tNSCs tegmental neural stem cells
TTX tetrodotoxin
Tuj1 neuron specific class III Beta-tubulin
- v - 1. Introduction
1.1. Neural stem cells: Origin and definition
The discovery of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the developing and adult brain that can generate
neural tissue has raised new possibilities for repairing the nervous system. Despite the debate on
how to classify these germinal cells, there is consensus that NSCs are a subtype of progenitor cells
that are capable of extended self-renewal and that they have the ability to generate all major cell
types of nervous tissue, such as neurons and glial cells (reviewed in [28,60]). Thus, NSCs are
usually identified operationally by their behaviour after isolation. During expansion, they normally
grow in floating, multicellular aggregates, so called ‘neurospheres’ [28,60]. Markers that define
NSCs have recently been developed [28,75,86,89]. The first marker defining NSCs was the
intermediate filament protein nestin, but some neural precursor cells are nestin-negative [51] and,
on the other hand, nestin is expressed by other cell types, including non-neuronal cells [77] as
well. Recently, Uchida and co-workers performed an extensive analysis of surface markers on
clonogenic human neurosphere cultures and defined a subset of human NSCs as phenotypically
CD133-positive, but negative for CD34 and CD45 [86]. Vogel and colleagues characterised
commercially available neural progenitor cells as CD15, CD56, CD90, CD164, nerve growth
factor receptor, 57D2 and W4A5 positive, whereas they were negative for CD45, CD105
(endoglin), CD109, CD140b (PDGF-RB) and W8B2 [89]. Recently, the expression of specific
neural transcription factors, such as Sox-1, Musashi-1, Otx-1, Otx-2, Neurod1 and neurogenin-2
was reported in neural stem or progenitor cells, demonstrating their neuroectodermal progeny
Early studies reported the isolation of stem-like cells from embryonic mammalian CNS
[18,42,57,68,69,82] and the peripheral nervous system [79]. Since then, stem cells have been
isolated from many regions of the embryonic CNS, indicating their ubiquity. Recently, the first
isolation of NSCs from adult brain was demonstrated [57,69,79]. Adult NSCs have now been
found in the two principal neurogenic regions, the hippocampus and the subventricular zone (SVZ)
of the lateral ventricles, and in some non-neurogenic regions, such as the spinal cord
[28,57,59,60,66,69], adult substantia nigra [55] and mesencephalon [94]. However, other research
groups were not able to fully replicate some of these reports [27,29,45,47]. The mentioned regions,
however, are of special interest as they reveal spontaneous neurogenesis throughout the entire
lifetime, suggesting to play a functional role in physiological cell replacement in aging, learning
and cognition, as well as proposing a therapeutic potential in neurological disease [1,14,85].
- 1 - 1.2. Neural stem cells in culture
NSCs can be either directly extracted from fetal or adult nervous tissue and proliferated in culture
[18,28,42,56,60,81,88], or embryonic stem (ES) cells can be extracted, proliferated and
differentiated into neural precursor cells (Fig. 1). Furthermore, there is evidence for multipotent
adult stem cells from other tissues, which seems to have the potential to transdifferentiate into
neuroectodermal lineages [36,74,83]; (Fig 1). ES cells are totipotent cells isolated from the inner
cell mass of the preimplantation blastocyst, which give rise to all cells in the organism. ES cells can
be differentiated into neural stem or precursor cells and subsequently neurons [40,41,53]. However,
their proliferative potential seems to be responsible for the high risk of tumor formation after
transplantation of ES cells [6,12]. Similarly, multipotent stem cells are also able to regenerate, but
are believed to have a more restricted potential than ES cells, and are often defined by the organ
from which they are derived. NSCs have been categorized as multipotent stem cells derived from
the nervous system with the capacity to regenerate and to give rise to cells belonging to all three
major cell lineages of the nervous system; neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes
[2,7,18,28,42,60,81,88]. Furthermore, NSCs seem to lack the risk of tumor formation, most likely
because of their more restricted proliferation potential [34].
Figure 1: Schematic overview of various sources of neural stem cells (NSCs) with the capacity to
differentiate into all major cell types of the central nervous system, namely astroglia,
oligodendroglia and neurons. Most protocols produce NSCs growing in multicellular spheroid
aggregates called “neurospheres”.
- 2 - 1.2.1. Brain-derived adult neural stem cells
Multipotent NSCs with the potential to generate mature cells of all neural lineages, have been
consistently demonstrated within the hippocampus and SVZ of the lateral ventricles
[4,23,32,33,38,69,70]. These cells grow in vitro as neurospheres in the presence of epidermal
growth factor (EGF) [31,69]. Previous work has reported that SVZ-NSCs correspond to a rare
population of relatively quiescent cells. However, not ciliated ependymal cells correspond to the
NSCs [38], but SVZ astrocytes act as NSCs in both the normal and regenerating adult brain
[21,22]. In line with these latter reports, a model for adult neurogenesis was developed, showing
SVZ astrocytes as the in vivo stem cells, so called Type B cells, which give raise to transit
amplifying cells, so-called Type C cells, which can further become restricted to neuroblasts, so-
called Type A cells [21]. In recent years, neurogenesis was reported to occur in other regions of
the adult brain under normal conditions, such as the neocortex [30], amygdala [9