Land Management Tool Training Package Fire and Environmental Applications Team USFS - PNW Research Station Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory 400 North 34th Street, Suite 201 Seattle, Washington 98103 Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................i Instructions for Installing FEPS Software....................................................iii FEPS Tutorial .........................................................................................iv Welcome to the FEPS v 1.1 Tutorial .........................................................1 Part 1: Background ..................................................................................2 What is FEPS? ........................................................................................ 3 History of EPM and FEPS.......................................................................... 4 Potential Applications .............................................................................. 5 Part 2: FEPS Basics6 Basic Steps to Using FEPS........................................................................ 7 Installing FEPS ....................................................................................... 8 Upgrading and Reinstalling FEPS............................................................... 9 Starting FEPS 10 Exiting FEPS 11 ...
Land Management Tool Training Package Fire and Environmental Applications Team USFS - PNW Research Station Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laborator 400 North 34th Street, Suite 201 Seattle, Washington 98103
Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................. i Instructions for Installing FEPS Software ....................................................iiiFEPS Tutorial .........................................................................................ivWelcome to the FEPS v 1.1 Tutorial .........................................................1 Part 1: Background .................................................................................. 2 What is FEPS? ........................................................................................ 3History of EPM and FEPS .......................................................................... 4Potential Applications .............................................................................. 5Part 2: FEPS Basics .................................................................................. 6 Basic Steps to Using FEPS ........................................................................ 7Installing FEPS ....................................................................................... 8Upgrading and Reinstalling FEPS ............................................................... 9Starting FEPS ....................................................................................... 10Exiting FEPS ........................................................................................ 11Menu Bar............................................................................................. 12Tool Bar .............................................................................................. 13Status Bar ........................................................................................... 14Entering Data....................................................................................... 15Validating Entered Data ......................................................................... 16FEPS Online Help .................................................................................. 17Part 3: Managing Events........................................................................18 What is an Event? ................................................................................. 19User Events ......................................................................................... 20User Default Events .............................................................................. 21System Default Events .......................................................................... 22Manage Events Screen .......................................................................... 23Loading an Event .................................................................................. 24Creating an Event ................................................................................. 25Deleting an Event ................................................................................. 26Exporting an Event ............................................................................... 27Importing an Event ............................................................................... 28Part 4: Data Entry ..................................................................................29 Overview of the Data Entry Screen .......................................................... 30Entering Event Data .............................................................................. 31Event Information Tab ........................................................................... 32Fuel Loading Tab .................................................................................. 33NFDR Models..................................................................................... 35FCCS Fuelbeds .................................................................................. 36Default Fuel Loadings ......................................................................... 37Fuel Moisture Tab ................................................................................. 38Consumption Tab.................................................................................. 39Importing Consumption Values from Consume or FOFEM ......................... 41Resetting Consumption Values ............................................................. 42
Calculate and Save Consumption ......................................................... 43Hourly Input Data Tab ........................................................................... 44Hourly Data View ............................................................................... 45Daily Temperature and Humidity Extremes View..................................... 47Tips for Editing Hourly Data ................................................................. 48Part 5: Reports ......................................................................................51 Report and Chart Options ...................................................................... 52Creating Reports and Charts .................................................................. 53Event Data Report ................................................................................ 54Consumption / Emissions Results Report .................................................. 55Buoyancy Results Report ....................................................................... 57Emissions Results Report ....................................................................... 59Printing Reports and Charts.................................................................... 60Exporting Reports and Charts ................................................................. 61Consumption by Combustion Stage Chart ................................................. 62Plume Rise Chart .................................................................................. 63PM2.5 64 ......................................................Emissions by Combustion StageCO Emissions Chart .............................................................................. 65Part 6: Case Studies...............................................................................66 Southern Case Study ............................................................................ 67Step 1: Create an Event ...................................................................... 68Step 2: Event Information Tab ............................................................. 69Step 3: Fuel Loading Tab .................................................................... 70Step 4: Fuel Moisture Tab ................................................................... 71Step 5: Consumption Tab .................................................................... 72Step 6: Hourly Input Data ................................................................... 73Step 7: Results .................................................................................. 74Western Case Study .............................................................................. 75Step 1: Create an Event ...................................................................... 76Step 2: Event Information Tab ............................................................. 77Step 3: Fuel Loading Tab .................................................................... 78Step 4: Fuel Moisture Tab ................................................................... 79Step 5: Consumption Tab .................................................................... 80Step 6: Hourly Input Data ................................................................... 81Step 7: Hourly Emissions Results ......................................................... 83Step 8: Plume Rise Results .................................................................. 84
Introduction The Fire Emission Production Simulator (F EPS) is a user-friendly computer program designed for scientists and resource managers. The software manages data concerning consumption, emissions, and heat release characteristics of prescribed burns and wildland fire events. The original Emissions Production Model (EMP) was designed to help managers estimate and mitigate the rates of heat, particles and carbon gas emissions from controlled burns of harvest-slash residue in Pacific Northwest forests. In updating EPM, a significant number of improvements were made to the usability, applicability, and accuracy of the model. The calculation approach was redesigned, and the model has been renamed FEPS. The most recent FEPS update, version 1.1, includes fuels data from the most popular fuelbeds in the Fuel Characteristic Classification System and produces hourly emission and heat release data for prescribed and wildland fires. It now accepts data imported from FOFEM, Consume 2.1, and Consume 3.0. FEPS can be used for most forest, shrub and grassland types in North America and may be applied to other regions of the world. FEPS incorporates a flexible user interface that allows users to customize a burning Event. Users may adjust fuel loadings, fuel moistures, fuel consumption algorithms, fuelbed proportions and fire growth rates to fit specific events, and can specify durnal changes in meteorological conditions that will modify plume rise. Furthermore, many in termediate results are shared in the user interface. Users may accept these calculations or enter their own values. Using FEPS FEPS produces hourly emission and heat release data for prescribed and wildland fires. Users start with a description of an Event. This description includes the name, location, start date, end date, and other properties of the burn event. Users then specify up to five unique profiles. Each profile includes fuel loading and fuel moisture information. Based on these data, FEPS calculates total fu el consumption for each profile. FEPS then determines flaming, short-term smolderi ng (< 2 hrs), and long-term smoldering involvement and consumption. Finally, users indicate how the Event behaves over time. FEPS uses hourly data on fire size and local weather conditions to calculate emissions and heat release parameters on an hourly basis. Fuel characteristics for each hour are managed by distributing the fire across the five user-specified fuel profiles. FEPS Events In order to use FEPS efficiently, it is important to understand how FEPS manages Events. In FEPS, individual studies are called Events . An Event stores information about and calculates emission and release information for an entire burn (either a prescribed fire or a wildland fire) at a single location. Because of the relative complexity of the data necessary to define an Event, users are not allowed to create one from blank input screens. All Events are created from existing Events, or System or User Defaults (templates). This approach helps the user make sure that an Event dataset is complete. However, it is incumbent on the user to review
all of the supplied data and revise it as necessary to make sure that they are correct. This procedure allows a user with less specific knowledge of a fire to accept the data in a System Default as a starting point and get reas onable results. It also allows users with more specific knowledge of a fire to completely customize the data used to compute results. For more information, contact: Ellen Eberhardt, Technical Information Specialist Fire and Environmental A lications Team USFS - PNW Research Station 3200 SW Jefferson Way Corvallis, OR 97331 Phone: (541) 750-7481 E-mail:
Instructions for Installing FEPS Software Installation Requirements FEPS will run on all versions of Microsoft Windows, including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. It requires 12.5MB of free disk space. To install FEPS: 1) Download FEPS.msi from the FEPS webpage. 2) Double-click on FEPS.msi and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. During installations and upgrades, some users have received an error message: "Error 1931: The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file C:\WINNT\system32\hhctl.ocx because the fi le is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly." If you receive this error, simply click the OK button and proceed. The error will not affect how FEPS runs on your computer. To upgrade FEPS from a previous version: To upgrade FEPS, you must first uninstall version 1.0, then install version 1.1. When upgrading from version 1.0 to 1.1, the installation software will retain all of your user-specified Event information. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you make a copy of the FEPS.mdb file in a safe place prior to upgrading FEPS. The database file, FEPS.mdb, is located in the same directory as the FEPS executable file. For a typical installation this would be C:\Program Files\FEPS\. Before you upgrade FEPS, copy this file to a safe location. For advanced users, any modifications you have made to the equation spreadsheets will not be retained. Make a copy of your modi fied equation spreadsheets before upgrading, and then copy your saved spreadsheets back into the EquationSpreadsheets subdirectory after installing version 1.1.
FEPS Tutorial The following pages follow the online tutorial which can be downloaded and/or viewed at: oducts/software_tutorials.html The student workbook includes everything in the tutorials and provides space at the bottom of each page for your notes.
Welcome to the FEPS v 1.1 Tutorial
To start the FEPS tutorial, click on a topic in the tutorial index. You can view the entire tutorial page by page by clicking the► or look up specific topics by eenbutton at the top right of each scr clicking them in the index.
If you click on a hyperlink within a tutorial page , please use the back button in your browser or click on the topic in the tutorial index to return to that tutorial page.
The Fire Emission Production Si mulator (FEPS) is a user-friendl y computer model designed for scientists and resource managers. FEPS predicts fuel consumption, emissions and heat release characteristics of prescribed burns and wildland fires. Total burn consumption is distributed over the life of the burn to generate hourly emission and release information.
FEPS v 1.1 incorporates fuels data from the most popular fuelbeds in the Fuel Characteristic Classification System and fuel models from the National Fire Danger Rating System. It also accepts exported consumption data from FOFEM 5.x and Consume 2.1.
The original Emissions Production Model (EPM) was designed to help managers estimate and mitigate the rates of heat, particles, and carbon gas emissions from controlled burns of harvest-slash residue in Pacific Northwest forests. Although still usable, EPM has an outdated user interface and cannot acommodate long-smoldering fires and fiels that burn over several fuel types or growth rates. In updating EPM, a signific ant number of improvements were made to the usability, applicability, and accuracy of the model.
The model was renamed the Fire Emissions Production Simulator (FEPS) because of extensive changes in the interface, data requirements, and the underlying equations. FEPS was designed to be apply to most forest, shrub and grassland type s in North America and can be adapted to many vegetation types throughout the world.