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Publié le
01 janvier 2010
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Poids de l'ouvrage
17 Mo
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Publié le
01 janvier 2010
Poids de l'ouvrage
17 Mo
Lignite combustion was the Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in major driver for health and
growth of the forests in Dübener
Heide. Northeastern Germany – an assessment
and regionalization approach
Christine Fürst
Nowadays, forests in Dübener
Heide are characterized by an
ample regeneration of broad-
leaved tree species. Negative
effects of fly ash deposition are
not anymore detectable.
Micro-structures of fly ash. Its
detectablity is based on the
content in ferrimagnetic iron
oxides, such as magnetite
(Fe O ) and maghemite 3 4
(γ-Fe O ).2 3
Cover photo: Fly ash is a multi-
facted material composed by
residuals of organic matter, Prepared in the frame of the joint research project
slags and amorphous vitreous „ENFORCHANGE“ (FKZ 0330634 K, German
particles. Federal Ministry of Education and Research).
Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany – an assessment and regionalization approach
Fakultät Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften
Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern
Germany – an assessment and regionalization approach
(Flugascheeinträge in Waldökosysteme in Nordostdeutschland
– ein Erfassungs- und Regionalisierungsansatz)
Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
Doctor rerum silvaticarum (Dr. rer. silv.),
vorgelegt von
Dipl. Forstwirt Univ. Christine Fürst
geboren am 18.10.1974 in Nürnberg (D)
Herr Prof. Dr. Franz Makeschin
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Forst-, Geo-, Hydrowissenschaften
Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre
Herr Prof. Dr. (em.) Gerhard Glatzel
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Department für Wald- und Bodenwissenschaften
Institut für Waldökologie
Tharandt, 08.03.2010 (Tag der Verteidigung)
Erklärung des Promovenden
Die Übereinstimmung dieses Exemplars mit dem Original der Dissertation zum Thema:
Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany − an assessment and
regionalization approach
wird hiermit bestätigt.
Tharandt, 08.03.2010
Ort, Datum
Unterschrift (Vorname Name)
-I- Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach
The presented thesis is based on research studies, which were carried out in the frame of
the joint research project “ENFORCHANGE” (Environment and forests under changing frame
conditions) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Therefore,
the prior acknowledgement is devoted to the funding institution for the chance to continue
research on fly ash and to pick up the challenges from the prevailing studies.
The studies, which form the basis for the publications of this thesis, would never have been
carried out without the help of some appreciated colleagues to whom I want to say a warm
thank you for all the help, the willingness to discuss open questions and to support the de-
sign and realization of the studies. First of all, I want to thank Carsten Lorz for the time he
has spent for our common publications and for the never ending patience to give input into
the assessment approaches. Without Dietmar Zirlewagen the statistical analysis and espe-
cially the regionalization approach could not have been realized. I want to thank him a lot for
many additional lessons in statistics and modelling. To sum up all the long-term input which
was given by Mengistu Abiy to ENFORCHANGE and to the thesis with few words is impossi-
ble. I want to thank him for all his suggestions and contributions, which were a most valuable
basis for my work. The field assessment and other contributions by Heiko Fritz, Lars
Koschke, Kay Hagemann and Stefan Just were indispensable to complete the data basis of
the project facing the challenge to coordinate the ENFORCHANGE project at the same time.
I want to thank them explicitly for their outstanding team work during the past years.
The cooperation with a number of colleagues from other institutions was also a valuable
chance, which I would never like to miss: Jörg Sauer from the Leibniz Institute of Applied
Geosciences inspired the use of ferrimagnetic susceptibility and supported the pre-tests in
the Dübener Heide. Tadeusz Magiera and Zygmunt Strzyszcz from the Institute for Environ-
mental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences were so kind to supply all the basic infor-
mation and current research results from the MAGPROX project and their own studies and
helped so to improve the very first steps in research on ferrimagnetic susceptibility. Henning
Andreae, Gerhard Raben and Frieder Leube from Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst, Graupa sup-
ported the linking of data with results of the Level-I programme. Finally, I want to thank Her-
bert Lux, Harald Thomasius, Wolfgang Nebe and post-mortem Günther Wenk from Dresden
University of Technology, Bernd Bendix and Wolfgang Schmidt from the state forest admini-
stration of Saxony-Anhalt, Rainer Albrecht (Mitteldeutsche Sanierungs- und Entsorgungsge-
sellschaft) and Uwe Holz (Industrie- und Filmmuseum Bitterfeld Wolfen) as representatives
for all researchers within the Quality Assurance Panel of ENFORCHANGE. They contributed
their valuable knowledge from research carried out before the German reunification. Chris-
-I- Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach
tina Bendix sedulous support in researching and bundling all the historical publications in a
data base was indispensable for my studies. Hans Bleymüller was irreplaceable in moderat-
ing and in building up links between science and practice.
A prerequisite to realize a cumulative thesis is an advisor, who is not only a specialist in his
field, but also open and competent enough to give freedom in developing the approach and
to trust in the results of several years of intensive work. Thus, it was a great experience to
have Franz Makeschin as supervisor. I want to thank him personally for the all the support,
his confidence in my work and the valuable time at the Institute for Soil Science and Site
Ecology, which was certainly the best period so far in my academic life.
-II- Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach
Die vorgelegte Doktorarbeit “Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Ger-
many − an assessment and regionalization approach” (Flugascheeinträge in Waldöko-
systeme in Nordostdeutschland − ein Erfassungs- und Regionalisierungsansatz) verfolgte die
(a) zu testen, ob sich die Erfassung der ferrimagnetischen Suszeptibilität eignet, um
kosteneffizient quantitative und / oder qualitative Informationen zu den eingetragenen
Flugaschemengen und den in der Folge veränderten bodenchemischen Potenzialen
zu erheben
(b) zu testen, ob der Indikator „ferrimagnetische Suszeptibilität“ genutzt werden kann,
um Informationen über Flugascheeinträge von der punktbezogenen Erfassung auf einen
regionalen Maßstab hoch zu skalieren.
Grundlage dieser Zielstellungen sind Forschungsarbeiten zu der Frage der langfristigen
Wirksamkeit und ökologischen Bedeutung von Industrieexhalationen auf Waldökosys-
teme, die am Institut bereits in den 1960ziger Jahren begonnen wurden und verstärkt seit
Mitte der 1990ziger Jahre fortgeführt wurden. Auf ihrer Basis wurde die Herausforderung
eines kostengünstigen und flächenbezogenen Erhebungsansatzes identifiziert und for-
muliert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit ordnete sich in diese Forschungsarbeiten ein und führte sie im
Rahmen des Verbundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE ((FKZ: 0330634 K, Bundesmi-
nisterium für Bildung und Forschung) von 2005 - 2009 fort.
Die Doktorarbeit ist als kumulative Arbeit angelegt, im Rahmen derer insgesamt 10 Publi-
kationen zusammengefasst wurden. Davon sind 5 in internationalen Journalen bereits publi-
ziert, akzeptiert oder in einem Fall in Begutachtung; 5 weitere Publikationen wurden ergän-
zend und auf speziellere Themen bezogen in Proceedings oder Buchbeiträgen publiziert.
Die Arbeit gliedert sich in 5 Abschnitte:
• Kapitel 1 (Einleitung) gibt einen kurzen Überblick zur Motivation und Struktur der
• In Kapitel 2 (Ziele und Rahmen der Arbeit) wird der Arbeitsansatz im Rahmen des Ver-
bundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE vorstellt.
• Kapitel 3 umfasst eine Auswertung von Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte und den
ökologischen Auswirkungen der Flugascheeinträge am Beispiel der Modellregion
Dübener Heide.
-III- Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach
• In Kapitel