How the Web Works, Part II: Basics of Web Imaging
Fireworks Tutorial 2.1
Fireworks Tutorial
This tutorial is designed to introduce some basic concepts of image editing using Macromedia
Fireworks 3.
You can download a free 30-day trial version of Fireworks from Macromedia's website:
Click the Continue without login button, and you'll be asked to fill in some information
about yourself before you get to the download page.
This tutorial will guide you through the following steps:
1. Retrieving materials from the Web
2. Introduction to the Fireworks application
3. Some basic image editing
4. Getting your image ready for the Web
5. Including your image in a Web page
This tutorial assumes a level of competency with basic computing tasks and concepts. You should
understand the following terms:
• Files
• Folders
• File hierarchy
• Kilobyte
• The desktop
• The Finder (Mac only)
Actions that you need to perform are bulleted, like this:
• Open the file.
All discussion of concepts or theory — or anything that is not an action to be performed — is not
bulleted (for example, the paragraph you're reading right now.)
Menu commands look like this: File > Open. This means choose the Open option from the File
menu. Sometimes, for the sake of brevity, common menu items may be referred to simply as
Save or Open. The same style is used for other user interface elements, such ...