Game Theoretic Approachesto Motion Planningin Robot Soccervon der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik,Informatik und Mathematikder Universität Paderbornzur Erlangung des akademischen GradesDoktor der Naturwissenschaften(Dr. rer. nat.)genehmigte DissertationvonMarcus PostPaderborn, 2008Referees: Prof. Dr. Oliver JungeProf. Dr. Burkhard MonienCommittee: Prof. Dr. Michael Dellnitz (chairman)Prof. Dr. Peter BürgisserProf. Dr. Oliver JungeProf. Dr. Burkhard MonienDr. Elke WolfDate of PhD Defense: 17.04.2008You can not learn anythinguntil you already almost know it.UnknownTo Berthild, Karl-Friedrich, Sebastian, and PingiiiAcknowledgementsI would like to start by thanking my advisors Prof. Dr. Michael Dellnitz and Prof. Dr.Oliver Junge for their guidance, support, motivation, and for the great freedom which wasgiven to me. Prof. Dellnitz’ group at the University of Paderborn always provided a verygood research environment for me. I also want to thank Prof. Dr. Burkhard Monien forhelpful comments and for reviewing this PhD thesis.Moreover, IamverygratefultoProf.Dr.OliverJunge,Prof.Dr.MichaelDellnitz,Dr.SinaOber-Blöbaum, Dr. Kathrin Padberg, Dr. Oliver Schütze, Stefan Sertl, and Bianca Thierefor interesting discussions and exciting joint work. For fruitful discussions and commentsI would also like to thank Mirko Hessel-von Molo, Oliver Kramer, Prof. Dr. Michael G.Lagoudakis, Tim Laue, Dr. Martin Lauer, Henning Meyerhenke, and Willi Richert.