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01 janvier 2009
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1 Mo
Universität Potsdam
Christiane Wotschack
Eye Movements in Reading Strategies
How Reading Strategies Modulate Effects of
Distributed Processing and Oculomotor Control
Spektrum Patholinguistik – Schriften | 1 Spektrum Patholinguistik – Schriften | 1 Spektrum Patholinguistik – Schriften | 1
Christiane Wotschack
Eye Movements in Reading Strategies
How Reading Strategies Modulate Effects of
Distributed Processing and Oculomotor Control
Universitätsverlag Potsdam Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
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Universitätsverlag Potsdam 2009
Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 (0)331 977 4623 / Fax: 3474
E‐Mail: verlag@uni‐potsdam.de
Die Schriftenreihe Spektrum Patholinguistik – Schriften wird herausgegeben vom
Verband für Patholinguistik e. V.
Das Manuskript ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Umschlagfotos: Christiane Wotschack, Hannelore Gensel
zugl. Potsdam, Univ., Diss., 2009
ISSN (print) 1869‐3822
ISSN (online) 1869‐3830
Online veröffentlicht auf dem Publikationsserver der Universität Potsdam
URL http://pub.ub.uni‐potsdam.de/volltexte/2009/3684/
URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517‐opus‐36846
Zugleich gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag Potsdam
ISBN 978‐3‐86956‐021‐2 for my familyDoctoral Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Human Sciences at the
University of Potsdam in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
1st reviewer: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kliegl
2nd r Prof. Dr. Ria De Bleser
Day of submission: March 5, 2009
Day of oral defense: September 11, 2009Acknowledgements
Tough the following dissertation is an individual work, I would like to
acknowledge a few people for helping me during my doctoral work.
This dissertation was conducted at Prof. Reinhold Kliegl’s cognitive
psychology unit at the University of Potsdam and I am very grateful
for all the support I have received whilst researching and writing up
this dissertation.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my two supervisors Prof.
Reinhold Kliegl and Prof. Ria De Bleser for giving me the opportunity
to work in such a stimulating research environment. Many thanks
to Reinhold Kliegl for his generous time and commitment to science.
His infectious enthusiasm and unlimited zeal have been major driving
forces through my graduate time at Potsdam University. Throughout
my doctoral work, he continually stimulated my analytical thinking,
guided my development of research skills, taught me many ways of
data analysis, and greatly assisted me with scientific writing. He not
only laid out the theoretical and methodological foundations of my re-
search; he was also a constructive critic in the best sense. Many thanks
to Prof. Ria De Bleser for early sparking my interest in cognitive sci-
ence, especially in reading research. She encouraged me to develop
independent thinking and I wish to thank her for her support and for
providing very helpful comments on the first drafts.
I am very grateful for the experience of being a part of the cognitive
psychology group at Potsdam University. I want to thank in general
all fellows and members of the faculty for creating such a friendly and
stimulating context that widened my scientific understanding of (cog-
nitive) science in many aspects. I am extremely grateful for the assis-
tance, generosity, and advice I received from Dr. Jochen Laubrock who
assisted me with programming experiments and who read through
my draft copies and gave very constructive feedback and inspiring
comments. I would like to thank Prof. Ralf Engbert for his open ear
and advice to any question I had throughout the years. I’ve also had
the good fortune to have Michael Dambacher as a research colleague
and office mate who listened to my ideas as well as my complain-
ing. Working with him has been very productive, rewarding, and
a lot of fun. I wish to thank Konstantin Mergenthaler for introduc-
Aing and helping me with LT X and for being a good friend throughE
all the years. The best and worst moments of my doctoral disserta-
tion journey have been shared with many other people from the re-
search group who I want to thank for their support and fruitful dis-
cussions: Hans Trukenbrod, Sarah Risse, Olaf Dimigen, Antje Nuth-
mann, Anja Gendt, Eike Richter, Martin Rolfs, Murilo Babtista, Daniel
Schad, Robin Hörnig, and Kathrin Göthe.
I am grateful to the heads of international graduate school ‘Compu-
tational Neuroscience of Behavioral and Cognitive Dynamics’ at the
University of Potsdam who supported me financially in the first two
years of the dissertation. Thanks to the Institute of German and Dutch
Language and Literature at the Department of Philosophy and Hu-
manities at the Freie Universität Berlin for providing the opportunity
to continue my research. I am especially grateful to Prof. Gisela Klann-
Delius for giving me the time and space to finish my dissertation at the
University of Potsdam as well as for her excellent supervision when-
ever needed.
I want to thank everyone who was involved in the data collection,
especially Petra Grüttner and all the student assistants. Many thanks
to all the young and old participants in the reading experiments.
I could never have reached the heights or explored the depths with-
out the help, guidance, and efforts of a lot of people outside of Cam-
pus. Therefore, I wish to thank my friends and my family for their
support and faith in my work. I especially want to thank my hus-
band Philip for his much needed and well placed support and love
throughout the years.