G F T utorial
M uhammad H umayoun
mhuma [at] univ-sav oie. fr
PhD student, Department of Mathematic s (LAMA)
Universite de s avoie
Ba sed on the course named "N atural Lan guage T echnology", talks and tutorials given by
Aarne R anta (aarn e [at] cs.chalmers. se) 1N atural Language T echnology and state
of the art T echnologies
6000-8000 living langua ges in th e worl d
Trans lation Sy stems: either limited or of low quality
Dialogue Sys tems: bo th li mited an d of low quali ty
Teac hing: no t use d as mu ch as it cou ld be
Web search: advanced for s ome languages but unknown
Error m essages: ba d qua lity throu gh " canned tex t": you ha ve 1
Soft ware localization: lists o f can ned text sent ences
2N atural vs programming languages
G enerally, G rammar = S yntax + S emantics
For a programming language, the grammar is part
of its specification and implementation
N atural language is not defined by a grammar.
grammar of a N L is a research problem
A part of a language technology application is often
to solve a part of this research problem!
3T he O bjective of these T utorials
Building some applications in three sub disciplines
of N LT using G F
M orphology: theory of w ords a nd th eir fo rms
Sy ntax: theory of text and sentence st ructure
Sem antics: theory of meaning
Understanding what is needed for high-quality
translation, dialogues etc and their specific
solutions in G F
4W hat will we cover
T utorial 1: ...