IICBU 2008 - A Proposed Benchmark Suite for
Biological Image Analysis
1 ,* 1 1 1 ,2
Lior Shamir , Nikita Orlov , D . Mark Eckle y, Tomasz J. Macura , Ilya G.
(1)Image Infor matics and Computational Biology Unit, L aboratory of G enetics,
NIA/NIH. 333 Ca ssell D r., Baltimore, MD, 21224.
(2 ) Computer Laboratory, University of Camb ridge, 15 Tho mson Avenue,
Cambridge, UK
Phone: 410-558- 8682
Fax: 410-558-8331
Email: shamirl@mai l.nih.gov
New technolog y for automated b iological i mage acquisition has in troduced t he need for effe ctive
biological image anal ysis method s. These algorithms are constantl y being developed b y pattern
recognition and machine vis ion experts, who tailor gen eral computer vision techniques to the
specific needs of biological imaging. However, compu ter scientists do not alway s have access t o
biological image datasets that can be used for computer vis ion resea rch, and bio logist collaborators
who can assist in defining the biological questions are not alwa ys available. Here we propose a
publicly available benchmark suite of biological image datasets that can be used by machine vision
experts for developing and evaluating biological i mage anal ysis methods. The su ite represents a
set of practical real- life imaging problems in biolog y, and offers examples of org anelles, cells and
tissues, i maged at differ ent magnifications and differ ent contrast techniques. All datasets are
available for free ...